Hello Jessicalee196,
Ok Pitty party is over kid...this is your journey, your decision, your health, your life. I believe when I made up my mind to do this for myself everything else was easy.
Here's the thing...I can only tell you that no matter what you decide what to do with your life if it's taking a new job, starting a new diet, or jumping off the deep end, someone near and dear to you will have to put in their own two cents.
Do what makes you happy, stare the junk food down and overcome. When you find that strength it is so empowering. You will be able to say to the boyfriend, (that's ok honey, if you want pizza you can have pizza, or a burger or what ever) but you can remind him that you want him to be healthy too.
Maybe teach him how to make healthier choices.
After the surgery I had (gastric bypass) you quickly learn their is no turning back.
It is scary but at the same time exciting.
Their is a new saying it says 'Lean Inn' get ready for all that is in front of you, if the relationship is meant to last the test of time it will, if not get ready for a new beginning. Be ready to take control, no excuses like the boyfriend made you eat something bad. Your giving up your power. I know that your afraid, but you don't have to be. (you got me
Stay Kool...