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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Well, tomorrow morning is my Upper GI. The first of two visits this week. YIPES, it's gonna be here before I know it. Went grocery shopping today. My Pre-OP diet starts Tuesday. Our fridge is now filled with cottage cheese, V8, puddings, SF cremesicles and fudgesicles. One step at a time.
  2. globally yours

    My "so-far" pics.. nervous to post!

    What progress! Super job!
  3. globally yours

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hi All just read through this thread and how encouraging to see your lows turn into highs. I started this journey in January, and tomorrow go for my Upper GI, with surgery on the 27th. O how I want it all to go easy! I´ve been walking a mile everyday at a local park for about a month now. My dogs are the best walking partners in the world. All I have to do is say the word "walk" and their heads snap to attention! Hoping that the walking will help in my recovery, in addition to being healthier for me. Thanks for your stories, inspiration and hopefully support!
  4. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    BBK, wow so sorry you're having to go through all this. Hope they can do something about your port to make it much more comfortable. You are one of my heros. Keep resting, and do what the Doc tells you. Lots of gentle hugs!
  5. globally yours

    It's My Turn!

    Hi Everyone, Sorry I've not be on this week. Really busy, and my sweet mom got married. So precious, she's 66,and I'm so pleased she has a wonderful man in her life now. Glad to hear you're doing so well Banded. I go tomorrow morning for my Upper GI, then Tuesday for my Pre OP testing, and final bariatric appointment. That's when I start my pre-op lovely liquid diet. So our fridge is filled with lots of cottage cheese, broth, V8, and popsicles!
  6. globally yours

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    I'm May 27th!
  7. globally yours

    Surgery Date

    My surgery is at Clark Memorial in Jeffersonville. Still doesn't seem real this is happening. I started this process in January, and now I'm 16 days away!
  8. globally yours

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    Inspiration in a photo for sure!
  9. globally yours

    It's My Turn!

    WOW sounds like you're doing great Banded Girl! I was wondering about sleeping on my side, which is my favorite! Bet you can almost feel the pounds sliding off! Lele I'm getting mine done at Clark Memorial. My liquid diet starts the 20th. We did go to Golden Corral today. Wanted some of those yummy yeast rolls before they are a no no! But the funny thing is as addicted to Diet pop as I was, they don't even taste good anymore. I've been off them since middle of Jan, and when I try a taste of my hubby's, it just tastes yuck. Which is a good thing! Take care, and have a great weekend!
  10. globally yours

    Weight Related Injuries

    O dear so sorry about all your injuries. Hopefully soon we will feel much better!
  11. Hi BBK, hoping your surgery went well. Just stopping by to say my sugery is on May 27th and you have always been one of my heroines on this website! Hope you're feeling better each day.

  12. globally yours

    It's My Turn!

    Thanks everyone!
  13. globally yours

    Surgery Date

    We gotta stick together!
  14. globally yours

    Surgery Date

    Thank you! I'm very excited, but wow this is going to be a killer month. I just was offered a new job YESTERDAY, my mom is getting married on the 15th, pre op testing on the 17th and 20th, surgery on the 27th, reception for mom on the 31st! My head is spinning! I have to start the pre-op diet on the 20th. I'm trying to get up the nerve to read through the instructions again!
  15. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Received my call today! May 27th!
  16. globally yours

    Clarksville Indiana

    ooooooooooooo Congrats Bandedgirl! How's the pre-op diet going? Do you feel headachey? Will be thinking of you Monday. What time do you go in?
  17. globally yours

    Anyone using Clark Memorial Hospital

    O dear.Sorry you got sick! Glad you're better. They have sent off everything to insurance. Hoping to hear this week!
  18. globally yours

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    :closedeyes:I dream of being "overweight!"
  19. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Thank you LMJ, and LMBA! I appreciate your support, you never will know how much!
  20. globally yours

    What to do when you can't sleep?

    OK girl. Just was thinking about you. Sure hope you get some relief soon.
  21. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I have officially arrived!!!!!!!!! At 299! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  22. globally yours

    What to do when you can't sleep?

    BBK, just wonder if the sleep thing every got any better?
  23. globally yours

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    Frangi-WOW! What great results you've had. Keep up the good work. You have a gorgeous view too!
  24. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm getting soooo close. Can't wait to see the 200's! My insurance packet was sent off this week, so hope to banded soon. I so want to be under 300 before surgery. Some sort of mental thing you know. Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo staindgal..............315.................8............307.........29 5........12 MrJumbles............288................4.2..........283.8.......268.. .....15.8 RidinMyHDDream....256.................0............256.........247.... .....9 LilMissBand-Aid......269.................3...........266..........259........7 Globally Yours........308................2............301.........299.......... 2 Insubordination......273................8.4..........264.6......268.. ....-3.4
  25. globally yours

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    LJM, WOW! What a transformation for you. You are a lapband Super Hero for sure!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
