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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    Well, Mark is back can you believe it?
  2. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Poor Staindgal. My hubby is down with the flu. They put us both on tamiflu. I sprained my left ankle taking him to the Dr. We had 12 inches of snow over the weekend. I was very bummed about the ankle, because in December I tore my gastroc muscle in my right calf. So it really is a hindrance to exercise. This too shall pass right? Anyway, I did manage a bit of a loss...In view of the injury going to revise my goal for this month. Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo staindgal..............315.................8............307.........29 5........12 MrJumbles............288................4.2..........283.8.......268.. .....15.8 RidinMyHDDream....256.................0............256.........247.... .....9 LilMissBand-Aid......269................0............269..........259........10 Globally Yours........308................1............307.........299..........8 Insubordination......273................0............273.........268.. .......5
  3. globally yours

    Live Broadcast of Lapband Surgery

    Ah. Well I tried.
  4. globally yours

    Live Broadcast of Lapband Surgery

    Oops, try this link St. Mary's / Duluth Clinic Health System
  5. globally yours

    Weight Related Injuries

    I did go thru PT after the gastroc tear, which really helped. So will do those exercises on THIS ankle after it's healed a bit. We went to the DR today. My DH tested positive for Flu, so they started both of us tamiflu. They give me an air splint which is helping. Thanks for your input! Melinda
  6. globally yours

    Weight Related Injuries

    Thanks so much for your help Alyson. Sure hoping the surgery will help in this regard too. Swelling is down some this morning. My DH sounds like he has bronchitis, so we both are going to the Dr a bit later. HOORAY for your loss!! You're doing wonderful! Nothing like seeing the scale go the other way, can't wait to make mine go the other way too!
  7. globally yours

    Weight Related Injuries

    Well I went to the Ortho surgeon when I tore my gastroc muscle. He was about as helpful as a wet noodle. I'm going to talk to some PTs I know. There's something called an active ankle, which might be helpful. Thanks for your support, and sorry you and your sis have problems too. From one klutz to another....here's to staying upright!
  8. globally yours

    Let's get some action going in here!

    I'm Melinda, 43, yipes 44 next month. Where did the time go? I live in Southern Indiana, have wonderful DH who is from England. We have 2 Maltepoos we're crazy about. I've been through the seminar, phych, nutrtion, exercise, and bariatric eval. Next is my appointment with the surgeon, and then the glorious wait for insurance approval. Nice to say hello to everyone.
  9. I told my DH a couple of months ago. He was so sweet about it. He says he doesn't care how much I weigh as long as I'm healthy and happy. He's so presh!
  10. globally yours

    Weight Related Injuries

    That's good to know, because there seems to be a LOT of gravity following me around!
  11. Wasn´t quite sure where to post this, but was wondering if anyone else might have this problem. I have had in the last 10 years probably 6-8 sprained ankles. In December I tore my Gastroc Muscle in my right calf, which was very painful. This evening my DH is sick, so I took him to an Urgent Care (tried 3, but all were closed! We have had a HUGE snow here). When we got back home, I stepped out of the car, stepped wrong on a mound of snow, and twisted my left ankle so hard it cracked, and I thought I was going to toss my Cookies it hurt so badly. Has anyone else experienced these types of injuries? Those who have lost weight, and did have these problems, did losing weight help? It's embarrassing for me.:thumbup: Could sure use some feedback, and encouragement. I was just getting to the point where I could walk a mile again, and now this. GRRR. Thanks Melinda
  12. globally yours

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    Here here Jack!
  13. My Dr wasn't very enthusiastic about WLS, even though some of his best friends are WLS surgeons! He thinks I can do it on my own, but hey I'm 43 and done it on my own, and it has gotten me over 300 lbs. He did do the letter for me though, and I really don't think he'll give me any hassle. He can be very reasonable. He reminds me you don't have to be a supermodel to be healthy, and he's right about that. Don't think many supermodels are healthy anyway!
  14. globally yours

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    Yaz, have you checked out the book Weight Loss for Dummies? There's a section in the book about the very feelings you have. Kinda sounds like grief, and food is the loss. West Coast and Wasa, more power to you!
  15. globally yours

    Fed BC/BS Co-pays

    Thanks RCG for your input. Just trying to kinda make some plans. Would love to have my surgery the first part of May. Hope things will work out for you. From what I've read of other insurance providers, BCBS Federal is a totally different animal. Take care
  16. globally yours

    Fed BC/BS Co-pays

    PS: BTW, I have to have my $2, 400 upfront before the surgery.
  17. globally yours

    Fed BC/BS Co-pays

    Rocket City Guy We have BCBS Federal, for the life of me can't remember if we're basic or standard option, but I do remember the rep telling me if the procedure was inpatient they would pay 100%, but as my drs do it outpatient I have to pay $2,400. Wish he WOULD let me stay a full 24 hours, but as my doctors are trying to get established as a center for excellence I'm sure they are shooting for outpatient. Just a question. I have an appointment on April 10th with the surgeon, who will then submit all my paperwork to BCBS afterwards. How long was your wait to get approved if you don't mind my asking? Thanks! Melinda
  18. globally yours

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    LJM thanks for sharing your feelings on your transformation. Probably many of us feel the same about our DH's. Hubbies can be absolutely wonderful. Mine is! Congratulations, I always look for your posts, cause you help us keep it real, and you have come sooooooooo far. Melinda
  19. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Well that IS good news! Very pleased for. Think I set my goal too lofty to reach by the 31st probably will readjust. Am doing my girl thing, so maybe will have a HUGE loss next week..(we can always hope!)
  20. globally yours

    4 months out

    That is great Susan! congratulations on all your hard work!
  21. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    It wasn't very much fun waiting. I know insurance is very expensive, but I'd rather pay for it, and get help when I need it. Hope your appointment goes well. Keep me posted!
  22. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Hey thanks Staindgirl, we can do this together. You're not banded either yet right? We'll get out of these 3's and never look back.
  23. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Sorry about that! I'm trying again. MARCH THRU MARCH WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE! reach goal weight by 3/31/08 Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo staindgal.............315...............6.6...........308.4.......295. ......13.4 SEC1978.............288...............3.2...........284.8.......268 .......16.8 RidinMyHDDream...256.................0.............256........247..... ....9 LilMissBand-Aid.....269.................0.............269........259........10 Globally Yours.......308...............0.............308.......290.........18
  24. globally yours

    Another NSV

    WAHOO Sue! That is a great NSV!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    So glad to hear you're feeling better and the surgery went well. You will start feeling so much better. After mine, I felt like I came alive again having to wait 18 months for my surgery really took a toll. And HOORAY for the nausea meds! So, did the Dr say your band was ok?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
