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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kalipso2

  1. my surgery was in April and my hair JUST started falling out over the past 3 weeks. i just had my blood tested to make sure nutrient levels were fine after surgery so i know it's not that.

    would it take the body almost 3 months to be stressed out? how long does the Hair loss last?? thank God i have a lot of hair but i'm still starting to worry!

  2. we have "bagel day" at work on thursdays... i thought if i chewed really good things would be okay... they weren't.

    i don't do good with foods being stuck. it hurt way too bad so i can usually make myself PB to get the food out. i stand in front of the toilet and bend at the waist. the stuck food usually pops out pretty quickly. (not that i'm encouraging you to do this)

    i would NOT drink anything. it will only make things worse!

  3. i did a little research on the bypass, sleeve and banding. i ended up choosing the band.

    what it comes down to is how quick you want to lose the weight. the bypass and sleeve will have you losing weight quicker than with the band BUT some bypass and sleeve patients get banded years later because they've stretched their stomachs back to a normal size from eating too much.

    also, i think the bypass and sleeve patients have to take nutritional supplements for the rest of their lives because their food passes too quickly thru their stomachs.

    i don't take any supplements other than my multi-Vitamin. i just went to my general doctor for a blood test to check to make sure my body wasn't being deprived of any Vitamin or mineral but all my tests came back "normal".

    i was self pay too and will be paying for the surgery probably for the next 4 years but it is SO worth it!!

  4. i'm so glad i'm not the only one who wants to reward myself for losing weight! i plan on doing "something" when i'm no longer considered obese.... which should be a few more pounds. i plan on rewarding myself at other goals as well. i have an august weightloss i'm trying to hit too.

    i didn't do anything in the beginning because i know the weight comes off quickly in the beginning. i want to reward myself for the actual "having to work at it" pounds.

  5. i recently took my 11 yr old niece and 8 yr old nephew to a Water park for an afternoon of fun. at one point my nephew asked me why there were so many fat people at the Water park.

    i stopped walking and told him that just until recently i looked like the people he was talking about. he responded with "well you don't know". so i had him look... really look... at the people around us. i made him turn around in a full circle to show him that each and every person is different... no one is the same size... some are tall, some are short, some are skinny and some are overweight. i also pointed out that no one has the same exact shade of skin either so it's not right to compare people.

    i hope he understood.

  6. the surgeon i chose is 4 hours away from where i live. i did have to drive down for all my testing and nutrition class but they scheduled everything so i could have it done in 1 day. since you've already had your pre-op testing, you may be able to get the results transfered to the next surgeon you choose. i do have to travel the 4 hours for my fills but that's because the first 2 years of fills were included in my surgery cost. just make sure you find someone close to home who will do your fills before you travel anywhere for sugery!

  7. hi there... it sounds like we have the same body type. i'm 5'-4" and weighed 213 the day of my surgery. i'm now a little over 3 months post-op and i've lost 36 pounds. after my second fill, i feel a lot of restriction (maybe too much) and my weight loss has tapered off a bit. i'm giving myself 1 full year to lose the 80+ pounds. the slower it comes off the more likely you'll be able to keep it off!

  8. i've been banded for just over 3 months and i'm still having problems adjusting to my band. i've thought about having it removed because i'm not sure i can emotionally handle the small amount of food i can eat.

    my stomach tells me i'm done but my head wants to keep eating so i'm left either giving in to temptation and throwing up or i listen to my stomach and left depressed.

    even though i receive compliments daily on how good i'm looking, i just don't see it and i don't believe what they say. i think they're just telling me what i want to hear.

    maybe it's time for some intense therapy...

  9. I was banded by Dr. Curry in April. He is a great surgeon and his staff (who have all been banded) are VERY helpful. I just called today to schedule a fill and when I gave my last name the Office Assistant (Michelle) knew exactly who I was and that I travel from out of town. It's a good feeling.

    Also, Dr. Curry encourages you to contact him after surgery if you have ANY questions. I emailed him about 4 times after my surgery and he always responded within 24 hours... personally. He answers questions on this site under "complications" and has his own "Ask Dr. Curry" section on ObesityHelp.com so you can tell he truly dedicates his knowledge to helping us.

    The only negative thing I could possibly say is that I haven't seen Dr. Curry since my surgery. He has people on his staff giving fills. It caught me by surprise during my first fill but as I thought about it, he's a surgeon and he's where he SHOULD be.

    I hope this helped!

  10. this topic really hits home with me because i've been experiencing it since my surgery in april. growing up i was always thin. my older sister and i used to share clothes in high school. as i entered my 20's i steadily started gaining weight while she remained basically the same... even after having 2 children.

    i've tried all the fad diets, weight watchers, even a nutritionist but nothing ever really worked so i looked into the lap-band.

    when i was preparing for surgery my sister decided it was time she lost some weight too so she joined weight watchers. so we both started our "diets" at the same time. she has lost almost as much weight as i have but she's obviously much thinner than i am, topping out at 125 right now.

    am i jealous? hell YES i'm jealous. am i angry? yep. do i feel like it's a competition? uh huh.

    i don't know what made her decide to lose weight just when i was going to begin my journey. maybe she was afraid i would weigh less than her at some point? i don't know.

    i do know that she has been very supportive of me... listening to me cry because of depression and just the overall struggling of learning how to use my band. she has given me the clothes that she's grown out of (size 12 woo hoo along with some size 10's that i hope to fit into soon) but i call them "my sister's fat clothes".

    i just don't know how to be envious instead of jealous of her.

  11. my advice... EAT WHILE YOU CAN!!! lol

    sorry... probably not the best advice because i've been struggling lately just being 3 months post-op and going thru a depression phase because i can't eat as much as my brain wants.

    you'll get back on track after you get refilled! i hope you're healing well!!

  12. i had my surgery done on 04/21/08, 1st fill in May, 2nd fill in June. (my doctor is 4 hours away). after my 2nd fill i PB'd a lot... almost everything solid i ate. i thought of it as learning to deal with my band or maybe i need a little taken out?

    as of today, i've learned when to stop eating so that i don't PB but i don't think i eat nearly enough. here is my basic menu:

    8:30am: slimfast

    12:00pm: string cheese

    3:30pm: slimfast

    7:00pm: 3 ounces of chicken

    my nutritionist said i'm getting enough Protein so she's not too worried about the low calories. i'm not hungry and am satisfied with what i'm eating but now my weight loss has hit a plateau. i'm down 35 pounds and i haven't lost any weight in about 2 weeks.

    do i need another fill? do i need a de-fill? any suggestions??

  13. i've had similar problems lately but i've always been able to make the stuck food come back out by PB'ing. after a few days of this happening i asked myself what i was doing wrong. then it hit me...

    i wasn't listening to the band. it was telling me i was full but my brain was telling me that the food smelled so good and looked so yummy that i should continue eating... even though my band told me i was satisfied.

    it's ALL part of the lifestyle change. you'll think twice now before eating those extra 2 or 3 pieces next time!

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