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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chell1957

  1. chell1957

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    May I ask what a apron removal is?
  2. Hi all. Today I woke up to feeling a bit yucky. Luckily it has passed with little effect. It did get me to worndering .... once I am banded, how do I cope and care for myself if I get a tummy flu and or diareia (sp?)? With the new stomach so much smaller, I think dehydration is a major problem then?
  3. chell1957

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    I too have only told my hubby and got a luke warm reaction. He thinks its a mistake. I kind of understand his point, its a serious decision. Which is why I am on the broads researching. I want to be sure. I dislike the gastric by pass, its seems to drastic for me. I like the idea LBS reversible if need be and is FDA approved. I told my best friend she thinks I am crazy also. But I want a better state of health and am tired of fighting it all my life. I want a better sex life, wink wink...not U would think that alone would make the men rethink things...I am not expecting much support in this from my family or anyone.
  4. chell1957

    Stomach flu and such

    That info was helpful. I was kind of wondering, I hope that my Dr. if and when I get banded will do the same for me.
  5. chell1957

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    This so sound familiar to me also. My hubby thinks I am nuts, my best friend dose too (she is heavier then I) and my BMI is 37 @ 5'3"! Hell I can see the fat hanging off my elbows! Not to mention the health problem I have. Yep I heat this also and I try to ignore them. The women who was 110 lbs is a joke! I have not weighted that since I was 14! OMG..LOL...I like the come back..."just how much more do I need to gain".. great comment. Have to remember that. Chell
  6. I happened on this doing my research. All I know about it is what I read here. So of course you should RESEARCH much more. I do find it interesting. Please use cut/paste if the link dose not work for you. Chell http://www.gastricbypasssanfrancisco.com/vertical-gastrectomy-sleeve-san-francisco-ca.htm
  7. chell1957

    Why are YOU Fat?

    <TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap><!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->desertmom<!-- google_ad_section_end --> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_703528", true); </SCRIPT> </TD><TD width="100%">=== If I may I have a question or 2 to ask...now that U are banded, have U lost weight? How do U cope with this issue? I see a bit of my self in your statement. If the band is not working for you on this issue, what did u do, if anything to get past this problem? Thanks for the understanding in my asking the question. Chell </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  8. I am looking for anyone who has had the band done the VA. Please contact me. Chell
  9. chell1957

    Finding the WILL

    Hello. Just poking around. I am not a Candide for AA or NA (never had that problem) BUT I do think I am a foodie, foodaholic? I am about 80 lbs overweight. I just like to eat. I like the taste, the smell of food. I never could understand how folks could forget to eat!? And God help me, come around 8 p.m. comes the withing hours hours. I just want to eat and I am not sure why. I have tried to eat healthily food as an alternative but I end up eating junk anyway. Hubby is not any help...:tt1:
  10. chell1957

    NJ January 2008 Chat

    Hello everyone. I am new to the group, and to this thread. I too live in good old NJ. I am not banded yet, still in the research and diet stage. I learning so much. I think this is a great idea to have a tread for each state. Anyone here from Gloucester County?
  11. chell1957

    Flabby Skin at our age??

    Great pointers. Thanks! Once again I have learned a lot here.
  12. chell1957

    Port Infection, HELP..

    Good question Chubby Diva. As for all the info on the port being permanent, THANKS! I have learned something new today.
  13. chell1957

    Flabby Skin at our age??

    No I have not had mine yet. I am still on the supervised diet thing. Meeting with nutritionist next month for a check in appointment. Which should be interesting since I have a colonoscopy that day also. Ph boy I can hardly wait. For FinallyFree, can you friend at least claim the medial expense on her tax return? Also for FinallyFree, what do u mean by "rubbing" your arm...like a rub down of some kind?
  14. chell1957

    Gastric surgery and Diabetics

    Wow, some of you are so prepared and ready. I applaud you all for this. I also feel the insurance companies need to realize it is cheaper in the long run to cover the surgery then it is to keep supplying us with meds and supplies as well as all the complications that come form the long years of dealing with the decease.
  15. I was just reading in Goggle that folks who have the surgery fair better then folks who do not as far as having Diabetics is concerned. Her is the link/web address. http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN22530113
  16. chell1957

    Port Infection, HELP..

    O.K. so as I understand it, this port is a perment thing. Like I will have it for the rest of my life? I will have to get fills for the rest of my life? :wink2:
  17. chell1957

    Pre Op Liquid Diet

    Well I will keep all that in mind for future reference. Thanks!
  18. chell1957

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Just for the record, I think that took a lot of nerve to say that. Thanks.
  19. chell1957

    Lap Band Surgery and Diabetics

    Hi everyone. I was tooling around Goggle and I was reading news when I happened onto this news story. It talks about people who have the surgery (Gastric) and how it effects their Diabetics. Here is the link/web address: http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN22530113
  20. chell1957

    Lap Band Surgery and Diabetics

    Hi everyone. I was tooling around Goggle and I was reading news when I happened onto this news story. It talks about people who have the surgery (Gastric) and how it effects their Diabetics. Here is the link/web address: http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN22530113
  21. chell1957

    Flabby Skin at our age??

    Wow, can she submit the bills post op to be reimbursed, part or all? I know I sure as hell would at least try. U are talking thousands of dollars!
  22. chell1957

    Menopause HELP Please!

    Me too, I am now becoming "normal" to the temps of the winter and I have not lost a single pound yet! Last winter I was walking around in 65* rooms and very comfortable while the house-mate was freezing her tiny butt off. LOL! What a difference form last winter and now.
  23. chell1957

    Port Infection, HELP..

    O.K. I got the understanding of keeping it clean etc....I still want to know if the port is ever removed permanently at some point or will I have it the rest of my life?
  24. chell1957

    Pre Op Liquid Diet

    See here is my problem...you all have a job and an income, I am on SSI (trust me I get less then $10 a month but keep it for the insurance) anyway by the time we pay the rent, we can barely pay the utility bills. Let alone spend $50 for a drink mix just for me. I will have to find out if the VA can supply this while I need it. If not the cost will be a major issue for me...which is why I am concerned that I will not be approved on that fact alone. :tongue:
  25. chell1957

    Pscyo test questions

    Humm , interesting....I am no place near this point yet, I am registered for the "MOVE" program the VA has for weight loss. I was told straight out they want 3 - 6 months with this program prior to my seeing the folks for the surgery. So I keep my food logs, make notes about my mood when neeeded...so far it just makes me more depressed as I see the things I write down. I guess its because I fee pretty helpless as to my ability to purchase the food I would want to eat. I have concerns this will prevent me from getting the band since they will say that as a poor person I will not be able to afford the foods I need to eat....see when U have to use a food pantry, you get what they give you, not what U always want. I am grateful for the food but I sometimes would purchase something else if I had the chance. O.K. I digress, sorry....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
