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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Hello Fabulous Fourties!!!

    I'm 43, will be 44 next month, and am stunned at how fast life travels! I am pleased when people say they think I'm in my late 20´s, early 30´s. Have inheritated good genes from my mom's side of the family! Hello to all.:crying:
  2. globally yours

    No longer "plus size"!

    How wonderful! Congratulations!
  3. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Well, it's coming off slowly, but I'm getting there. It's been a rough month for me, we had 12" of snow, I twisted my OTHER ankle, still in a brace sometimes, so haven't been able to walk this month, however having said that another pound closer to Twoterville! Went to my first support group meeting last week as well. Can't wait till I'm in the banded bunch! Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo staindgal..............315.................8............307.........29 5........12 MrJumbles............288................4.2..........283.8.......268.. .....15.8 RidinMyHDDream....256.................0............256.........247.... .....9 LilMissBand-Aid......269.................3...........266..........259........7 Globally Yours........308................1............304.........299.......... 5 Insubordination......273................0............273.........268.. .......5
  4. globally yours

    What to do when you can't sleep?

    BBK have you tried any essential oils? If my mind is racing I try a bit of frankincese on my pillow. (as long as you don't have heart problems). Lavender works for some, but for me frankincese helps me breathe deeply and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Poor thing, falling asleep in the loo!
  5. Hi Stepoffaith, hoping things went well with your surgery. Been thinking of you =)

  6. globally yours

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Kat, I'm so sorry you're having to endure those hurtful comments. We'll remind you how wonderful you look, and what a fine example you are. Doesn't sound as if your SIL is doing things very safely. Some major body issues going on there!
  7. globally yours

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Losing, I think you are FANTASTIC! I was so pleased to see an avitar with your pretty face. Even though I'm new to LBT, I look for your posts to see how you're doing. Such an inspiration you are!
  8. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    Maybe Mark needs to be on medication. SHEESH! Was he gone a week from home? Bet when he sees these shows he just cringes.
  9. globally yours

    Aspects of Blindness

    Thanks for your insight Serenity. I never thought about yelling STOP how it would be very disconcerting to a blind person. To answer your question, I have an appointment with the surgeon on April 10th, then all will be submitted to the Insurance Company. So then we will go from there. Take care, Melinda
  10. globally yours

    So hungry on my pre op diet

    I'm a little nervous about this part. I ordered the sample pack from Baritric Eating. I tried a pre mixed shake this morning (it was in an aluminum can), and it was so icky sweet I couldn't handle it. So am in a search for something for when my time comes. Hey Stepofffaith, congratulations of your sugery date! Here's hoping it all goes well. Melinda
  11. globally yours

    That lady at the top.

    I've always wondered why anyone would want to measure an apple! I LOVE the idea of real bandsters.
  12. globally yours

    Quote me on this!

    Cookie nay that was hilarious!
  13. globally yours

    I must say I am pretty happy

    What an accomplishment Dab! What an inspiration!
  14. globally yours

    Aspects of Blindness

    Debbie welcome aboard! What a lovely addition you are for the forum! I'll be interested in seeing your posts about myths. Recently I had the opportunity to read Crashing Through, by Mike May. Wow was it interesting. He is a superhero for sure!
  15. globally yours

    29Feb - losingjusme's plastics day

    Losing you know you are The Lapband Super Hero doncha? You're fantastic!
  16. Hi, I just came across this link of a broadcast from Deluth. It was a live broadcast of a Lapband surgery. If you're squeamish you might not like to watch, but if you don't mind seeing the insides of someone, it's very interesting. St. Mary's / Duluth Clinic Health System
  17. globally yours

    Before and In Progress Pics?

    Everyone looks gorgeous!
  18. globally yours

    Getting it off my chest

    Thanks K@t for sharing your story, and your feelings. What a good role model in perserverence you are! Hope things will smooth out for you now.
  19. globally yours

    Poll: Do you miss diet soda?

    I gave it up after the seminar, and I was a stop on the way to work for a 32 ounce pop, and drank all day long. I did fine, until about a month later I had a HUGE craving for one, but worked through it. Then I decided to cut out caffiene, and had a huge headache one day when me and DH were out to lunch. So I got a 4 oz kiddie diet coke. At the first swallow it almost made me giddy like alcohol, but then I couldn't believe how horrible it tasted to me. This from a confirmed addict! So I'm ok with it now. The caffeine thing though. Sheesh! I make a pitcher of tea everyday, and am down to 2 caffinated tea bags, along with 4 decaf, so surely there can't be too much caffiene in there. (here's hoping!)
  20. globally yours

    Dreams--is it just me?

    Kat you're a scream! I do work in the medical field, maybe I could scrounge up some haz mat bags.
  21. globally yours

    Dreams--is it just me?

    O yes. Right after I went to the seminar, and started doing more research, I must have had lapband surgery 3 times a night! Now I only have it once a week. Guess that's improvement. Maybe our minds are just trying to make sense of it all.
  22. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    I like both ideas GG. Maybe we should write in.
  23. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    I agree with you all the way around Crystal. How can a lady win physical challenges against guys? And you took the words right outta my mouth about Alison's comment. My hat's off to Ali for doing so great losing weight, but of course she's gonna drop tons of weight coming back, because it's such a change in her routine. This is my first season watching, but I've been told a girl has never won the show is that right? That should tell the producers something right there.
  24. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Fantastic Fred!
  25. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    :redface:The waiting for the elimination just kinda put me in a bad mood. Now isn't that silly? I was hoping maybe Curtis or Trent would be able to come back. Sheesh hope we don't get another blue team sobbing drama. I like Dan, he's a hoot. I like what he said about kilajules.

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