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About banded_jem

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    Intermediate Member
  1. banded_jem

    December Banders Where Are You?

    They wanted to monitor me to make sure I was okay. I am in Scotland and apparently it's normal practise to do that here x
  2. banded_jem


    Just to let you all know that's me banded now and home. Gas pains are the worst! Managing a good amount of Water (1.5l a day) at the moment and a cup of Soup and half a shake. Think when the gas pains subside it will get better. Thanks for all your support guys! Xxxx
  3. banded_jem

    December Banders Where Are You?

    @@kiba78 Surgery went well. Got kept in overnight which I was thankful for. The gas pain is worse than anything else. Think that's what's preventing me managing more liquids. At the moment making sure I get 1.5l of Water in throughout the day. I am managing 1 cup of Soup and half a shake roughly. Does that sound about right? X
  4. I too had my surgery on Wednesday. Felt really uncomfortable but think that might be the air that we are filled with for surgery. Trapped wind is painful big more so when we are healing. I am managing to drink 1.5 litres of water a day- not much food what so ever right now but gradually getting there x
  5. I was banded yesterday- exactly 24 hours ago! And I must admit I am not in as much pain as I thought. Did feel sick last night but got an anti sickness injection and felt much better. What did you all have day 1 post op? I was thinking of a peppermint tea and half a shake to start. Will that be too much? Xx
  6. banded_jem


    Ah brilliant! That's me all checked in! Surgery in less than 2 hours now. Thanks for all the positivity ladies! ???? x
  7. banded_jem


    Thanks so much!!! Will keep you posted!! ???? xx
  8. banded_jem

    December Banders Where Are You?

    My surgery is tomorrow!!! Actually so excited now!!! Any tips for post op from any recent banders? X
  9. banded_jem


    Thanks very much! I will be asking lots of questions! Xx
  10. banded_jem


    Hi Everyone! I am getting my band next week! It's came around so quickly! Had my pre-op yesterday and all went well! I suppose I am really excited but not nervous yet. It's freaking me out more that I am not nervous. I have only told my close friends and family about the band but I told my work I am getting my gallbladder out! I hate lying but the people at my work are so judgemental. I weighed in at 258lbs. (can't do KG weight haha) I can hear people now saying "you took the easy way out" but I am finding nothing about this easy! I think continuing to eat the way I am and ignoring the fact that I am obese would be easy. Have any of you been asked if you have had WLS and what have you said? Jem x
  11. banded_jem

    December Banders Where Are You?

    Mines is the 9th December!! X

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
