So Penn Medicine where I'm going to get my surgery is doing a 12 week exercise research study on pre-op patients. I apparently lost my mind at the last support group meeting and signed up for the study. First session was this morning (it is once a week for the 12 weeks).
I know it is about making progress over the 12 weeks and not trying to match or outperform anyone other than doing better than my performance today. It was still just so frustrating and depressing that in a class of obese people awaiting surgery, I was still the least fit by far. We started with a plank test. I could barely hold the position for 12 seconds...12 teeny tiny seconds, that's it. Most people did around 30, one lady went over 2 minutes! Then there was the 6 minute walk test - basically up and down the hallway as many times as we could in 6 minutes. I didn't really count how many laps but I was seriously huffing and puffing by the time the 6 minutes were up. We did it in pairs, and the lady beside almost lapped me. Granted a few months ago I would not have been able to do the distance I did today.
And then some of the exercises we did afterward - push ups, squats, lunges and some other exercises down on our knees on the floor. Some I them I couldn't even do the number of repetitions we were supposed to because my knee hurt so bad having that much pressure on it pressing against the hard floor.
So I left feeling very defeated. Even during, I had flashbacks to middle and high school gym class where I struggled, especially with the dreaded yearly presidential physical fitness tests - I was always the worst in the class.
Again, I know it is about making progress, just right now I feel so far behind and wondering how I'm going to manage next week when after 30 minutes of those exercises, we go outside on the streets of Philly and walk for 30 minutes. Like in public, with other people on the streets. How am I even going to keep up with the rest of the class? I know my poor performance from today proves how much I do need this class, just worried about whether I can even do it...
Sorry for the long post, just needed to vent and get it out.