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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    O dear. I feel your pain about the all the needle sticks. YUK. A bit worrisome about the paperwork being in the wrong chart. Hope you are recuperating well. It takes awhile to feel better. I was banded 5/27/08 at Clark,and have been very happy with them. Since surgery I´ve lost about 56 pounds. My loss isn´t as fast as some, but it has been pretty steady. Our Group is 2/17 at 6PM. Are you thinking of coming?
  2. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    Hi Joanne Checking in to see how your surgery went. I´m from New Albany as well. Write when you get a chance.
  3. Hey GG, how have you been? I?ve been a bit off line lately, just busy with life. Have had a few ups and downs, but am coming around. You?re looking great!

  4. Hey TulipStar

    How are things going for you?

  5. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    OH! Just thought of something. I have been off pop since 1/16/08. That was the night I went to my PreSurgery Seminar. I was a total pop addict, if I can give it up, ANYONE can.
  6. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Thank you so much! I needed a pick me up. Not been able to do my usual exercise regime, because they diagnosed me with mono, and was told to take it easy. SO, this milestone made me very happy!
  7. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Tried on a dress that I´ve been saving. It´s a size 18/20 buttons down the front, and it fit like a dream! Also am wearing size 22 jeans now, which is amazing, as I hadn´t worn jeans in about 15 years!
  8. globally yours

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    Wow! Now that is success no matter the speed!:confused:
  9. globally yours

    local Louisville support groups

    I´m pretty sure you can. At times we even have folks who have had Gastric Bypass. Here´s the phone number to call (812) 283-2087
  10. globally yours

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    Miss Meliss Interesting about the barometric pressure. I had a fill about 10 days ago. I´m now 9.2ccs in a 14APL. It has been a bit miserable at times. Can´t have my usual breakfast, protein shake, unitl about 11 or 12. Then lunch is around 4 or 5, dinner about 7:30 or 8. However, we have had 7 inches of snow and ice the last week, plus my husband had surgery. I was thinking maybe stress had something to do with the tightness, but now I´m wondering if the storm front had something to do with it as well.
  11. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    That´s what I´ve lost since surgery as well. It´s kinda slow, but pretty steady. Hooray us!!!!!!!!!
  12. I´m getting there, slowly but surely. Here´s my 8th month photo.
  13. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Here´s my 8 month update.
  14. globally yours

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    My 8 month photos
  15. That´s how it goes for me too H4H, almost to a T. I have an appointment on 1/22 for another fill.
  16. Hope they get it figured out Dan. Patience is really difficult. Keep us posted.
  17. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    Dearest Gone What a wonderful NSV! I am sooooo pleased for you. Keep up the good work!
  18. globally yours

    230 lbs

    Always a fan of The Georgia Girl! Looking wonderful!
  19. globally yours

    Goal baby.. give me plastics PLEASE!

    AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations! What an inspiration!
  20. globally yours

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    that is fantastic Pattic!!!!!!!!! Way to go!
  21. Hi Everyone Had the strangest thing happen. Two weeks ago, had a fill, bring me to 7ccs in my 14 APL. I´ve been fluctuating a lot, scale not really moving, but trying my best to keep a good attitude. Thursday (two weeks to the day) I fixed scrambled eggs for breakfast, took two bites and had that awful in your chest feeling. Thought that is strange. Went about my business, PBed :eek: We had friends in from Colorado, went to lunch, two bites of chicken, and the same thing all over. At dinner I had about a cup of white chili. It´s like the fill just really kicked in! Did some research and called my nurse, and she said you are not going crazy, this sometimes happens, and they aren´t really sure why. She had even called teh company in the past, and they aren´t certain either. So, I´m now eating 1/2 C of food, and feeling VERY full afterwards. I cannot wait to get on the scale this week. Maybe I FINALLY have good restrction!:cool2:
  22. globally yours

    Delayed Restriction/So THIS is restriction

    Hi Everyone Not checked in for awhile. Been super busy, hopefully that will change soon. But I´ve been a good girl doing my exercises, and got another fill the other day taking me to 8.4 in a 14cc band. Lost 5 pounds since then! This is a new experience, in that I´m super tight, and REALLY have to watch what I´m doing. In the morning I do my Protein shake, for lunch cottage cheese, and then by evening I can eat something with a bit more substance. Hoping this will be a good spot for me to loose. I´m ALMOST half way to what I want to lose.
  23. globally yours

    anyone from indiana?

    Hi Everyone Not checked in for awhile. Been super busy, hopefully that will change soon. But I´ve been a good girl doing my exercises, and got another fill the other day taking me to 8.4 in a 14cc band. Lost 5 pounds since then! This is a new experience, in that I´m super tight, and REALLY have to watch what I´m doing. In the morning I do my protein shake, for lunch cottage cheese, and then by evening I can eat something with a bit more substance. Hoping this will be a good spot for me to loose. I´m ALMOST half way to what I want to lose.
  24. globally yours

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Hi Everyone Not checked in for awhile. Been super busy, hopefully that will change soon. But I´ve been a good girl doing my exercises, and got another fill the other day taking me to 8.4 in a 14cc band. Lost 5 pounds since then! This is a new experience, in that I´m super tight, and REALLY have to watch what I´m doing. In the morning I do my protein shake, for lunch cottage cheese, and then by evening I can eat something with a bit more substance. Hoping this will be a good spot for me to loose. I´m ALMOST half way to what I want to lose!
  25. globally yours

    May 2008 Slow Losers

    Hi Everyone. Not been on for awhile, vacation, virus, all the "v" things. I´ve been feeling down a bit as well. My uncle who had surgery 2 months after me has now lost 100 pounds. HUH? Ran into a fellow bander who was banded in October and has lost more than me too. Before surgery I had lost about 30 and was at a stand still. I´ve lost over 40 since surgery. I wonder if because I had lost some before if that´s why I´m not losing as fast now. I´m faithful about exercise too. 5-7 times a week. I walk, and do DVD´s, and my brothers Wiifit. I seem to be losing inches, and when I look at old pictures there is a huge difference, but what does it take to make that scale go down??? A quick hurl down a flight of stairs?

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