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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kdelrosso

  1. Awesome thank you all
  2. I work for an insurance company and unfortunately this isn't something that they will budge on. If you have insurance through your employer, the insurance company will sit down with the employer and go over what they do and what they don't want to cover. The insurance can't make an exception. I'm sorry to hear this is happening though. I always feel terrible when I get these calls while im working
  3. kdelrosso

    You know you lost weight when

    This thread is amazing !! I am so happy for every single one of you !! This has just reconfirmed that I am doing the right thing in having this surgery. I'm scheduled for December 17th, and this just gave me the boost I needed to get through the preop diet. Congrats to every single one of you!!
  4. kdelrosso

    Hi New member

    That weight loss is awesome already!!!! Good luck on your surgery, you will do great !!
  5. Hi everyone!!! I am new to this forum so I am sorry if this is not the proper way to do this, but I am curious to know if anyone has any tips or tricks on how to make the preop diet easier. I start it on 12/02 for my 12/17 surgery. So any advice is truly appreciated
  6. Was going to suggest the same thing. I just had my second spinal fusion due to most of these symptoms. I know it may have coincided with your surgery but who knows. Maybe you had a bulging disc before surgery and then without them know being intubated could have completely herniated it. I wouldn't disregard your spine at all.
  7. 'People fearing the munchies are non smokers' . That actually mAkes me laugh. I used to smoke in my teens to my early to mid twenties. After smoking I could house a tray of pizza no questions asked. I'm not saying that weed made me do it but it lowered my inhibitions to say no that's probably not good to do and made me feel so hungry I could do it. I have nothing against weed, I'm just personally over the whole thing. You do you, but you just may want to rethink how you word your phrases. Everyone is different and reacts differently, and as different people we are going to answer differently than someone else. Just take every advice as it comes .. You don't have to take the advice if you don't like it good luck with everything
  8. kdelrosso

    Seeing a psychologist

    Thank you so much for all of your input !! It is greatly appreciated and has made me feel better about deciding to see someone about my eating habits
  9. This may be a little personal for some to answer so I COMPLETELY understand if you do not want to answer.. But I'm curious about seeing a therapist/psychologist before and after the surgery. I don't mean for the clearance I've already done that. What I mean is , is I have read so many articles about seeking help due to eating habits. For instance I stress eat and obviously I won't be able to do that after the surgery. They suggest seeing someone to learn to cope with issues in other ways then eating. Has anyone done this? If so has it helped in your journey? Like I said it's a little personal so I understand if you don't want to answer. Thanks ☺️
  10. kdelrosso

    Pre op diet opinions

    Thank you so so much to everyone for your input !! I will take everything into account when starting my diet !!
  11. kdelrosso


    Sounds like your sugar levels could be dropping drastically too
  12. Ordered the book tonight off of Amazon should have it by Thursday .. Very excited !!
  13. kdelrosso

    Pre op diet opinions

    I only had to do liquids post op but I found that what made it easier was a variety. There was a sale on premade soups so I bought several kinds and strained them out to just have the broth. That is such a great idea !! Thank you so much !!
  14. I am going to the best bariatric surgeon in my area and he has me on the pre op diet. It doesn't have rondo with their expertise. It's their preference. If you read articles it always says it's based on the doctors preference. It's easier for the doctor to maneuver around the liver after the liquid diet. It's nothing to do with how well he does his job, it's just his personal choice for his patients
  15. I'm not sue about the time frame since I am pre op but my doctor did say if you are desk job it can be within a week. I'm interested in those it works wraps but what I have heard helps is the corsets for waist training I know someone who used it and it helped tighten. Also idk if you have heard of the makeup company younique but I am an independent seller for them and we offer a product called uplift serum. It can be used for many different things but one of them is to tighten skin (people use on face mostly but you can use on stomach ) you can also use it to reduce any stretch marks you have. I am actually going to start using it now for my stretch marks to get on top of them before surgery. If you have any questions feel free to reach out ! Good luck with everything !!
  16. Welcome I am brand new too!! Good luck with everything !!
  17. I would say just hold off for awhile. If not for the increase in appetite but for your lungs. There is A reason doctors do not want patients smoking before or after surgeries for x amount of time. Anesthesia junks up your lungs and if you are smoking it's going to make it worse and increase your chances for pneumonia or other lung related problems. I would hold off just so you don't end up with something that could truly harm you.
  18. kdelrosso

    Surgery is 12/17! Ahhhhhhh!

    My surgery is the same day and I am having the same fears❤️ but you got this!! You will take back your life and learn to live with your new stomach. We all have faith in you. You got this !
  19. Oh goodie. I have Cigna . Love hearing having to fight with them over authorizations. But no the doctor shouldn't have to put it off. I actually just had my last pre op apt with my surgeon before my surgery and I have gained 10 lbs due to having surgery on my neck last month and wasn't able to do anything. He didn't say he would postpone or cancel surgery just to try to drop the weight which I assume once I start the liquid diet it will come right off
  20. kdelrosso

    Aetna Insurance

    I work for an insurance company .. It's not Aetna but that turn around time is pretty standard for pre auths. Especially gastric surgeries for whatever reason.
  21. kdelrosso


    You are in a twilight type sedation. No pain at all and you won't remember any of it. I don't know if you have ever had a colonoscopy but the sedation is similar to that. During my endoscopy my doctor needed to biopsy a piece of my esophagus and I didn't even have pain after that. Relax and enjoy the sedation
  22. kdelrosso

    Any December Sleever's?

    My surgery is December 17th! Good luck with everything I am sure you will do great !! You're a lucky one . Only 2 day liquid pre op!!
  23. I wouldn't be too concerned About them cancelling. If there is something wrong (fingers crossed you're okay) they just may bring in a cardio team to monitor as well during the surgery.
  24. kdelrosso

    Pre op diet opinions

    Megtart - thank you for that suggestion . I actually enjoy warm broth so that is something I will definitely use!
  25. kdelrosso

    Pre op diet opinions

    Sophie - my doctor will have me on a complete liquid diet. Now it doesn't have to be clear liquids that's not until after surgery for me but protein drinks , full liquids like creamy soups and stuff like that.

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