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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by appletree

  1. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    Do I have to sent you a friend request on facebook, I only sent you a pm
  2. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    will sent per private message
  3. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    HI Goddess, I have sent you a request on fb about 1.5 week ago and also have sent you private messages to this site but you have not responded or added me to the FB page, so i was wondering what the problem is?
  4. appletree

    Home Gym Equipment

    I totally understand Curvy Cooper, we have a high deductible coinsurance plan as well, it is a real drain. There are many things that are not so expensive and you can do at home. I really like my hula hoop, it is great for core exercise and cardio, but you can't start that till your surgeon gives permission 6-7 weeks after surgery because your incisions will need time to heal to get back to full strength takes about 1 year for your incisions to heal to full strength, but 6 weeks post surgery most pays will allow you to start slowly weight training, hula etc!.
  5. appletree

    Home Gym Equipment

    I forgot to mention I got a big exercise ball as well, which is inexpensive.
  6. appletree

    Home Gym Equipment

    by he way the you can use the portable elliptical sitting down to get the feeling going for a while first, I have not used it in a standing position yet, but you can get a real workout sitting down too!
  7. appletree

    Home Gym Equipment

    Thank you Curvy Cooper! I am really pushing myself it is a big decision and it is a serious surgery, so I want to make sure i am doing everything I can, it's hard because I start work at 8am and during the week I go to the pool early before work. I have noticed that it makes me feel a lot better for the rest of the day and I am also sleeping a lot better! Previously bought a 4.4 lbs, but at this time I using another one which I like better. From the heavier one previouslyI got a lot of bruising, maybe in the future I will start using that one again. The one I am using now is an adult hula hoop 42 inches, total 2 lbs, which the tubing amounts to for that size I got it from Amazon. The first time I used it I did it for a total of 25 min it dropped a lot and I had to restart a million times, but I was so extremely sore and in pain for 7 days after that, I would not recommend that, but to slowly work up the time from 1-2 minutes and slowly adding 1 min every day or every other day. I also have 2 little hula hoops for arm exercises I do not use it much yet, but I am trying to start using it, I am unable to do this at the same time. It is not advised to get a childs one if you look at some hula hoops sites. They are a lot cheaper but I wouldn't be able to use them. they also sell foldable ones they fold in about half if you have less room to store or if you need to travel with them. I do have a portable step eliptical but personally I have not been using that much. When I walk on my treadmill I am watching netflix or amazon prime video it helps me to keep going. For my aerobics I got a mp 3 player with radio that I can use in the Water. I know that all those things are expensive and it is not that I have money to spare, but I have not taken good care of myself always having my kids come first and I am able to receive some reimbursement from my work for exercise equipment each year. I do not know if you are interested in going to the gym and I do not know if you have an HSA, HRA or FSA account, but if you get a letter from your PCP or surgeon that you need to exercise due to it it has to state a Dx you can use your membership fees for the year to get reimbursed through those accounts.
  8. appletree

    Home Gym Equipment

    i have a foldable treadmill and I use a hula hoop at home I was sleeved 11/25 and started 7 weeks post op with hula hoop, the treadmill I used right away 2 days post surgery when I came home. I also started using lbs weights for arm exercises 1 week post op. I do use the gym 6 times a week for aqua exercise for 1 hour I started that 6.5 weeks post op. The folding treadmill does not take much room, but it is a big investment.
  9. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    HI I am not sure if I send the PM on facebook to the correct Sara, did you go to Harding?
  10. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    tried to connect to facebook group, sent private message not sure if I have the right Sara Hummel? did you go to harding? so that I know I have the right person? THanks
  11. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    Hi! I was sleeved on 11/25 as well, SW 250lbs surgery weight 228.8lbs current 199lbs but a kind of stuck at this weight for about 1 week. I do 5 to 7 times a week aqua aerobics, started hula hooping, but I have severe upper abdominal muscle pain not sure if that was from the one time hula hooping for about 15 min or the abdominal scrunches I have been doing in the Water, it is my upper abdominal muscles also going to both sides, really painful. Eating 60-70 g protein water on average 70 ounces, started yesterday with salad with fresh broccoli and carrots and today approx. 1/2 apple for the rest only protein.
  12. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    I see that my weight fluctuates when I have my period and the week before I loose less, exercising has definitely helped me tone my body and make it look different besides loosing the weight, do not get to stuck on weight have you measured if you are loosing inches as well?
  13. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    Hi Steph Anie You look great, congrats!
  14. Have been swimming and aqua exercise and water walking for 10 days every day, today I took my first hydro class I love the water it is great resistance and a wonderful work out! Thursday I will be 6 weeks post surgery

    1. fairee


      I love the water too and I hope to find a pool that is affordable and has classes! Surgery is in 2 weeks for me!

    2. appletree


      I understand, just FYI if you have a FSA or HSA account if youhave a letter of medical necessity for a medical condition that exercise can help with ask your phys PCP is fine to write and you can use funds from FSA or HSA to get reimbursement for membership fees.

  15. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    Responding to goddess977 My phys prescribed taking antacid every day as well as ursdiol 300mg twice a day which can prevent gallstones forming, which can be a problem with fast weight loss for at least 6 monhts,
  16. I think that people are judgmental and have only told very few coworkers, that I know will not tell other people, and of course my husband and kids (teenagers) know. For the rest I did tell some people that I had gall bladder surgery and needed to recover and changed the way I am eating and exercise. Yes people are very judgmental. I think the surgery is a great tool to get started and help you loose weight in beginning faster so its easier to exercise and get into good habit of smaller portions etc, but you still have to do all the work and keep it up. So do what you feel good about and only tell the people that you feel comfortable with.
  17. appletree

    Aetna ***

    Yes Aetna approved surgery after I followed their instructions for what needed to be done, the cost of out of pocket expenses depends on you using an in network or out of network provider, your own deductible and coinsurance and how much you have paid for the year out of pocket already. It is very important you are proactive to understand your insurance and out of pocket expenses and call the insurance if something is not clear.
  18. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    I wanted to respond to SCARLAP but did not see a reply button, I have a f.u with my physician at 6 weeks which will be this wednesday and waiting for approval to start hula hooping, i was thinking that might be something when allowed by physician that you want to try. It is great for toning and cardio and not as expensive to buy as many exercise machines. You can look on line, just make sure that you have one that is the right size, not a childs one. It will maybe take a little time to be able to do this, but most people can learn it. Also 5 lbs dumb bell weights are great as well as ankle weights, which you can use when walking in your home or out with stroller. Good luck!
  19. appletree

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    Sleeved 11/25/15 started 8/4/15 250 lbs date of surgery 228.8, currently 201.8. Have been walking on my treadmill till 4 weeks post up, also using albs weights for arm exercise, but at 4 weeks started with approval of physician swimming, 15 swimming and 30 min now at 45 min aqua exercise and walking, love that, great for everything Water is great protects your joints and toning muscle, go every day before work since I started Saturday one week ago have not missed a day yet, hard to go, but feel great afterwards. Ok with 64 ounces of water, ok with Protein 60-80 gram, but hard to get anything else in regarding fruits and vegetables. Have eaten very well cooked brocolli and carrots and apple sauce, but many days since I started soft foods just enough to deal with protein, eating cottage cheese and 1 cheese stick for Breakfast, or yogurt, lunch chicken, tuna or sometimes lox same for dinner.
  20. I understand your frustration and the whole process before during and long life is hard. I am a nurse case manager and have many patients go for this surgery and I have seen all kind of results, I just went for this surgery myself on 11/25/15, Do not give up, you might not have had many health problems at the former weight, but that was just waiting to happen. Do not give up. Did you ever try to go to the pool and do Water walking, you can research on google and I have also seen people reset their diet with doing fluids for some days. It is important to change your exercise as well. The water intake and Protein requirements will not change, I am sorry you are hungry, but if you drink more water that might help. Good luck and be proud of what you have accomplished.
  21. I am 4 weeks 3 days post surgery and went swimming for first time, did laps for 15 min then went water walking for 15 min really pushing myself, early in morning, it was exhausting and more tired then after my walk in the treadmill for 45 min, but I feel great, and I am proud of myself!

  22. appletree

    Do You Eat Breakfast? What Do You Have?

    Greek yogurt with a tiny tiny bit of half sugar jelly ( i can't stand the fake sugars( If i had fresh berries I would add that, I tried to ground up peach from can, but that did not give it much taste
  23. appletree

    Steri-strips and showers?

    I am a nurse and underwent GS surgery, do not take of steri strips! they need to fall off by themselves! Showers are fine, no bath

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
