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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by LeslesLosingIt

  1. My doctor recommended the Optisource Bariatric chewable. You take like 4 a day but they have everything that a WLS patient needs.
  2. LeslesLosingIt


    I had some mild reflux before that was well controlled with Omeprazole, I still take it after but he just upped my dose a little bit. I'm almost 4 weeks out and havent' had any issues.
  3. So mondays are my official weigh days. I try to stay off the scale (I don't own any, work at a doctors office and use those) except for one day a week. I had surgery 12/28 and last week I didn't lose any from the week before. I was on my cycle, and I"m hoping that was the issue... but I'm honestly scared to weigh tomorrow and not see the numbers the dropped. I know that is ridiculous, and that this isn't all about the numbers, but I don't want to feel defeated if it stays the same. I am getting my Protein in, all the Water I can (which some days is below what I should be... but 99% of the time I get it and then some). I also started working out this weekend, I'm hoping that will make a difference. I know this forum is full of "stall" posts and I'm sorry to add to that... I just worry about getting down on myself.
  4. LeslesLosingIt

    Scared to weigh tomorrow....

    Thank you everyone for the positive comments.... I weighed, down 3 pounds. Not as much as I was hoping, but as one of my best friends says (he had the surgery) those are three pounds that are gone. 3 less to worry about. So, even thought it isn't exactly what I was hoping for, I am happy. I'm down to 238, I haven't been in the 230's since college, and that was a long time ago! Celebrating every victory, no matter how small.
  5. LeslesLosingIt

    Scared to weigh tomorrow....

    Thank you!! I keep hearing about people losing in this first weeks and I just want to be one of them!
  6. LeslesLosingIt

    Scared to weigh tomorrow....

    I haven't taken measurements yet. I will do that this week. I can tell I've lost some. It's hard to notice. I also didn't take proper before pictures, which I regret big time now.
  7. LeslesLosingIt

    Calories per day

    I've been wondering about this too! I do maybe 500 a day, and usually burn more than that at the gym... I'm only 3 weeks out so still mushy foods, the only real food I "eat" is tuna...everything else is Soup and Protein shakes. My fitnesspal keeps yelling at me about eating more calories, I'm like shut up! haha I just wonder if I'm eating enough.... I have my 3rd week check up this week and that is on my list of questions.
  8. LeslesLosingIt

    Reintroducing Caffeine

    I never stopped drinking it.. my doc said as long as I'm getting all my fluids PLUS the coffee it was fine, that I was not to substitute it for other liquids, and no more than one cup a day. I used to drink like 6 cups a day black. No lie. I was an addict.. haha. Now I drink maybe 1/4 in the mornings, just for a teeny caffeine boost. I haven't drank a full cup yet, even though I know I'm technically allowed, just because getting in all the fluids fist is my top concern.
  9. LeslesLosingIt

    Sad/fustrated. ..

    I needed the good laugh this caused..haha. I am experiencing my first "stall" of a week, period related I'm hoping. I'm trying to be calm and not think about it.
  10. LeslesLosingIt


    My surgeon said to get the opitsouce bariatric chewables. So problems so far, take them 4x a day.
  11. LeslesLosingIt

    Does this sound like a stall?

    You sound exactly like me! we were even sleeved the same day! haha I have been guilty of weighing everyday (which is easy to do, I work at a doctors office) and I have had a few days where that happened and got frustrated. I've also commited to only weighing once a week, starting this week so we'll see how that goes!! I feel your pain, it's so hard not to weigh, and expect some kind of drop everytime.
  12. Hello all! I had my VSG on 12/28, was in the hospital until wed. I have had a very easy time... like I'm worried too easy... haha. I can drink water/soup, it does cause some cramps no nausea. I'm not able to get all I'm supposed to yet, but it's getting easier every day. I don't have any pain really. I have a drain that gets taken out on Jan 6, and other than it being annoying I've had no issues from it either. I don't know why but my LACK of pain, etc concerns me. I've heard from others I know how the first week was awful...and I'm just not seeing that. Also, how long did y'all wait before weighing yourself?? I'm a chronic weigher. My roommate actually just hid the scales because I weighed myself and saw that I GAINED 5 pounds since surgery day... I'm sure that is normal, what with the swelling and all.. I should have known better.
  13. Probably being able to buy cute bras/panties that don't cost an arm and a leg... all the bigger ones that are cute are $$$$$. Also crossing my legs, and walking stairs easier.
  14. LeslesLosingIt

    Any December Sleever's?

    Just got everything finalized last week for my Dec 28 surgery! excited and nervous, but mostly excited!! My husband had it done 1 1/2 years go so I do kind of know what to expect.... and I have great support from him. Will be all liquid on Christmas, so we'll see how that goes. :/

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
