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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chell1957

  1. chell1957

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Me too! I think it's a combination of things...learned behaviour (family stuff) and genetics...just my opinion...but I have noticed that I don't feel full like some folks do...I remember when I took the Merridia in the late 1990's thinking to myself "So this is how it feels to be full"...I was never a skinny kid, I was always told it was the Italian in me...Chell ....so where did the Irish side do?..wink...LOL
  2. God no, I look like a whale in my legs. I was watching Discovery Health over the week end and they were showing how folks after losing a lot of weight need to get body lifts. I can see this happening to me. Except for the fact I doubt my insurance will pay for such a thing. But they need to realize this is not plastic surgery for vanity reasons, some of us need it for health reasons...all that extra skin smells, gets rash etc...
  3. Good for you, sad for me...this is a pain in my butt, no one believes me.
  4. chell1957

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Welcome. I have been a bit of a lurker myself, also in the research stage of things. Saw my primary today, she is even supporting this for me. I have found everyone very supportive so far. I just wish the darn nutritionist would get off the chair and on her PC to get my referral done. In the beginning I read all the basic stuff which was very helpful. There are several sites that have "sticky" information and have been most helpful also. As for the ticker and such, just find a person who has an active link to it and go and make your own. Good luck.
  5. chell1957

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    This is just driving me nuts. I have a BMI of 37 @ 5'3" weighting 212!. No one thinks I weight this. My best friend is 240 @ the same height! She dose not think I need this. I have at least 3 co morbitites....Diabetic, High BP, High Cholesterol AND NASH (fatty liver)...but my MOVE (diet program) counselor keeps pushing me to lose weight. I am having enough of a time to keep it at 210 ish...O.K. I may be a bit naive, but I am not dumb, as soon as I lose 10 lbs down goes my weight and BMI and out the door goes my chance of the surgery! Even my liver Dr. said I was a candidate for it. I get so irritated at folks who know nothing of what life is like for us. Its not about fitting into smaller clothes (yes it will be fun once again) but its about health and being around to see my grandson granulate high school. Sorry for the rant.
  6. Hi everyone.:biggrin: Yesterday I went to the Veterans Hospital as normal for routine testing. Found out I have what is called NASH...Non Alcoholic ???? of the liver. In layman's terms Fatty Liver which can be a pre cursor to liver disease down the road, this is in addition to my high BP, high cholesterol, diabetic ... great, as far as I am concerned its just one more reason I need the surgery. And my doctor agreed. Here is the problem, the Veterans Hospital in Philly, as I found out yesterday, will only do the VGB procedure and I only want the Lap Band procedure. So I am a bit :frown:depressed and irritated. Makes me feel like I ever get is second best and as usual have to compromise. Ya I know its the depression talking. So my plan B is to try to tap into my civilian/HMO insurance. The problem with that is the civilian Dr. has never meat me, has no clue about me. The VA is very happy to send my files and test over to the civilian doctor to help out. I called my HMO yesterday and they have no provider who will take my NJ HMO over at the University of Penn in Philly (where I wanted the Lap Band done), in NJ since its a form of Medicaid.
  7. chell1957

    Tricare - Center of Excellence???

    congratulations! :tongue2:
  8. chell1957

    A change in plans that disapoint me

    Well I am registered with the MOVE program, the VA's version of weight loss program. So needless to say the nutritionist wants me to LOSE weight and of course as soon as I do that my BMI will fall just enough to not qualify for the surgery. Yes I realize exercise will be a big part of the after care, and I HATE exercise but I will have to do what I have to do after surgery. I did have a great conversation with the liver Dr. yesterday and he did put in a referral for me to see the VGB doctor, which is more then the weight lose lady did. She is trying to reach Pittisburg VA to see if they do Lap Band there? But I don't think this is a priority for her, just my opinion. I did make an appointment with the civilian Dr. on my HMO policy for mid March. But since they know nothing about me its a stretch to think they will just say O.K. and refer me. I will be getting copies of my VA health record to give to them. Hoping that will help it along.
  9. chell1957

    Tricare - Center of Excellence???

    Hi. I use the Veterans Hospital in Philly PA and as we both know Tricare is offered to retired military and family. My point is that my hospital is a "Center of Excellence" and I THINK it means they have to meet a certain standard to make that claim. Sounds to me like it is supposed to be a good thing for us patients. Chell
  10. chell1957

    Dr. Kowalski? Philly PA?

    Hi. No I have not heard of him. I am also in the NJ area of Philly Pa and I use the VA hospital in Philly as my primary. My civilian insurance is HorizianNJ which is shit insurance since its a form of Medicaid. I responded because of the location. What hospital is the doctor with? I have not head of this hospital? The VA will do a VBG but I an not sure of that one, I feel safer with the LapBand. Michelle
  11. chell1957

    Pscyo test questions

    Hi. I am not banded yet. I have lots of questions. I would like to know what kind of questions we are asked during the psycho evaluation test.
  12. chell1957

    Pscyo test questions

    LOL...she was just out of school and trying to make a name for herself. The other doctor in the group was very nice, not at all like her. Hope I don't meet someone like her again. If I do, I will for sure tell them straight out...but of course I had no idea what she would write down, it all came out after the fact.
  13. http://http://www.lifescript.com/channels/diet_fitness/News_Bites/brain_scans_hint_at_why_we_overeat.asp?utm_campaign=2008-02-10&utm_source=healthy-advantage&utm_medium=email&utm_content=todays-headlines_brain-scans-hint-at-w&FromNL=1 The above link is from a health new letter I get. I found it interesting to read. Just sharing. Chell
  14. Thanks for the correction.
  15. chell1957

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    OMG! I am so sorry for your lose! Losing a parent is never easy.
  16. chell1957

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    I can relate to how you fee. I too am 5'3" and weight 210 ish...my BMI is 37 (should be 24!) and I have Type 2 Diabetic, High B.P., High cholesterol, a bad back (had spine surgery). So I have alot of reasons to want this. I agree with you in telling them to mind their own business. How heavy and sick should we be to meet someone else's opinion of needing the surgery? Why wait till we are even sicker? O.K. I will get off my soap box now.
  17. chell1957

    Pscyo test questions

    Hay for being collage educated...she was dumb...when i get nervous I tend to talk a lot, giggle....so needless to say I did a fair amount of this and for some reason she felt she had to make note "the patient tried continuously to make conversation"...what the hell did she expect me to do, work for 8 hours and not say a world to anyone, not to mention she made a note of my being late...we got stuck in traffic, were a little lost so I called them to let them know...like what was I supposed to do??? Anyway I digress....LOL
  18. chell1957

    Pscyo test questions

    Thank you for the information. As for not being psyco...I'll never tell. LOL. Seriously, I hate these things. Had a bad experience a few year back with a eval to see if I was ADD and or learning impaired. 8 hours of questions and test. She was a bitch if I must say..anyway left a bad taste in my mouth. Thanks for the update.
  19. chell1957

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    If I may interrupt here....I am very interested in knowing how you handled eating out. This is an issue that concerns me once I have the procedure done. What did you eat? Thanks so much in advance for understanding my question.
  20. chell1957

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    Good for you. I am so glad you know this and are thinking about the kids also. So many folks don't do this. I am not banded yet either. Good luck!
  21. Hi there. I have no clue when I will have it done, if at all. I am in the research stage. I use the Veterans Hospital in Philly Pa and the nutritionist there said I have to do 3 to 6 months supervised diet before they will allow her to make the referral. Once I get past that point I will let everyone know my next stage.
  22. chell1957

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Thank you for the quick answer. I was kind of thinking that was it. Sagging skin is a concern for me, give my age and weight. I would love the TT but would Be happy with Apron removal.
  23. chell1957

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Ladies, a sight I have found and is very useful as far as normal dieting (it there is such a thing) is Sparkpeople.com.
  24. chell1957

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    Yep, while not banded YET, I am using the info I get here and on Sparkpeople.com. The information you just mentioned about the milk it great news. I just tried it myself and its not to bad. I bought 8th Continent Soy in chocolate and regular lite. Thanks for sharing the info. I feel like I made a good choice now.
  25. chell1957

    LapBand Food Stages Lists Suggestions

    I find this to be great information. While not banded yet, I do have to have a colonoscopy done and I need to do a liquid diet 2 day prior to the test. Thanks!

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