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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Like this? MARCH THRU MARCH WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE! reach goal weight by 3/31/08 Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo staindgal.............315...............5.4...........309.6.......295. ......14.6 SEC1978.............288.................2.............286........268 ........18 RidinMyHDDream...256.................0.............256........247..... ....9 LilMissBand-Aid.....269.................0.............269........259.........10 Globally Yours 326...............19.............308.......290.........18
  2. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Ok. I'm in for the challenge...but what do I need to do?
  3. globally yours

    Another NSV

    Thanks Losing. Can you imagine how ingrained it must have been in my psyche to dream about it? sheesh! I know I will feel better for it. Hope your surgery goes good. Can't wait to see the photos!
  4. globally yours

    Another NSV

    This is my first post on this thread. But feel like I want to Celebrate something with people who probably know where I come from. After the seminar I gave up diet drinks. Which was HUGE for me because I started every morning of my life with a trip to get a diet fountain drink, then I just drank them all day. I've done really good, not cheated, although last weekend I did dream I was drinking a diet drink! So this week I gave up caffeine. Yesterday was brutal with a dull headache all day, but today the headache is almost entirely gone! Hooray!
  5. globally yours

    Soda..sometimes or NEVER???

    Day two w/o caffeine, and ALMOST headache free.
  6. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Man I am so close to Twoterville. Hovering at 308-312. Not been banded yet, sure want to be under 300 before surgery though.
  7. globally yours

    Greetings from Kentuckiana

    I'm going to Clark. I used to work there, and really like the surgeon who does them.
  8. globally yours

    Greetings from Kentuckiana

    I'm in New Albany as well. AND I just got a call from the Bariatric Coordinator, and I have an appointment with the surgeon April 10th!
  9. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    I'm like you Destiny, I've not seen so much crying since the first day of kindergarten!
  10. globally yours

    My surgery and weird reaction to anestesia

    Crystal So sorry you had that experience. When I had my tonsils out I vomited with every move, and it's no fun. Hope each day will get better for you. I have 3 younger brothers who would LOVE to be in a belching contest if only they knew...
  11. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    Did you all think Mark was a bit dramatic tonight or what? Sheesh, his brother will be better off without him. I miss Trent.
  12. globally yours

    Soda..sometimes or NEVER???

    Don't think you could get anymore addicted to Diet Pepsi and Diet Dr Pepper than me. Before marrying my hubby and moving to his native England, I said I wouldn't come unliess I could get Diet Dr Pepper. When we moved back to the States, each day was started with a 32 oz diet drink, then drank all day long. After attending my seminar in January I gave them up cold turkey. Switched to tea, now I'm weaning myself off caffeine. Today was my first day, and wow do I have a headache. But if I can do it anyone can. I've done really good, and haven't cheated at all. Last weekend, though I DREAMT I was drinking a Diet Pepsi! Man, just imagine how deep in my psyche that addiction is!
  13. globally yours

    LBT Official Cookbook?

    Add me to the list please!
  14. globally yours

    Psych evaluation & depression?

    They may even suggest a med change. I take half a paxil a day, and the Dr said paxil can stimulate appetite, so I'm looking into getting it changed.
  15. globally yours

    Banded Yesterday!!!!YEAH!!!!!!

    Yipeeeeee! Wonderful to hear how you're doing.
  16. globally yours

    Psych Eval

    Hi everyone. I had my Psych Eval today, which lasted maybe 10 minutes. The Dr gotta call that her sister was 10 cm dilated. She saw me, then flew out the door for the hospital, cancelling all her other appointments. Glad I got there EARLY!!!!!!!! The paperwork was the longest fill out, but no biggie, just general things. Then I went for the Nutritional program, and met with the Bariatric Coordinator. During the meeting with the dietician, I kept smiling as she was explaining things, I was thinking, "I'm doing this, I'm REALLY doing this!"
  17. globally yours

    Psych Eval

    Now I'm waiting for an appointment with surgeon. It might be a few weeks though because the coordinator is on vacation next week, and the surgeon the following week. But good things come to those who wait.
  18. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    You can sure tell you're losing. You look mahvelous! Good shot.
  19. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    PS: Georgia Girl, is that a new picture of you???? =)
  20. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    Well, if it is gallbladder you can be sure you will have another one. I hope it's not gallbladder for your sake. Cause it is NO FUN.
  21. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    o yeah, nothing like a gallbladder attack to keep you on the straight and narrow!
  22. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    I lived on chicken and rice for 18 months. Lost a lot of weight mind you. The first time the Dr examined my abdomen it hurt so bad I sat straight up. A friend of mine who also had the problem before, said she would rather push out a baby anyday, than have one gallblader attack. Keep me posted. I've been in those shoes, and they are NOT comfortable.
  23. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    Yes I had gallstones right after I got married...think the pill contributed to it. I was living in London, England, and they are on socialized medicine, so I had to wait 6 weeks for an ultrasound, then 18 months for the surgery. The attacks were unbearable, probably should have gone to the ER, but I was so scared. I can remember crawling from the bathroom to bed. After my surgery they gave me my gallstones, they were the color of my hair, kinda reddish brown. There were 117 of them, the looked like gravel that is in aquariums. The surgery wasn't bad at all. The gas that settled in my chest was worse than the surgery. You can't even see the scars anymore.
  24. globally yours

    If you're looking for inspiration...

    Glad you enjoyed it.
  25. This is about a little boy, Chase Ford, who was jumping on a couch and became paralyzed. The Physical Therapsists where I work have been seeing him, using the methods and Dr who Christopher Reeve had. I can't believe how far this little guy has come. Thought I would share this TheChaseIsOn.org

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
