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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    Ok, here´s my 4 month comparison shot.
  2. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Before my surgery I started hiding when it came to pictures being taken, but now I don´t mind so much. Here´s a comparison shot. The first dress was the night before my surgery, the second was 4 months later!!
  3. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Great NSVs! I´m having a little difficulty keeping my rings on!
  4. globally yours

    Anyone tried Zumba?

    Hope all goes well with your appointment. Was wondering how the NHS viewed Lapband. When I lived in London, I had gallstones, had to wait 18 months for surgery. It was agony!!!!!!!!!! Yes I´m losing, sometimes not as fast as I would like, but I didn´t get overweight overnight either. Keep us posted. I have a soft spot for England:smile:
  5. globally yours

    Anyone tried Zumba?

    I got mine on Ebay. 4 DVDs for $26.00. They arrived this evening. Haven´t had time to try them out. Should be a good laugh!
  6. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    eeeeeeeeeeeeee. I can´t wait for the DVDs to come!
  7. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    thanks for the input JB. Will let you know when we get it!
  8. globally yours

    I am scheduled for May

    Hey JB, I just ordered some Zumba DVDs. Wanna try them. Do you enjoy Zumba? We gotta all hang in there, slow and steady wins the race!
  9. globally yours

    Anyone else eating normal?

    WOW! That´s a HUGE fill! :smile2:
  10. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Arm pit cavities! I love it!!!!!!!!!!
  11. globally yours

    Exercise frequency

    Thanks for the replies about Zumba. I´ve ordered some DVDs from Ebay. I´ll probably look silly doing it, but don´t care, it looks sooooooo much fun! Will let you know!
  12. globally yours

    Anyone tried Zumba?

    Thanks everyone for the replies. I orderd some DVDs on Ebay. It looks like so much fun. I´ll probably stick at it, but I´ll keep moving! Katie, I do understand some of those feelings. You will soon be feeling better. I see you are from the UK. I lived in London for a few years (my hubby is British). Is the NHS paying for your band, or are you doing it private pay?
  13. globally yours

    Exercise frequency

    I do between an hour and hour and half a day. First I go to the park with my dogs, and walk a mile, then home and do one exercise DVD. At work I sit on an exercise ball for 2 hours. Sometimes I do an aerobics DVD, sometimes a toning one. I´ve just ordered some Zumba DVDs...anyone done those?
  14. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Had to go through my clothes for the SECOND time since surgery, getting rid of the ones that are too big. A friend recently gave me a bunch of clothes that about 4 sizes smaller than when I started this process. HOORAY!
  15. globally yours

    Mind games!

    Good for you NeverB4 on educating the salesperson!
  16. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Down 3 from last week! Looks like maybe I´m getting over the plateau!
  17. Sooooooo glad I found this thread! Thought I was the only one out there fighting with the 14cc apl. I have 6.6cc now, most of the time I can eat what I want. HOWEVER, for the first time had a HUGE slimming episode the other day when I left myself get too hungry and tried to wolf down a potatoe wedge (didn´t do the Protein first ACK!). Won´t do that again for sure. My bariatric coordinator has suggested a food Journal and that seems to be helping. Am scheduled Oct 9th for another fill. My Dr said he felt like I was getting close to my sweet spot. Hope that is true!
  18. globally yours

    Three months out...

    Hi everyone. I weighed in today, have lost 34 since surgery on May 27th, 64 since I began trying to lose in November. Had my second fill last Thursday, and the scale has started moving again. WAHOO!
  19. globally yours

    Three months out...

    Well, I´m making some changes. Gonna do a food journal. That seems to make me more aware. The past three weeks I´ve been doing 2 Exercise DVDs and walking, 5 out of the 7 days, so if nothing else, wow am I feeling STRONG! Had my first PB the other day. Had a Protein shake for Breakfast, but then waited too long to eat, so I was starving hungry. I tried to eat a potato wedge (what an idiot!) and suffered for the next hour. UGH. Lesson learned.
  20. globally yours

    Three months out...

    For what it´s worth... Recently on Bob site (the trainer from the Biggest Loser) said eating late or snacking late was OK, if the snack was Protein. That it would jump start your metabolism as you sleep.
  21. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    So pleased for you! Was just trying to get an idea about your cc´s. I know everyone is different, but doesn´t hurt to know!
  22. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!! So you´re up to about 8ccs in your 14 cc band? I´m up to 6.6cc. Trying to get there! ENJOY your loss!:thumbup:
  23. globally yours

    Three months out...

    That does seem odd. I had my third fill last Thursday. Think I am FINALLY experiencing some restriction. Keep us posted. Hang in there!
  24. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    I go to the support meetings. We´re in southern Indiana. I find them helpful, especially when those who have been banded for a year or more come. Received my third fill Thursday, and think I finally am getting good restriction.

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