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globally yours

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by globally yours

  1. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    super impressive!
  2. globally yours


    Wonder if the massage therapist could have been concerned about blood clots? My mom is a MT, and I know she is super careful with folks pre and post operative. Whatever the surgery.
  3. globally yours

    That lady at the top.

    Look at you, look at you, look at you!!!! Awesome girl. What a fine example!
  4. globally yours

    Appointment with surgeon tomorrow

    Sure will! Thanks for your support, and let us know about you!!!!!!!
  5. Well, I've waited over a month to see the surgeon. I've done all my pre-op visits with Psychiatrist, Nutrtionist, Exercise Person, Bariatric training, so tomorrow is my appointment with the surgeon. A bit nervous here. The surgeon did gallbladder surgery on my DH a few years ago, and I even did a test for him on some medicine. But still a bit nervous. What did your surgeon talk to you about? Think I waited too long to post this, but it seemed so far off, and then WHAM! It's here!
  6. globally yours

    Appointment with surgeon tomorrow

    Thank you! It's getting to the exciting part now!:redface:
  7. globally yours

    Approved, Scheduled, Happy

    I had my surgery consultation today. So now it's on to see what the insurance says. Our policy says, "no exclusions," so am hoping to hear within a week or two.
  8. globally yours

    Appointment with surgeon tomorrow

    WOW! I really like my Doctor. He is so very kind. He explained how right now my hormones are "deranged" that I would have to starve myself to lose the amount of weight I need. With the band, you are kind of starving, but it's much more comfortable because you feel full. He had me lie flat on my back to examine the shape of my tummy. He said my shape is easier to do surgery with, because I carry the bulk of my girth (my word,not his) in my lower stomache and hips. Yes, I have lotsa junk in the trunk! He was very reassuring, and positive. When I asked what my long term goal should be, he said he didn't want me to think in pounds, rather he would like my BMI to be in the 30´s. So, the next time I see him will be in the surgery holding area! He said he would dictate my visit today, send to the bariatric coordinator tomorrow, and that she should be able to put package in the mail tomorrow!!!!!!! He said they have been receiving replies from the insurance company within one to two weeks!!!!!!!
  9. globally yours

    Appointment with surgeon tomorrow

    Well, I try to post tomorrow late evening to let you know how things went for me.
  10. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    I can't vote either. Mark with his crying, and I love men who are able to show their feelings, but sheesh! Pass the paxil. Roger I like if it weren't for all the pride on 3 garbage. So I don't want to vote. It would be great if one of the girls win. Seems like Ali has lost more in her legs than previous weeks. Her arms having been coming along nicely, but her legs have caught up now. She's a knock out 4 sure! It made me happy Kelly realized how pretty she really is. I thought she looked GREAT at the fashion show.
  11. globally yours

    Approved record time BCBS!

    WOW! I have my appointment with the surgeon Thursday. It's my last thing before submitting to BCBS Federal Plan. Hope it goes as well as yours! Congrats!
  12. globally yours

    That lady at the top.

    BBK I have the PERFECT umbrella for your outfit if ever you need it! You radiate warmth, and HEALTH!
  13. globally yours

    4 month progress pics

    AWESOME! What a difference. You and I are about the same starting weight..I'm not banded yet, but thanks for the inspiration.
  14. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    You're probably right 2bmeagain he was probably doing an obstacle course during geography. One of my co-workers said he wanted to write in to the producers and tell them give those boys some suppliments or put some testosterone in their food to stop all that crying!
  15. globally yours

    Share your NSV's!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, this may sounds silly, but I have short legs, so have to have the carseat way up, and my belly always scraped the steering wheel, and now it doesn't!!!!!!!!!
  16. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    Cry baby Mark..what can we say? Sheesh! Maybe he has stock in Kleenex. Someone needs to let Bob know the US is not a continent. North America is a continent. What a goober.
  17. globally yours

    Gall stones...anyone?

    you might enjoy this link...Gallstones It's not the band the causes gallstones. But rapid weight loss can cause them. I know of someone about 20 years ago, who lost about 80 pounds, who had to have gallbladder surgery. The good news now is the surgery is pretty easy, and if you are living in the States you can have it quickly.
  18. globally yours

    Road to "TWOterville"

    Even though I sprained my ankle early in the month with all the snow and ice, finally this week I was able to do a bit of treadmill! Can't wait to see the TWOs! Can't wait to get banded. Name................Starting........ Loss.......Current.....Goal......ToGo staindgal..............315.................8............307.........29 5........12 MrJumbles............288................4.2..........283.8.......268.. .....15.8 RidinMyHDDream....256.................0............256.........247.... .....9 LilMissBand-Aid......269.................3...........266..........259........7 Globally Yours........308................2............302.........299.......... 2 Insubordination......273................8.4..........264.6......268.. ....-3.4
  19. globally yours

    What to do when you can't sleep?

    BBK, so sorry you're still not sleeping AND without caffeine! UGH, what a combination. Were you not sleeping before the time change? Not sure where you live, but we lived in England for awhile, and the sun came up at like 4AM, and I would think right, time to get up. Messed me up! Here's a warm blanket, cuddly toy, and plenty of zzzzzzzzzz´s coming your way.
  20. globally yours

    Anyone using Clark Memorial Hospital

    I did go to my first meeting. At Clark it's the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Helpful tips. There were two newer banders in the group who had lost 50 pounds since December! Good to hear from you, and have a nice weekend. Your day is soon!:smile:
  21. globally yours

    Anyone using Clark Memorial Hospital

    WOW!!! April 3rd. Let's try to keep up with one another. My insurance would have paid more if I went to St Mary's, but I thought about all the follow up visits, and fills, so chose to pay more and have it closer to home. Hope I made the right decision! So are you on your liquid diet now?
  22. globally yours

    What to do when you can't sleep?

    Glad you went to the Dr BBK, and get to the bottom of everything. Been thinking about you, and sending you nice, relaxing thoughts. M
  23. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    I'm new to the show this year, but where were the trainers at the weigh in? Did I miss something?
  24. globally yours

    Guess Whatttttt????

  25. globally yours

    Biggest Loser

    Oh man! I really wanted Dan to take the top prize. He can be cocky, but weren't we all at 21? Not a shock though he was voted off, cause Roger can say all those things about watching Dan grow into adulthood, but Roger didn't want him around for more competition huh?

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