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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. Hello Everyone I'm Melinda, and today I received the letter from my PCP to submit along with my package to the Bariatric Coordinator. Since I was about 6 I've struggled with my weight, but over the last several years it's been out of control. I've lost and gained who knows how many times. Now that I have my letter from my PCP, I'm beginning to get nnnervous. :rolleyes2: I was diganosed with Type 2 diabetes late November, had a calf tear in December, one of many injuries that is probably weight related. I so want to feel better, and am hoping this surgery will be the tool for doing so. I'm one who has to talk about how I'm feeling, and you all are so very thoughtful, and supportive, that I'm wanting to feel that support from those of you who have or who are walking in my shoes. I'm married to a precious man, he's British, very loving. We have two dogs, maltepoos, Squeakers, and Harry, and they are so much fun, and oh so loyal. I'll be tuning in and keeping you up to date! Looking forward with you to Good Health!
  2. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    So glad you were able to get it taken care of quickly. Guess you saw my dilema...I was living in England at the time, and had to wait a year and half for surgery. The surgery is a lot like lapband surgery isn´t it? Take care!
  3. globally yours

    Weight Related Injuries

    I posted this in another area, and didn't get much feed back. Maybe you all have had similar problems. I have had in the last 10 years probably 6-8 sprained ankles. In December I tore my Gastroc Muscle in my right calf, which was very painful. This evening my DH is sick, so I took him to an Urgent Care (tried 3, but all were closed! We have had a HUGE snow here). When we got back home, I stepped out of the car, stepped wrong on a mound of snow, and twisted my left ankle so hard it cracked, and I thought I was going to toss my Cookies it hurt so badly. Has anyone else experienced these types of injuries? Those who have lost weight, and did have these problems, did losing weight help? It's embarrassing for me. Could sure use some feedback, and encouragement. I was just getting to the point where I could walk a mile again, and now this. GRRR. Thanks Melinda __________________
  4. globally yours

    Weight Related Injuries

    Thanks for your reply. Never to late to get advice. Sorry you´ve had such trouble. I´ve been pretty good since June. Can tell a HUGE difference walking. If I keep up with my walking I do so much better. We were on vacation last week at the Outer Banks, and there were loads of stairs which irritated my ankles. Sand is difficult to walk in too. If I do have problems again I´ll check out a podiatrist. I work for Physical Therapists, and they give me hints, so that helps too. Thanks again for your advice.
  5. globally yours

    Clarksville Indiana

    Congrats on your surgery. CMH really does a wonderful job don't they
  6. globally yours

    Clarksville Indiana

    Hi there, yes I used Clark Memorial, and absolutely love them. They have a great program. Dr MacMillian did my surgery, actually he and Hamilton are in surgery together. I had Anthem Federal and they paid for all except about $1200, my uncle had it done at Clark as well, he had Humana, and they paid 100%. I hear they are doing the surgery at Floyd now too, but I don´t know anything about their program.
  7. globally yours

    Delayed Restriction/So THIS is restriction

    Hi ThinDolphin, how is the new fill going? I´ve been away on vacation, so just now checkign in.
  8. globally yours

    Delayed Restriction/So THIS is restriction

    Thank you! It is definitely a new experience for sure. Hoping it will last. Glad to hear from you!
  9. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    The new fill is working. Down 6.5 this week!!!!!!!!!!
  10. globally yours

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    I´m hoping!
  11. globally yours

    Lap Band Fills / Adjustment Info

    Hi Everyone Had the strangest thing happen. Two weeks ago, had a fill, bring me to 7ccs in my 14 APL. I´ve been fluctuating a lot, scale not really moving, but trying my best to keep a :tongue: good attitude. Thursday (two weeks to the day) I fixed scrambled eggs for breakfast, took two bites and had that awful in your chest feeling. Thought that is strange. Went about my business, PBed We had friends in from Colorado, went to lunch, two bites of chicken, and the same thing all over. At dinner I had about a cup of white chili. It´s like the fill just really kicked in! Did some research and called my nurse, and she said you are not going crazy, this sometimes happens, and they aren´t really sure why. She had even called teh company in the past, and they aren´t certain either. So, I´m now eating 1/2 C of food, and feeling VERY full afterwards. I cannot wait to get on the scale this week. Maybe I FINALLY have good restrction!:wink:
  12. Hi Everyone Had the strangest thing happen. Two weeks ago, had a fill, bring me to 7ccs in my 14 APL. I´ve been fluctuating a lot, scale not really moving, but trying my best to keep a :tongue: good attitude. Thursday (two weeks to the day) I fixed scrambled eggs for Breakfast, took two bites and had that awful in your chest feeling. Thought that is strange. Went about my business, PBed We had friends in from Colorado, went to lunch, two bites of chicken, and the same thing all over. At dinner I had about a cup of white chili. It´s like the fill just really kicked in! Did some research and called my nurse, and she said you are not going crazy, this sometimes happens, and they aren´t really sure why. She had even called teh company in the past, and they aren´t certain either. So, I´m now eating 1/2 C of food, and feeling VERY full afterwards. I cannot wait to get on the scale this week. Maybe I FINALLY have good restrction!:wink:
  13. globally yours

    Anyone else eating normal?

    Hi Everyone Had the strangest thing happen. Two weeks ago, had a fill, bring me to 7ccs in my 14 APL. I´ve been fluctuating a lot, scale not really moving, but trying my best to keep a :tongue: good attitude. Thursday (two weeks to the day) I fixed scrambled eggs for Breakfast, took two bites and had that awful in your chest feeling. Thought that is strange. Went about my business, PBed We had friends in from Colorado, went to lunch, two bites of chicken, and the same thing all over. At dinner I had about a cup of white chili. It´s like the fill just really kicked in! Did some research and called my nurse, and she said you are not going crazy, this sometimes happens, and they aren´t really sure why. She had even called teh company in the past, and they aren´t certain either. So, I´m now eating 1/2 C of food, and feeling VERY full afterwards. I cannot wait to get on the scale this week. Maybe I FINALLY have good restrction!:wink:
  14. globally yours

    Anyone tried Zumba?

    Gonna have to try a class. Glad you enjoyed it Georgia Girl. You have always been an inspiration to me.
  15. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    They measured me today. I´ve lost 34.5 inches. WAHOO!
  16. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Lost another pound last week. That makes 41. But the thing that made me really happy this week is I´ve lost a total of 34.5 INCHES!!!!!! WAHOO!
  17. globally yours

    Anyone tried Zumba?

    Well, I got the DVD, and it is too advanced for me at this point. Hurts my knees, and ankles. BUT I have it for when I´m ready!
  18. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Well, ya know we are girls, and we do like sparkly stuff :thumbup:
  19. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    oooooooooooo I´m so pleased for you!
  20. Well today was the fill. I thought I had 6.6ccs, but Dr was only able to get 6.4cc, he filled me to 7ccs...so 24 hours of Fluid and then we´ll see what happens.
  21. globally yours

    local Louisville support groups

    Not sure where you live in Louisville, but Clark Memorial in Jeffersonville, IN has a GREAT support group. We meet once a month, the third Tuesday of each month.
  22. Always makes me feel good when I read this thread. I´m still working my way to restriction. You know you get a fill, and it lasts a week or two. It must take more time with the 14cc band. Have a fill scheduled for Thursday. I´m at 6.6 in my 14cc.
  23. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    :thumbup:Thank you gone!!!!!!!! ooooo Miss Michelle, we gotta see the upgrade when it comes around.
  24. globally yours

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    Ask your Dr how much exercise you can do. I started out with just 30 minutes of walking a day with my ever faithful maltipoos! Then started doing a Richard Simmons DVD, then I´ve added another of his DVDs. I´ve learned I really like working out with weights. This week I got a Zumba DVD, but not ready for all the jumping around you have to do. Recently I´ve started using an exercise ball to do crunches, when I first started could hardly do any, but now I can do 100! I still have a long way to go, but it helps me to see where I came from.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
