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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Exersice Band Wagon

    We had a super nice cool day here. Took my doggies for a 20 minute walk this morning, walked 10 minutes at lunch, then wallked a mile after dinner. WAHOO! I
  2. globally yours

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    I got the regular cuff today too! It´s the little victories!
  3. globally yours

    Exersice Band Wagon

    Yesterday at work I rode a seated stepper for 25 miinutes. Gotta do things easy on the joints at this point.
  4. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Thanks everyone. Think I've lost more this week too. Had my Giirl Thing last week, and hadn't had one for 3 months, so hey I'll take a loss no matter how it comes! Sounds like everyone is doing good. They delayed my first fill a week, cause Dr is going out of town. My tummy is growling a lot, but am trying to ignore it, and keep drinking water! I was able to do a recumant bike today. My ankle is improving, have an appointment with my family Dr about it tomorrow. It's gonna be funny, cause he thought it would be a year before I had my surgery, where in reality it took 6 months from the seminar to the surgery. He's not a very big supporter of Lapband, but he's friends my with surgeon, and my surgeon told me they argue about it all the time! So it will be interesting to see what he has to say to me!
  5. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Hi May 27th Bandsters! Last week for my weigh in I was down 22 pounds since surgery.
  6. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    BBK, so sorry your Dr is obnoxious. He maybe hoping you will just "settle" for whatever he will do for you, without stretching his pocketbook. You certainly have a right to know "we'll talk later" means, and in writing. Tonight at our support group, there was talk about how overweight people accept lower than standard medical treatment. You have come a long way baby, please watch out that any old feelings you may have let you settle. As far as the interview, Chickie had some wonderful advice. As much as we adore you here, and want only the best for you, think about the long term consequences of the interview, Pro and Con
  7. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Weighed in today. Down 22 pounds since surgery. HOORAY!
  8. Long story short, I have twisted my ankles three times since December. Sunday I twiste my right one again. Went to Dr, nothing broken, but it sure gets me down, when I'm ready to start exercising. So my surgery was on May 27th, on June 1st got bronchitis, on June 8th twisted my ankle. Kinda been rough. But got to start mushies today! My hubby went to our favorite mexican restaurant, and got my favorite dish. Slapped into into the blender, (it's a chicken, rice dish) I added a little Valentina, and wow! It's been a month since I've had any sort of meat. Ate about a cup, and am full. Hooray for mushies!
  9. globally yours

    Too Much Protein & Still Hungry!!

    Maybe you should call your doctor or the bariatric coordinator, and run it by them.
  10. globally yours

    Exersice Band Wagon

    I had started walking my mile again, then it got 95 degrees here. THEN I sprained my ankle. Going to call the gym at the hospital to see if I can set up time to exercise there. We get one month free, so between the heat and my injury hoping they can point me in the right direction.
  11. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Will be glad when I can get a fill, but not scheduled till July 3rd. I've read and reread the information from Inamed, and it says in this stage we should be more concerned about healing our pouches than losing weight. Having said that I STILL want the numbers to go down! I'm in mushies. Tonight, I had a some liquidized roast, a bit of mashed potatoes, a bit of mac and cheese, and a bit of cottage cheese. Everything fit on a sandwich sized plate. It filled me up for sure. I try to wait an hour after eating before drinking, which really does seem to keep me fuller longer.
  12. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    I can reach over in the car and just flip the trunk open. Used to have to much tummy in the way before.
  13. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    I was banded May 27th at Clark Memorial in Jeffersonville, IN. Was treated like a princess!
  14. globally yours

    AT LAST!! I no longer have 100lb to lose!

    [instead, I am trying to focus on what I have already lost. Is that reasonable?? Instead of fearing the long journey ahead, I am enjoying the journey that I have already travelled and smiling at the path under my feet. That sounds very healthy to me Heather. Enjoy the journey. Where were you banded? I live in Southern Indiana, was banded on the 27th at Clark Memorial.
  15. globally yours

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    Excellent NSV´s. Maybe no one has had this problem before but...I've not been able to pop the trunk from the inside. But arm wouldn't reach, but lo and behold! I can now!
  16. globally yours

    1st fill today for this May flower!!

    Hey Lexie We're scheduled to have our fill on the same day.
  17. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

  18. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

  19. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Yes DaVinci.
  20. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Went for my one week checkup. By my scale I'm down 15 pounds!!!!!!! Dr well pleased with me, and suggested taking zicam for my bronchitis that is still hanging on. Felt so good after the checkup, went for a mile walk!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. globally yours

    I Did It! I Did It! I Freakin Dit It!

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!! And thanks for the heads up.
  22. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    My DH bought a snow cone machine at Walmart. It's under $15. I found some SF syrup on bariatriceating.com.
  23. globally yours

    Protein Intake

    My DH took me to Smoothie King yesterday, and I got a 20 oz Gladiator. It has 45 grams of protein. However it took me 26 hours to finish it, but I'm just a few days out of surgery.
  24. globally yours

    Urinary Catheters

    I was banded on the 27th. No catheter.
  25. globally yours

    Anyone else eating normal?

    Here, here Jack. Thanks for the encouragement. Yesterday was a reception for my mom. I didn't even go over till after everyone ate. Later I heard there was tons of food. As nice as it would have been to fall face first into the lasgna, I feel better knowing I was working on my Protein Smoothee.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
