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LAP-BAND Patients
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About soniaaspuria

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/19/1976
  1. Happy 37th Birthday soniaaspuria!

  2. soniaaspuria

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    hello, i just got banded this morning (feb 5, 2010) and feel pretty good.i'm just making sure to stay on top of pain medication every 3 hrs 45 min.some numbness on left arm and a little discomfort on left chest muscle.i've been keeping a heating pad on my chest and it seems to help.no vomiting or nausea, thanks god!
  3. soniaaspuria

    Gas Attack! Newly Banded

    got banded this morning and am not having any gas pain just numbness in left arm from time to time and a little pain on left pectoralis muscle.will the gas x help this?
  4. soniaaspuria

    had lap band surgery today!

    well so far i feel pretty good, i am able to get up and walk around and keep liquids down.just having numbness in left arm from time to time.has this happened to anyone els?
  5. soniaaspuria

    had lap band surgery today!

    well so far i feel pretty good, i am able to get up and walk around and keep liquids down.just having numbness in left arm from time to time.has this happened to anyone els?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
