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Everything posted by LMSWNYC

  1. Amazing progress Mr. Thomas! Very inspirational. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Recovery question

    I had surgery 33 days ago. I would recommend taking 10 -12 days off after surgery even if you work from home. When you come back from the hospital you will be in pain and your body is going to ask you for a bed. You wont have much energy to talk or focus on work. At least this was my experience and most people will tell you that the first two weeks is challenging. I was not able to take Oxycotone for more than 3 days therefore i managed my pain with tylenol. It was not as effective but i did not have an alternative due to my allergies. Also after surgery you will be on very limited food and Clear liquids for about 4 days. My brain felt very foggy with such low calorie intake. I also had a difficult time drinking Water which is very common after surgery and this made me very dehydrated. I did not start feeling some what back to myself until after 2 weeks from my surgery date. I was not able to focus on checking work email until 12 days after surgery for the reasons noted. You don't want to be in a position in which you feel ill and still have to keep up with work because that will cause much more stress on your body. After surgery the goal is recovery and your body and mind will need time to heal itself. Work will always be there. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. @ wallflower .... You are adorable! Love your funky outfit. I want to wear that some day. Kudos to you. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. Amazing! You are all inspirational. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. I cant wait to post my own in 6 months. I am 4 weeks post op now. ???????????????????? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    IVF after Surgery

    Im on the same boat. I just had surgery 16 days ago... Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Birth control

    Has anyone just used condoms? I really dont want to get on birth control. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I recently had gastric sleeve surgery two weeks ago. I was also undecided until about a month before the surgery. One of the things that helped me decide was attending support groups and meeting different people who had the sleeve and the bypass. I learned that in both surgeries it the weight loss success varied from person to person regardless of what surgery they chose. Some sleevers lost 100+ pounds and some had slower progress. I also met folks who had bypass and lost 60 pounds or 125. It really depended on how each person was following the diet and exercise plan. I also plan to have a baby as soon as I can and I felt more comfortable with a restrictive procedure rather than a restrictive and mal-absorptive one. My goal is overall health. I would also ask write down questions to ask my doctor before my appointment which helped me make my decision. In the end it is your body and you have to feel it is the right decision for you. Best of luck in your decision! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. You all inspire me! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Not sure who I should tell!

    I recently had the gastric sleeve surgery and only told a few friends and family. It was the best decision because in was able to focus on what was important for me during pre-op and it was less stressful. I did not want any negative energy. After the surgery some extended family members found out but by that point i did not care. Those who cared have come by to show support and others have avoided me. I am completely fine with that because this is something I did for myself and my quality if life not anyone else. At work I have only informed my supervisor and two elderly staff members who are more like mothers to me. I do not plan on telling anyone else at work at this point. I want to focus on my recovering and making sure i follow my doctors recommendations. My private life is just that and my coworkers don't need to know about my major life decisions. If i feel comfortable in telling a few people later on that will be my decisions not anyone else. I would say do what feels right to you. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. I had gatric sleeve 13 days ago and have been feeling very dizzy and still have pain throughout the day. I am taking tylenol every 4-6 hours as I had some very harsh side effects to the pain medication prescribed. I am worried about my symtoms and i am scheduled to return back to work monday, march 7th. Can anyone tell me how lomg it took them to recovery before going back to work? I am really worried about getting dizzy while traveling to work as my commute is 1.5 hours. Any advice?
  12. Thanks so much Jamie! Glad I found this supportive community.
  13. Thanks All! I met with my surgeon today and he determined i was dehydrated. My blood pressure was also high which was another factor which was causing me to feel dizzy. The surgeon explained that i might be feeling pain because my wound is still healing. He said he was not worried because my incisions were healing well. I have lost 20 pounds since pre-op diet, ten since surgery date so this might also be affecting my body. My surgeon recommended I take an extra week to help my body heal. Plus i should not be traveling if i am having dizzy spells. My surgeon gave me confidence that i was on the right track. I am hopeful that I will be feeling better to return to work by next week. I am looking forward to getting back into my normal activities.
  14. The pain is specifically in my belly button area it feels like something is burning inside that is why i continue to take tylenol. I am going to try my best today to monitor my water intake. I am scheduled to see my doctor tomorrow morning.
  15. I was thinking that it might be my blood pressure. It is usually high and i have forgotten to take my Water pill during these days. I am not sure if i if u m drinking enough water... I am scheduled to see my surgeon tomorrow morning. Sent from my SM-T210R using the BariatricPal App

    My journey

    Congrats on keeping the weight off.

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