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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Didnt go exactly as planned,,,

    O dear. So sorry Elyssa. Feel all those feeling you need to, and hopefully each day will get a bit easier. Spring is coming, warmer weather and sunshine will help too. Soon this will be behind you, and your scale will be in that lovely downward spiral.
  2. globally yours

    If you're looking for inspiration...

    Glad you enjoyed it. He's a special kid.
  3. globally yours

    Fell through the stairs today

    Rocky is your hero! He adores you!
  4. globally yours

    Letter from PCP

    Keep up the good work Rottimom
  5. globally yours

    Letter from PCP

    Just wanted to know if what happened to me today is normal. In our packet from the seminar, was a sample letter for our PCP to do. I sent mine to my Dr. filling in details for him, including a SASE. Today his assistant called and says the way he usually handles a procedure like this, is I write the letter, then he signs it. So I wrote the letter, following the sample from the LapBand seminar, and am going to drop it off tomorrow. Just wondered if anyone had experienced the same? Thanks
  6. globally yours

    Fell through the stairs today

    Yipes! Glad you're ok.
  7. globally yours

    Lap Band Obsession

    Two days after I went to the seminar, I dreamt about lapband surgery over and over! In one dream things went wrong, in another things went great...I think it's our minds trying to get used to all the changes we know we will be making.
  8. globally yours

    Lap Band Obsession

    Two days after I went to the seminar, I dreamt about lapband surgery over and over! In one dream things went wrong, in another things went great...I think it's our minds trying to get used to all the changes we know we will be making.
  9. globally yours

    I Need Help Asap!!!!!!!!!!!!

    See what I mean BeachBum. Ask for a discount! This was your LIFE she was messing with.
  10. globally yours

    My Surgery is TOMORROW!

    Hooray for you! I'll be thinking of you. Wishing you a speedy recovery and smaller jeans!
  11. globally yours

    I need a swift kick in the...

    Hey I wanna join the March Exercise Brigade! I'm not banded yet, but want to get a jump start. In December I tore my gastroc muscle (big muscle in your calf) and couldn't even drive for a month. ACK! So I've been inside for much of the winter. Now we have a lot of snow and ice. Last week I went to a Diabetes Seminar, and the Exercise Guru came in and showed us how to do a complete light workout in our chairs. Not for those who can't use dumbbells yet. So please can you guys help me stick to this plan? I REALLY want to do it. But can get sidetracked soooooo easily.
  12. globally yours

    Family tells me what to eat and do!!!

    No one can tell you how to feel. Feelings are intensely personal. Just do what your Dr tells you.
  13. globally yours

    I Need Help Asap!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm hoping maybe she gives you a discount or SOMETHING!
  14. globally yours

    I Need Help Asap!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank goodness you're ok! What a nightmare. Will be thinking of you. Here's to a speedy recovery!
  15. I'm getting ads when I use the "search" option, then I have to type whatever I want to search again to find what I was looking for. Strange...it just started doing this as well.
  16. globally yours

    The Date is set!!

    How wonderful for you! There are others here with a Feb 25th surgery date as well! Will be looking for your posts!
  17. globally yours

    It's tomorrow already!!!

    Wishing you an easy surgery, a restful recovery, and a wonderful rest of your life! Looking forward to hearing how it went when you're up to it.
  18. Hi Everyone, just a little excited here. My bariatric coordinator called, and Febuary 25th I will have my Psych Eval, then afterwards I go to the Baritric Center for my eval with the nutritionist, and have my bariatric eval. So I'm another step closer to being in Bandalandia! Melinda:smile:
  19. We bow to your wisdom oh KatWoman! When I read your analogy it was an AHA moment for sure!
  20. globally yours

    I have some dates!

    Poor you Brandy! But I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall when they graded the results!!!!!!!!! They may have been a bit scared to ask you to come in again!
  21. globally yours

    phsyc evaulation

    Poor you Brandy! But I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall when they graded the results!!!!!!!!! They may have been a bit scared to ask you to come in again!
  22. globally yours

    phsyc evaulation

    I'm with you girl! I hope my Dr asks me some funny questions, cause a lot of waiting aroudn to be approved isn't veryfunny!
  23. globally yours

    I have some dates!

    Yuk! 4 hours! Well, guess I gotta do what I gotta do. I'm not nervous about the Psych Eval, but would rather not spend 4 hours doing it. But if it gets me closer, well bring it on!!!
  24. globally yours

    I have some dates!

    Thank you. It seems like I've waited forever to put some dates on my signature likes others have! Looks like you'll be having your surgery the day I go for my testing. I'll be thinking of you!
  25. globally yours

    The night before surgery

    Hang in there Ruth. I'm still in the waiting process, but have had surgery before, and know it can be a rough night before. I like the idea of bath, candles, and music. Do you have any lavendar essential oil? Or frankincense (if you don't have any heart trouble) put a few drops on a tissue and breath in when you feel nervous. It will all be over, and you'll be in Bandalandia!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
