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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

  2. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    It's been a rough couple of weeks here too. We went on a mini vacation, and I made HORRIBLE choices. This week has been better, but not much. Think I need another fill too, cause can eat way too much. I stop myself (at times)! I weigh in Tuesday, so will talk to the coordinator about then. At first after my fill, I had restriction. I do in the morning, but by afternoon, I could probably eat a horse!
  3. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    Great job Nanny!
  4. globally yours

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    Thank you 13! I can´t to be your size!
  5. globally yours

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    I wish! I´ve lost 60 pounds since last November. 30 pounds since surgery!
  6. globally yours

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    Allison you look absoultely RADIANT!
  7. globally yours

    8 Weeks Out From Surgery

    Thanks Sarah!
  8. globally yours

    8 Weeks Out From Surgery

    It might be a little soon, but I'm pretty excited. Tomorrow is the official weigh in, but according to my scales I've lost 30 pounds since surgery on the 27th. The one of me in the green dress was taken a week before surgery, the one in the tourquoise dress was taken tonight.. 7/14.
  9. globally yours

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    You girls are looking AWESOME! So healthy! Great work!
  10. globally yours

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    girl power!
  11. globally yours

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    It is difficult. I had found some ice cream that was 35% less calories, Cookies and cream one of my all time faves. Well, I noticed one serving wasn´t enough, had to have another bowl. I did that two days in a row, and then WHAM! What was I thinking? Got up the next morning, put the carton in the sink, poured dish washing liquid on it, and use the sprayer to totally ruin it. Man it was difficult to do, I still wanted it! But when it all washed down the drain, I felt POWERFUL! YOU CAN DO IT!:cool2:
  12. globally yours

    8 Weeks Out From Surgery

    Thanks everyone for the encouragment. KJHack you can do it! Just keep focused. Enigma13 27 pounds, doesn´t it feel wonderful!!! My uncle had lapband surgery last Tuesday, he went today for his one week check up. He had lost 18 pounds!!!!!! I´m so pleased for him, he is very unhealthy. We are kinda doing this together.
  13. globally yours

    8 Weeks Out From Surgery

    My official weigh in says I´m down another 3, so that makes 30 since surgery. I think we are doing great too! Can´t even imagine what we´ll look like this time next year!
  14. globally yours

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    How are you doing with the exercise? Are you getting your water in?
  15. globally yours

    8 Weeks Out From Surgery

    Thank you!!!!!!! We gotta stick together! My official weigh in is today. So we shall see what happens since my fill last Thursday.
  16. globally yours

    8 Weeks Out From Surgery

    Thank you KikiVal and RFromme! RFromme, if I can do this anyone can! I even managed to give up my addiction to soft drinks, which I always had a diet pepsi in my hand! Keep us posted!
  17. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

  18. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    At LAST! A great result from your Dr. So pleased for you BBK! Your photos are absolutely gorgoeous! Thanks for the inspiration girl.
  19. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    WOW! Everyone is doing SUPER!
  20. globally yours

    Exersice Band Wagon

    Thanks Amsderb! I've been able to walk everyday this week. Wanted to sleep in this morning, but woke up at 5AM. Me and my dogs trekked out at 5:30 AM, and walked our mile in the park. Think it's supposed to be rainy here tomorrow, if it is, gonna work on some upper body stuff with some barbells. Gonna have to check out the rebounder BF1.
  21. globally yours

    It's June 2008 Already? What's happening Indiana?

    HI Bandedgirl all well here. Am supposed to have my first fill next Thursday, the 10th. Have been walking a mile everyday this week. I´ve lost 27 lbs since surgery, and 21 inches since March!
  22. globally yours

    Pin up Shoto Shoot??

    WOW! What beautiful shots BBK!
  23. globally yours

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    SeattleLight, you are to doing wonderful! We were banded the same day.
  24. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Weighed in today. Down another 5! But the really neat thing is she measured me. Since my first interview with them in March, I have lost .25 inches in my arms, 5.5 inches in my thighs, 2.5 inches in my waist and get this 11 inches in my hips!!!!!! WOW! I was blown away!
  25. globally yours

    My first fill FINALLY!!

    I was scheduled for a fill this Thursday, but Dr is on vacation, so have to wait till next Thursday. I know I'm ready for one, cause can eat a LOT it seems, and my tummy growls. Looking forward to seeing how all this works for real. AKgirl, let us know how it goes. We were banded on the same day!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
