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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tomorrowsdream

  1. Insurance is a great big pain in the butt. You can't fight an exclusion though. It's a bummer. I know in my case Medicare won't be covering lap banding (but is covering gastric bypass, which I refuse) until Feb. 2006. I will wait. You might have to self pay and go to Mexico where you can get the surgery done at a fairly good price. It's sad but lots of people here have problems with insurance. I'm just biting the bullet. I have as much patience as they do.
  2. tomorrowsdream

    I need help

    That nurse had unforgiveable behavior. I hope you reported her. I went in the morning of my gall bladder surgery, got prepped by a really nice team of nurses (warm blankets and all), off to the OR and 2 hours later I was home and feeling good. No vomiting whatsoever and up and about the next day. Didn't they keep you for awhile? Maybe they gave you something that made you sick. I didn't get anything till I was in the OR with the exception of a little sedative. Never knew what hit me till I woke up. You certainly didn't get the expected treatment. Of course they should assure you you aren't going to wake up...that is unforgiveable. Take care of yourself, because you've had 2 surgeries real close together, and just concentrate on getting well. Good Luck.
  3. I've about decided that Boise, Idaho is not the place to get my lap banding done, even though it is my home. I'm discouraged with the doctors here and their lack of caring and attitude about not wanting a Medicare patient. Between them they have only done a little over 100 lap band surgeries which doesn't instill a lot of trust. They were taught by Dr. Emma Patterson who is a lap banding surgeon, who accepts Medicare, and is located in Portland. OK, I know I have to fly up and see the dr. at some point, and then return for the surgery. All of my prelim tests can be done here. What I would like to find is someone to attend the seminar for me on Jan. 10 at 6:00 PM. Before you quit reading, please listen. I have to have a wheelchair right now at all times because of arthritis, which restricts my traveling quite a bit. I am willing to pay someone in the Portland area to attend this seminar for me and send my the application, sign me in, and sit there for an hour. It would mean a great deal to me, and if you are in the Portland area, and it isn't out of your way would you contact me. I will be more then happy to compensate you for your time. I'm not trying to get out of a seminar just because. I have attended the one in Boise, but that isn't acceptable to them. I have also watched the complete video on lap banding. I just need someone to go to the seminar for me. Jack is 2 1/2 hrs. from the Portland area, but his dr. is at the very same clinic. Will you let me know if you are interested in doing this, as I would be very appreciative and will compensate you well. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any help would be appreciated. This should only take about an hr. if it is anything like the one here in Boise. Actually, I believe because they learned from the dr. in Portland it is probably the very same speech and video. There were several people at the seminar in Boise that were there for other people, so I know that it is done. Anyway...if you can...if you would, please contact me privately if you want to. Again thanks.
  4. If I go to Portland (and I plan on staying a few days) I hope they will let me leave OK in a taxi for a hotel. I don't know anyone in Portland. I don't think they would object if I'm not the DRIVER what do you think?
  5. tomorrowsdream

    Please Don't Forget

    As we speak I have a son-in-law serving in Iraq. I pray for him and all the other troops each and every day. What a great sacrifice they have made for us. I was an Air Force wife for 16 years myself and know first hand how dedicated these guys are.
  6. tomorrowsdream

    Down 101! ! ! ! !

    Wow, I love reading these great posts. Keep up the great work.
  7. tomorrowsdream

    I'm gonna do it!!

    I have to go to Portland for my dr's. appt., and I didn't dream that it might only be a few weeks before surgery. I was thinking I had to go on a waiting list or something. I will be thrilled if I go back 2 weeks later for the surgery. I am oh so ready. All tests are completed and I'm good to go....
  8. tomorrowsdream

    I need help

    I haven't been banded yet, but I have had my gall bladder out. I'm sure because of the location it won't affect your band at all. I'm relieved to hear it wasn't any slippage with the band, although certainly having your gallbladder removed is not a picnic, but neither is it very difficult. I don't know if I was unusual, but I was up and around the very next day. I had 4 small incisions held together with durabond and steristrips. I had absolutely no gas and only took pain meds for 2 days, then switched to Tylenol. I guess I'm doing things in reverse, but please don't worry about the gallbladder surgery. Now that they do it laparoscopically it is not bad at all. Best of luck to you and God Bless.
  9. tomorrowsdream

    Regret and depressed

    You are amongst a wonderful group of people, and lots of them have responded to you. Although I haven't been banded yet, I went with my daughter 3 years ago when she had gastric lap banding. They weren't doing the lap banding in the states yet I don't think, or I'm sure this would have been her option. She went to 3 psych evals beforehand and told me she was emotionally ready. Well, for the first 2 weeks I stayed with her and she cried and cried and regretted her decision. I don't think any amount of counseling truly can prepare you for the huge liftstyle change. After about 2 weeks she calmed down and truly began following the plan and not starving herself. Today she is a different and more confident woman. She is down over 100 lbs. and is thrilled with herself, and I am thrilled for her. I think what you are experiencing is the norm. I went this past week and had nitrous oxide to get my teeth cleaned and afterward I was so depressed from the anesthesia it was unbelievable. I know I don't know first-hand what you are going through, but lots here do. They are my comfort zone for when I have my surgery. I know I will be looking to people like Cindy and Jack, who are so very upbeat to get me through the difficult part, and there will be many, because I live alone with just my dog and my best friend died of cancer 2 years ago. My family is no longer right in the area, so I will be reaching out to board buddies till they are sick to death of me. There are wonderful people here, and you have done a wonderful thing for yourself, now take a deep breath and think about your new lifestyle. Be very good to yourself and pamper yourself as everyone said. Lots have been where you are and have come around and feel great. Please hang in there. It wasn't a rash decision to be banded and it shouldn't be a rash decision to have it removed. You need anything, you just holler. People on here can hear you and someone will come running. Best of luck.
  10. There are only two surgeons where I live that do lap banding. They were both willing to do my surgery until today when they got the new Medicare review out and find that Medicare is only going to allow $800.00 for the entire procedure. They will be covering it...but at what cost. The doctors said they have to submit it to Medicare and therefore I can't even be self-pay if I want to. I don't know what to do. Anyone have any advice. I really should get the surgery here in the US because of a number of medical problems, but this just oh so sucks. Why would Medicare think this lap banding is only worth $800.00. I can't see any dr. taking Medicare now with the price they are being paid and I don't really blame the doctors either. It's a fairly expensive operation.
  11. tomorrowsdream

    Depressed and ready to give up

    I have no intention of giving up, but there are only 2 dr's. here in all of Idaho that do this surgery and they won't do fills for anyone else...even the dr. that taught them this surgery in Portland, Oregon. She is still a very viable option for me. I'm putting a lot of thought into it. I would have to attend a seminar in Portland, then fly up for a dr's. visit, and then hopefully the surgery. I'm not a very good flyer and am sure to get lost in Portland, but if these dr's. here don't come around I know she accepts Medicare patients with no problem.
  12. tomorrowsdream

    Surgical risks specific to this surgery?

    Perfectly healty people can have complications, and the elderly and infirmed like me might fly through it. If you have problems to start with, as I do, you have to be assured that this is an option for you. Don't worry about what could happen. General anesthesia is a risk no matter what surgery you are having, but the risk is small compared to what you are going to get out of the surgery...and trust me I've had enough surgeries to know. I spent 9 hrs. having open heart surgery and 5 years later I'm here, and I'm looking at the band as "a small obstacle" rather than the huge one I've been through. The band is about psyching yourself up for it I think more than anything. Good luck and quit worrying.
  13. tomorrowsdream

    Depressed and ready to give up

    The doctor's office called today and said they had my application and were reviewing it to see if I qualified (probably because of my heart surgery). I assured them I had medical clearance in writing from my heart surgeon, along with an EKG, a recent thallium nuclear scan and an echocardiogram (that should shut them up). I told them I was in the process of completing the sleep study and I only had blood work and the psych appt. to go. She wanted to talk a payment plan and told me Medicare won't pay a nickle. I said FINE, but you have to submit it to them and get denied or I could lose my coverage. She asked me well if it is denied can you self-pay. I told her yes, I could, that wasn't a problem (had to mortgage the house), but she had to submit it for me first. She didn't sound very happy about that, but that's the way the system works. She was supposed to get back to me this afternoon and I told her I was in the middle of getting my gums planed and crowns on my front teeth, and I was NOT in the mood to argue with her. I just said fine, call me back when the dr. reviews the application . He stood there in front of 100 people at the seminar and stated he took Medicare (probably because he thought they wouldn't pay) but I hear the first of the yr. Medicare will be paying quite a bit. If they don't I'll EAT (bad word) the cost. So, that is where I stand right now. I'm probably looking at the first of the yr. to see the dr. or the end of Dec., but I feel like I've made a little progress. If he decides not to see me, I'm going to want some answers. Take care my adopted twin.
  14. tomorrowsdream

    Giving up the Smokes

    I was a 2-pack a day smoker for over 30 years. I had 5-way-bypass surgery 5 years ago. What a wake-up call. I quit smoking, took up eating, and I'm now facing lap banding, but hey I did quit smoking. I hope you succeed for yourself and your family. I don't wish bypass surgery on anyone. Stick with the Patches. They worked great for 2 of my daughters. Good luck to you. You will be healther without them...and you WON'T gain the weight I did.
  15. tomorrowsdream

    Depressed and ready to give up

    I've already begun this fight. The office manager from the dr's. office called today to tell me they have received my complaint and are considering doing the surgery, but they DON'T think Medicare will pay a cent. The office manager says she talked to the DIRECTOR for Medicare and they are not paying for the surgery. I have also talked directly with Medicare and I know they are paying and paying more than $800.00. It is Medicade that picks up only $800.00 and I don't have Medicade. Medicare will pay $10,000, but the dr. wants $20,000 for this "package deal" he has with the hospital. I told him let me deal with the hospital that I had worked there 38 years and they would give me a good deal on anything I owed them. The dr. doesn't like this idea. He wants me to pay him and I informed the office staff that they have to under the law submit my claim to Medicare before I'm paying them a dime. I truly believe with the help of my personal physician and a detailed letter she sent to Medicare and received an answer on that they WILL pay for this surgery. The office manager let me know she doesn't like me already...ask me if I care? I'm betting she is a 20 year old blonde bimbo that weighs 110 lbs. She sounds absolutely disgusted discussing weight or weight issues, so I think we are going to have a go round in the future. I am a person and I expect to be treated as such. I am no different than anyone else in this country and deserve the same treatment. What is it with people and their negative reaction to overweight people? Society on a whole sure looks at us differently for some reason. Personally, I've had enough and I'm taking a stand. Now...did that impress you guys? Thanks all. You have been great. Without you I might not have stood up to this woman as it wasn't characteristic of me to fight for anything.
  16. tomorrowsdream

    I just got banded yesterday and have questions?

    I am still a wannabe, and wonder if I will ever belong to bandland. I'm discouraged, but I'm sure you have all been through the same thing. Vinesqueen, where did you go in Wash., and is it far from Boise. I have been given a suggestion for Portland, but did you go somewhere closer? I was just wondering if you could tell me how to contact them, and how far away it is. Thanks.
  17. tomorrowsdream

    I want to be a rabbit!!!

    Don't feel bad Vinesqueen. At least he is alive and well and cares about you. I lost my husband in an auto accident 10 years ago and I've never gotten over it...never ever, even looked at another man. That man was my soulmate and each day is lonlier then the day before, but it's no excuse for being a "heavyweight". He would have been totally ashamed of the way I've let myself go. Good Luck. Love lasts. I wish you luck.
  18. tomorrowsdream

    Does Medicare pay for lapbanding?

    I live in Idaho and as of yet they are not accepting Medicare. If worse comes to worse I will go to Portland I think. I'm going to wait as I am in the middle of getting my teeth fixed, and I have to think this out. I have absolutely no clue where I will leave my dog. Only one daughter 50 mi. from here who is a nurse and if she isn't working she is in McCall (a winter resort) skiing. She can't keep my dog, and my best friend died 2 years ago of brain cancer. I know no one else here. I have really kept to myself since my surgery, and since gaining this weight. Somehow I feel safer at home than anywhere....(maybe because it's close to the refrigerator). I can't believe that 5 years ago at the age of 58 I was 5'8" and weighed 140, and am now the same height and weight 265. It seems improssible all that weight just crept up on me.
  19. tomorrowsdream

    can't quit sliming!

    You are a really nice person. There are lots of nice people on this board, but you really impress me
  20. tomorrowsdream

    Depressed and ready to give up

    My plan all along has been to pay for the surgery because I didn't count on Medicare to come through. The doctors can NOT do the surgery without letting Medicare know, therefore, they cannot allow me to self-pay. I'm really stuck in a rut. There is a dr. in Portland that does do Medicare patients and I'm going to think on this for a week or so and decide if that's an option for me. I'm not sure I truly believe this secretary when she tells me the new Medicare funding is going to be $800.00. I would rather think she is talking about Medicaid the Medicare. I have 5-way-bypass surgery and I got to pick my two doctors. After having been a medical transcriptionist for 38 years I knew the two very best drs. in cardiology and chose them. They had no problem in accepting Medicare and trust me cardiologists and neurosurgeons think they sit on the right hand of God. So if they accept Medicare it's hard for me to believe they are paying these guys so little. These dr's. here in Boise, Idaho charge $20,000 for the procedure. It is half that in Mexico, but that really isn't an option for me. I'm going to call Medicare tomorrow and speak to someone again that knows more. I'm willing to bet Medicare pays about $10,000 and they simply won't accept it. I think that is reasonable if that is the case. By the way these two dr's. between them (they just learned the proceedure) have only done 100 lap bands, so maybe my options are better with the person who taught it to them in Portland. Darned if I know what to do.
  21. tomorrowsdream

    Does Medicare pay for lapbanding?

    Medicare is a given to people on disability. Unfortunately the wait is 2 years to get it. Trust me there are days like today I wish I wasn't on Medicare. It is holding up a surgery I would rather pay for then fight over. Medicare doesn't pay the doctors enough so they won't do the surgery and they won't let me self-pay because they would be breaking the law and they have to cover their own asses...so I'm at an impasse.
  22. tomorrowsdream

    I Am Pre Band Need Help

    I'd find another dr. My personal dr. is against gastric bypass, but is all for the lap banding and I'm a heart bypass patient. I haven't encountered anyone saying their dr. didn't approve of this surgery. I'm just having problems finding a dr. to accept Medicare. Sometimes weight loss surgery is the only option left for those of us that are addicted to food. I bet I have lost and gained 500 lbs. in my lifetime. I suffer to lose it, and it always comes back with more to boot. My dr. says that yo-yoing is much worse for my health then this lap banding would ever be. She is 100% behind me in wanting this minimally invasive surgery. Maybe your dr. needs to be better informed on this surgery. Keep in touch and good luck.
  23. tomorrowsdream

    Depressed and ready to give up

    The doctors won't do the surgery because Medicare doesn't pay them enough. I don't really blame them. $800.00 is not nearly enough, if what they are telling me is true. I offered to go self-pay and they said that is against the law...they have to file an insurance claim if you have insurance. I'm stuck. I'm about ready to say forgitabout it and see about going to Mexico. My problem there is when I come home I'm 8 hours away from a fill when I need one. I'm stuck in the middle of a desert. I could go to Washington or Utah for my fills and both are a very long way. I could go to Portland for my surgery. There is a good dr. there that does Medicare patients, but I would have to fly up for the seminar (and I've been to one in Boise. It makes no difference), then fly up and see the dr. and then hopefully for surgery and I would have to keep going back for fills. I agree with the dr's. that $800 is NOT enough for this type of surgery, but it also leaves me without a surgeon in this area because they can refuse a Medicare patient if they want to. I guess I'll have to put lots more thought into what to do. Mexico really scares me with my health problems though.
  24. tomorrowsdream

    kinda rough question here...

    You had an offer for help with a suppository and it didn't even penetrate your skull. Men....geeeeez. Tell the girl you need her help.
  25. tomorrowsdream

    I want to be a rabbit!!!

    One other thing rabbits do is have sex 24/7 Now that brings me to today's Oprah where she had a woman on that uses sex to lose weight. She swears by it. Oprah had Kirstie Alley on today and she is a Jenny Craig spokesperson. She has lost 55 lbs., but she has a personal trainer and everything at her disposal. Just thought I'd interject that being a rabbit might not be a bad idea for weight loss

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