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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    I spent most of last night coughing horribly, so DH took me to Urgent Care. I have bronchitis. So now on liquid antibiotics, an inhaler, zrytec, cough medicine. The meds make me really sleepy. Anyway, good to know I'm on the way to recovery now. The bronchitis has been worse than the surgery!
  2. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    I've not put my post about day of surgery yet, cause have felt so rotten with this cold. Will do it soon though. I made it through my mom's reception. Thank goodness she lived across the street from the reception hall. When we first arrived I tried greeting people, but it was really hot and got to feeling sick, so walked over to house. My DH came for me when the band was getting ready to play, so walked back to hear them. My hubby and friends have a band. By that time it was a bit cooler, and I was able to enjoy the music and visit with friends and family. More than one person told me I was a real trooper to do this only 4 days post op! And told me how good I looked.
  3. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Oh, the plummer problems! My DH said last night my tummy was so noisy he thought it would wake me up.:laugh:
  4. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    O the scale thing. Looks like I've lost 10 pounds (according to my scale) since the surgery on the 27th! Course my diet has been very limited. However, I LOVE seeing the numbers go down.
  5. globally yours

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    It's a cold for sure. DH had it earlier in the week. I'm not as sore today, just miserable with this cold. Keep rubbing vicks on me which helps, and am taking Dimetapp. Today is a reception for my mom and stepdad. I might have to spend most of the time at her house rather than at the reception hall. Hey do you guys feel your port? The sorest spot on me is the left had side where the port is.
  6. globally yours

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    Do you think the itchies might be nerve endings trying to heal? Hope you can sleep tonight. Yes, there should be a law that says you can't sneeze or cough after surgery. Who do we see about that? LOL I'm going to bed Just really tired today. And blowing my nose like crazy. YUK
  7. globally yours

    Scheduled for May? What Day?

    Hi All I was banded on May 27th. All went well, and the Dr was surprised at how much I was walking. A bit of a setback for me though because I caught my hubby's cold. So pretty miserable from being sore from the surgery, and now the cold. GRRR. Sneezing and coughing aren't much fun right now. I tried some strained cream of chicken soup. Drank abou 3/4 of cup, and felt so full like I was gonna burst! Lesson learned.
  8. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Yes family and friends know about it. It's just now I'm running temp with this silly cold thing, and had a bout of diarreah while ago. Oh the joys! Hoping tomorrow will be better.
  9. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Thank you for the pics from before BBK. What a wonder you are! Now you are inspiration in a leopard dress!
  10. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Welcome Home! We're all in this together.
  11. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    That's what I'm thinking too. Hoping it passes soon. Tomorrow we are having a reception for my mom. She remarried two weeks ago, and I so want to go!
  12. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Thank you Little Miss. I the runs too right now, but from what I read that isn't so unusual. Who in their right mind would say having WLS is the easy way out?
  13. globally yours

    Major Diarrhea 4 days post-op

    I'm having the same issue. Was banded on the 27th. Won't go into the details, but it's nice to know others have experienced the same.
  14. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    I'm at 293, was banded Tuesday. So we shall see what happens. Still pretty sore, and have my hubby's cold, not so nice when I have to sneeze or cough.
  15. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Yeah, my baby slept on the hide a bed too. Didn't work. POO! Speaking of poo, did anyone have trouble with diarreah afterwards. It's probably because I'm drinking so much, or the anasethetic.
  16. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    My surgery was Tuesday. All went very well. The Dr couldn't believe how much I was walking the halls. When they did the video swallow test it was COOL! The stuff tasted nasty that I had to drink, but I could see my stomach on the monitor and could see the liquid go down. WOW! My only problem is I ahve a terrible cold from my hubby! Gotta rest.
  17. globally yours

    It's My Turn!

    Surgery May 27th!
  18. globally yours

    It's My Turn!

    Hi everyone Everything went very smoothly for me. I was up walking around within a couple of hours, and would rest, then walk, rest then walk. I had a private room which was sooooooooo nice. My Dr was shocked how much I was walking. The only bummer is I've caught my husband's cold, so am miserable with that as well. Still pretty sore.
  19. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    :thumbup:BBK what can I say but WOW!!!!!!! You look MARVELOUS! You've always been one of my heroines! They need to do a transforming you on the top of the page. Congratulations! Is there anywhere online that has pics of you from beginning to transformation? Tomorrow is my day!
  20. globally yours

    It's My Turn!

    Love that Hot Pink! Glad you can wear them, cause I would be flat on my face! 17 down!!!! HOORAY FOR YOU! Doing good on the Pre-op diet. Wow! This time tomorrow morning I will be on the surgery table!!!!!!! Planning on keeping myself busy today. Me and my doggies went for our 1mile walk already. Hoping soon after the surgery, I can increase to two miles!!!! Bandedgirl, thanks for your positive feelings! I will be in the hospital overnight. eeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! It's gonna happen!
  21. I'm doing the Pre-Op diet, and followed the Drs advice about unjury. I can honestly say, I haven't had that shakey or weak feeling, AT ALL. Not had one headache either from not having having enough Protein. I prefer the Unjury Vanilla, have mixed it with Soy milk, and sometimes even put it in my SF pudding. The week has gone MUCH better than expected.
  22. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    It's coming up fast huh Jess? We have such a busy weekend, it's gonna be Tuesday before we know it!
  23. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Ok Girls. Wow my date is coming up on Tuesday! I've been doing really good on the Pre-Op. So glad I bought the Unjury Protein Powder, because not once have I felt weak or headachey. I've lost 6lbs so far with the pre-op diet. Starting to get a bit nnnnervous, but trying to take it one step at a time. We have such a busy weekend, that before we know it, I'm going to be in recovery!!!!!!! (I hope!)
  24. globally yours

    Surgery Date

    Hello All Received my call today! May 27th!
  25. globally yours

    It's My Turn!

    Hi All, woke up about 6, and took my little doggies for our mile walk. Did the Upper GI. Got really ticked how they make you "rollover" twice to get the barrium to coat your stomach. Felt like I was in obedience school! The Dr said everything looked good. The barium made me feel queasy afterward, so I'm pouring down the liquids. Gorgeous here today. We're going for a picnic this afternoon.

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