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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Well darling, step on that scale, take responsibility, and learn from it. This is a journey not a quick run to Walmart, so we are all learning. Sometimes we gotta live our life, and then we can say, ok, so that didn't work, better get back on the program! Sometimes we have to "draw back, to jump further."
  2. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I'm pretty much the same. Going for my 3rd fill Thursday, and hoping that will help. I´m walking a mile a day, and doing a 30 minute exercise DVD, something has got to give!
  3. globally yours

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    How cute are you?!?!
  4. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    WOW Kiki! Good for you!
  5. globally yours

    Anyone else eating normal?

    You just gotta do it! Recently I had been making some bad food choices. Go back to basics, strip your cabinets of things that trigger those bad choices. Think in your mind how you want to look, how you are going to look when you are at goal, think how healthy you will feel. Find an exercise you like, not one that is a chore. Have a dog? Go for a walk, dogs are THE BEST walking partners in the world. When my dogs see me in my exercise clothes they spin in circles, cause they know they are going for a walk. Don´t like to walk, check out a DVD, ask a friend to do them with you. Sorry to say, it we just gotta do it. Wish we could say to our Drs, "set me for 140 pounds," and voile we´re there. But as my Dr says, "we´re just the needle experts, you´re the one doing the work."
  6. globally yours

    Three months out...

    Nice to know I'm not losing my mind. Was worried did I stretch my pouch? But seems like we're in the same boat! Maybe I can get another fill next week. C'mon sweet spot!
  7. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Congratulations everyone!!!!!!!!
  8. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    HOORAY for you Fran!!!!!!!!!!
  9. globally yours

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    Everyone is looking GREAT!
  10. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I´m so glad to read these posts. Was just telling my husband maybe something was wrong with me. Since losing the 30 pounds post op I´m stuck. I´ve had to fills, but still the scale isn´t moving, and I still get hungry. Most of the time I make good choices, I did another clean out of the cabinet though.
  11. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) to you BBK, gentle ones of course. Thinking how scary it must be, but we´re here for you. With or without a band. Melinda
  12. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    If ever there is a Lapband SuperHero, it has to be you BBK, after all you´ve been thru. Hope they were able to help your choking problem.
  13. globally yours

    2 Month Progress PICS!

    WOW! Everyone looks GREAT!
  14. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Oh no!!!!!!!! Poor BBK. Please give her my love. This has not been easy.
  15. globally yours

    Three months out...

    I'm feeling a bit frustrated too Tonja. It´s like I´ve been fooling with the same 4 pounds for a month. GRRR. I have lost an inch in my thighs though in the past month.
  16. globally yours

    Three months out...

    Thank you! YOU are doing wonderful!
  17. Dear Losing, I?ve not been on as much as before, and am very happy to hear you are having a little one! Congratualtions!

  18. globally yours

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Thinking of you BBK. Hope all goes well.
  19. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for letting us know what has happened.
  20. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    I didn´t have those feelings of feeling weak, but then I got bronchitis a week out of surgery. gRRR. But I´m sure Dr Mac will have good advice for you. Each week it gets easier Rose Ann, it might not seem like it right now, but it does. Keep up the water, that will get easier too to get down. You might need more protein shakes. Sometimes I put in two scoops of protein. I like having them for breakfast cause they are fast. Hang in there. We´re here for you:thumbup:
  21. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    YIPEE for everyone! I went to a theatre the other night, and had no problems with the seats. I can start to feel my ribs again! I´ve gone from 4x dresses to 1X too, well depending on how they are made.
  22. Hi everyone. I weighed in today, have lost 34 since surgery on May 27th, 64 since I began trying to lose in November. Had my second fill last Thursday, and the scale has started moving again. WAHOO! Wanted to post a picture here. It´s very much in progress, but think I´m doing good so far. You all have been inspirational to me, thanks for all the photos!
  23. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    Hi everyone. I weighed in today, have lost 34 since surgery on May 27th, 64 since I began trying to lose in November. Had my second fill last Thursday, and the scale has started moving again. WAHOO!
  24. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Hi everyone. I weighed in today, have lost 34 since surgery on May 27th, 64 since I began trying to lose in November. Had my second fill last Thursday, and the scale has started moving again. WAHOO!
  25. globally yours

    Anyone using Clark Memorial Hospital

    Glad you are feeling better Pinkposey! Which Dr did your surgery? Macmillian did mine. We just love him and Carolyn. I had my second fill Thursday. My surgery was May 27th and I´ve lost 30 pounds since surgery, 60 in total. Each day will get easier!

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