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  1. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    I'm doing pretty good. I'm about a month ahead of you. I've lost about 22 lbs since surgery 33 lbs all together including pre-op. I feel like I'm losing slow but when I look back I'm pretty happy with the results. How are you doing?
  2. I know I just answered you in the other post, but thought I'd put it here too. I went with Dr. Ariel Ortiz though OCC. He has sooo many videos. his website is very informative. He shows a 360 YouTube video of him performing the surgery. And there is a private (and public) Facebook group where you can get answers to questions. I'm 43 days out. I'm very happy with my decision.
  3. I chose Dr. Ariel Ortiz with OCC. Soo happy with my decision. It was a good experience. I'm about 43 days out.
  4. This article just came out in my local paper. 8 people in my state have contracted the "super bug" in Mexico and one has died. There are many good doctors out there. But do not use Dr. Almanza. Every patient used him who contracted the infection. I personally recently had surgery in Mexico but I'm fine and I've had a great experience. I researched and followed the facility for 4 years before I made the leap. Please do your research. Cheapest isn't always the best. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/07/22/utahn-dies-after-weight/
  5. 8 people in my state have all used Weight Loss Agents, had surgery by Dr. Almanza, and have become infected. One has died. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/07/22/utahn-dies-after-weight/
  6. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    The staple and the stitches he has been doing for awhile. More recently he started adding a few stitches to anchor the stomach in place. This will keep us from getting hernias. (They cut a bunch of tissue to get the big part of the stomach out and it can leave it more free floating and can cause hernias. This link explains what our surgeon does. http://edu.occbalance.com/app/public/occ/education/lesson/eyJpdiI6IlZcL1lqZTlIR1pmTEdMMjF5WHBWMDJBPT0iLCJ2YWx1ZSI6IlZIZURPVnNNOFNUVkRPSHRGTTZETUdLSDVMWWc1aGxFT3Y4c21hYk1cL1FvPSIsIm1hYyI6ImZmYTJlOGM2NGY1MjgxNWYzMWFjZTJjYWRmMmYwMmI1ZDhjMWI5MzI1OGQzNTVhMWIwMjM4ODkxZGYzM2M3OTEifQ==
  7. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    Ninabnina, I'm also glad we find each other!
  8. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    I've heard 2-4 oz. It is different for everyone.
  9. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    Haha! I just typed up this really long response and then my phone glitched and it's gone. Yes dr. Ortiz told us all about the super sleeve. That sounds awesome because I think it will keep us from getting hernias. I once heard that plication is the same cost as the sleeve. Someone recently asked if people have regained weights. Two come to mind who said that they regained quite a bit of weight. Some said they have gained back 5 or 10 lb but that they were fine with it because they had lost too much weight. Most said that they maintained within about 5 lb. All of them said that you can never relax and eat the way you used to. You have to use this time to retrain your brain. I hope I can.
  10. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    Well most of them it's not that it totally failed... It's after a few years they gained weight. Everyone says that this is a tool and you still have to do the work. I'm just afraid that it won't work for me. Even the people who say that it didn't work great for them admit that they are eating food they shouldn't. But seeing the success stories is amazing. OCC does a sleeve rescue. If after a few years you feel like your pouch is bigger, you can have it plicated to be smaller again. Several have done this. I just have to tell myself that it's not all over. I will lose weight and if I feel like I can eat more I can get it plicated. (Of course that's more money $$$)
  11. SLSH

    Denied and Grieving

    Have you considered Mexico? Out of pocket mine was about $7,000 (I was low risk and this includes medicines and flight.) I had mine done recently with a BMI of 30. They had me lose weight to get to 215 to shrink my liver before surgery. (Check out OCC with Dr. Ariel Ortiz.) I wouldn't have qualified to have it done here in the United States so I went to Mexico. It was a good experience and I'm so glad I did it. Please don't give up. Find another way. ❤️
  12. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    I'm doing pretty good. I start pureed foods in a couple of days (although I've had a few pureed things already). I'm starting to gag on protein shakes. I LOVED them in the beginning so I'm surprised I'm starting to hate them. Sometimes I feel my restriction and sometimes I'm sure I don't have any restriction. I am down 9 lbs since surgery (20 lbs total) so I can't complain. I'm just scared this won't work. I can't imagine being thin. On OCC's Facebook page I see everyone's success stories and I get excited, but then there's the handful of people who say it didn't work for them. I'm so afraid that will be me!! Haha. Long rant. How are you doing?
  13. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    I am experiencing the same thing as you. I'm doing great. Liquids go down perfect. I don't really get a full feeling. I'm hoping when I eat real food I'll feel a restriction. I'm nervous. When I was doing the barium swallow, that doctor said that I had a long stomach. He said I would have good restriction but now I'm worried I'll be able to eat more because my stomach is "long." Hopefully it'll be ok.
  14. SLSH

    Just sleeved 6-17-19!!

    I had mine done by Dr. Ariel Ortiz on June 10th! Maybe we saw each other at the Marriott!
  15. SLSH

    June 2019 sleevers

    Hello, I am 13 days post op and I'm doing pretty good. I'm on liquids only still for another few days and then I'm on to pureed food. I have already had some pureed food and I handled it pretty well. I'm curious how everyone else is doing who is post op. How long does your plan require that you be on liquids and what is the rest of it like? I'm down 20 lbs since pre-op (9 since WLS)

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