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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to sjandj715 in Surgery day?   
    Try to take some deep breathes and relax! You must believe and trust everything will be great ❤️ I did the same thing and then I realized I must relax and let go of the fear 👍👍 You will be just fine and all will go great! The only thing I hated about waking up after surgery was how tired I was. Seriously no pain at all. Just tiirreeddd. You will be out of it before the surgery starts. You won't even care about what's about to happen. I promise you will be so loopy and then fall asleep 👍👍 as long as you trust your surgeon you have absolutely nothing to worry about! I hope this helps! And best of luck to you
  2. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to harmonylynn in Anyone getting sleeved Aug 7th   
    Today has been the first prep diet day that I have felt that I wanted to eat! Tomorrow will be day 6 of 14. At least with work tomorrow I won't have time to think about food.< br>
    Sent from my VS987 using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to harmonylynn in Anyone getting sleeved Aug 7th   
    I am set for August 9th as well!!

    Sent from my VS987 using BariatricPal mobile app

  4. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to BeautifulSharifah in Anyone getting sleeved Aug 7th   
    I'm having surgery on August 9th
  5. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to James Marusek in What are your favorite workouts???   
    I am a big fan of physical labor. To me routine exercise at a gym is valuable time wasted. This is especially true because the nearest gym is an hour and a half drive roundtrip. Exercise includes physical labor. If there is no physical labor available, I generally do hill walking. My driveway is very steep and all I need to do is walk out my door.
    One of the tasks I worked on during my second and third year post op was building an underground shelter. Tornados struck about 7 years ago, just after I retired. The tornados did a lot of destruction to my property but spared my house. My house is a one story without a basement and there is really no place to take shelter in the event of another tornado. So I decided to build an underground shelter from an intermodal-shipping container into the side of my hill. Of course, if I build a storm shelter, it should also be a root cellar. And if I go to the effort of building a storm shelter/root cellar then why not go through a little extra effort and build it for Come-What-May, including asteroid impacts, nuclear war and nearby supernovas, etc. So during each of those years I moved 100,000 pounds of gravel by hand along with around 60,000 pounds of concrete blocks.
    This year my wife wanted me to build a playhouse for the grandkids. I decided to build a log playhouse and also get some of the grandkids involved in the effort. It uses 160 landscaping timbers. With the loft, it extends around 16 feet off the ground. I had RNY gastric bypass surgery over 4 years ago. Without the surgery, I could never perform these tasks, especially since I am approaching 70.

  6. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to Losing in NWAR in I GOT MY DATE!(AUGUST )SURGERIES WHERE U @   
    I'm scheduled for the 9th!

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    lindabalseca reacted to Beautiful Diamonds in I GOT MY DATE!(AUGUST )SURGERIES WHERE U @   
    Anyone else with me?
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    lindabalseca reacted to lisaBme in Is anyone having a hard time dealing with all of the new attention? I'm 6 months out.   
    I guess when you are overweight you are kind of invisible, so now everyone is always commenting in person or in pictures on social media about how much weight I've lost, or how good I look. Just not used to it I suppose. The doctor did warn me, but it's kind of shocking.
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    lindabalseca got a reaction from Noworneverthin in Any August 2017 Sleevers?   
    That's my date as well sleeve sister [emoji4]

  10. Like
    lindabalseca got a reaction from ready2bgreat in Any August 2017 Sleevers?   
    I've been prepping a year..have the same date[emoji4]

  11. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Looking for good chicken and fish recipes   
    You could do that with Cod. Personally I hate baked Cod but grilled Cod I love...

    If you have a gas grill and a cast Iron skillet you can grill fish fast an easy. I do this all the time and I am eating in less than 10 minutes start to finish.


    By the way that recipe is really good, just skip the tortillas and sugar.

    I won't do boneless skinless chicken. It gets way too dry. Someone might have a good recipe to keep it moist. I guess you could cook it in Tomato sauce (purchase it plain, seasoned by you) and sprinkle some cheese on top.
    This is my fav oven baked chicken wing recipe. Basically you cook the chicken slow at first which renders the fat and then when you turn the temp up it fries that fat making them crispy.
    The issue with wings is they are really hard to track. I put them in a bowl, weigh them, then put the bones back when I am done and subtract the weight of the bones to track them. Because it is such a pain, I don't eat them that often, but these are really delicious.

    I also suggest you invest in some really good spice mixes. This will allow you to season your food and create variety even if you are eating the same things.

    They have lots of sugar free spice mixes. Almost all the spice mixes in stores have sugar and other additives.

  12. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to sjandj715 in Surgery stories???   
    Just a word of advice.. people already have self image issues. No need to state the obvious here. I didn't mind it but it might hurt someone else's feelings 👍
  13. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to anigerm41 in I was Sleeved July 26th   
    I was also sleeved July 26. I'm doing my best but having a hard time getting the liquids and Protein in. I feel better today than yesterday. Hang in there!!

    Sent from my LGLS992 using BariatricPal mobile app

  14. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to Ldyvenus in Lighter than my husband!!   
    Mine too. My hubby is around 175. I told him it would be helpful if he would gain 5 pounds to help me get there faster. 😁
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    lindabalseca reacted to anonymom26 in Lighter than my husband!!   
    I made it to onederland at 198 lbs yesterday, and finally weigh less than my husband! 94 lbs lost total since my high weight.
    HW 292 2/1/2017
    SW 248 5/1/2017 RNY
    CW 198 7/28/2017

  16. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Body Figire   
    When I told my friends I was having surgery to lose weight. They all congratulated me on taking control of my health and supported me in getting healthier. Not one person said some dumb ish about my shape or how I would look or losing my boobs.
    People that really love you want you to live, and be around to share this life with them.
  17. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to Introversion in Body Figire   
    Yep. You hit the nail on the head.
    My friend and I were both sleeved and reached our goal weights. However, her family members (most of whom are badly overweight, by the way) have been unsupportive.
    They tried to discourage her from having surgery in the first place even though she had a heart problem, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and high blood pressure controlled by 5 different medications.
    Why did they not want her to be sleeved? "You might lose your curves," they all shouted.
    Now that most of her health problems have resolved and she's at her goal weight, they all holler that she's "too skinny with no curves" although her weight of 145 pounds places her at the upper limits of a normal BMI for her height of 5'5. She's a size 8, which is not too skinny unless your views on body image are warped.
    Take a look at the people insisting you'll lose your curves:
    They're all overweight and focus on you instead of their own problems. They fixate on looks and aesthetics rather than improved health. Some of them secretly hope you don't lose enough weight. Some of them even secretly hope you regain the weight. To be honest, I enjoy being normal-weight over having a curvaceous booty and nice-sized breasts any day of the week. Some of my friends' relatives talk behind my back and say I had a better shape when I was heavy, but every single one of these haters needs to look in the mirror at their own ruined overweight bodies.
    The concern-trolls are not truly concerned. They're insecure and should mind their own business.
  18. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Body Figire   
    People that say that ish are just haters.
    I went from an apple to an hourglass. I walk and do yoga. I do weights some of the time but not really. I have way more muscle mass than a person who was never obese because I was obese and my body had to adapt to carry it. I don't have to add muscle just maintain what I already have.
    The people that look like who did it and what for post-op either were bad bodied from jump and nothing was going to save them, or they ate the bare minimum Protein and it shows. You can always see it all in their face.
    If you have a figure you will still have a figure. I had a big stomach that overshadowed my breasts, hips and butt. When I lost the stomach all of that was able to shine. And yes I lost all over, but I still am shapely. People can still be shapely and be smaller. All you have to do is be proportionate.
    None of this is to discourage you from working out or adding weights etc but losing weight should not equate a fear of losing your figure.
    Those are just things that people tell you to hold you back, project their own feelings on you, usually because they are afraid you will be smaller and more attractive than them.
    I am all for being body positive but this idea that obesity is curves is lunacy.
  19. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to ready2bgreat in Any August 2017 Sleevers?   
    I am scheduled for August 9th, so excited, the nervousness is still there but going away, I have waited and been preparing so long.
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    lindabalseca got a reaction from Noworneverthin in Any August 2017 Sleevers?   
    That's my date as well sleeve sister [emoji4]

  21. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to harmonylynn in Any August 2017 Sleevers?   
    I am scheduled August 9, I also live in NC....my area.

    Sent from my VS987 using BariatricPal mobile app

  22. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to Mili in Hola mi Nombre es Mile quiero animarles , gracias a Dios estoy viviendo una hermosa etapa de mi vida !!   
    Mi cirugía fue el 28 de Diciembre del 2016 es decir casi 8 meses. Diabetes 2 y presión alta. Desde un día antes de la cirugía tome mis últimas pastillas para la presión alta , diabetes y no más insulina. He perdido 55 libras de 198 ahora peso 143, todavía no llego al peso que deseo el cual es 125 por mi estatura , pero me siento muy feliz Gracias a Dios por este logro sin El y el apoyo de mi familia no lo hubiera logrado. No podemos olvidar que la cirugía Gástrica es solo una herramienta ,necesitamos comer saludable , tomar vitaminas y hacer ejercicios .
  23. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to ready2bgreat in New to Forum   
    Ignatious, Linda and Harmony... I too have a Sleeve date of August 9th... seems like I have been waiting for almost a year and now I am so excited and nervous at the same time... Is that how you feel?? I have been on the Protein Shakes since Monday, so far so good. I think I am just so determined that this is my last shot to have a tool to change my life, that I am not fighting it.
    Tell me how you are doing?
  24. Like
    lindabalseca reacted to harmonylynn in New to Forum   
    Hey....I started prep diet today for August 9 surgery date as well!

    Sent from my VS987 using BariatricPal mobile app

  25. Like
    lindabalseca got a reaction from ignatius1580 in New to Forum   
    I have the same surgery date...started my pre op Monday

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
