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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kalipso2

  1. Kalipso2

    too many questions

    first of all... congratulations on losing 34 pounds!!! that i really awesome for someone who has not had a fill!! there are some people who gain weight before their first fill because there is no restriction. what you're going thru now is what is considered "bandster hell". no restriction, being able to eat whatever you want and not losing weight... unfortunately, there isn't much you really can do without a fill. right now you have a band that is not functional. without a fill your stomach is not restricted... or not restricted enough to lose enough weight and stop you from being hungry. the only thing i can suggest is portion control your food... only eat 3 times a day (even if you're hungry more often)... NO snacking... and increase your exercise. i'd say you're doing really good though! i was banded in april and have only lost 40 or so pounds. i was overfilled at my 2nd fill and had to have some removed because of constant PB'ing and now i've gained a few pounds back. this is going to be a constant struggle. it's not going to be easy for us. it's like the first 30-40 pounds melted away and now the REAL work begins! good luck to you!
  2. Kalipso2

    LOUD stomach

    are you hearing the noise after drinking something? sometimes when my band is feeling tight (and yours may be a little tight due to the vomiting) i can hear a gurgling sound and whatever i'm drinking drains thru the band.
  3. i'm still trying to find my sweet spot so i've been underfilled and i've been overfilled. obviously underfilled you can eat as much as you want and pretty much anything you want. being overfilled i threw up almost everything i ate.... no matter how little it was. i had a slight unfill (.5cc) recently and it made a big difference. i stopped throw up and i can feel restriction but i still can eat too much so i need another fill i think. for me restriction feels like i will literally throw up if i eat another bite. i have tested the feeling and i will PB if i eat that bite i know i shouldn't.
  4. Kalipso2

    feeling scared

    congratulations on making the first step towards being healthy! the main problem i had was whether i wanted to listen to my brain or my stomach. my brain keeps telling me the food i'm eating tastes SO good so have just one more bite BUT my stomach tells me i'm full. if i listen to my stomach i end up PB'ing and if i listen to my stomach i'm left feeling depressed and deprived.
  5. Kalipso2

    Dealing with addictions

    hi, i'm kris and i am a diet pepsi addict. i've tried giving it up cold turkey... didn't work. i've tried reducing my intake... didn't work. i continued to drink diep pepsi throughout my pre-op diet. having that last sip the night before my surgery felt like i was losing a best friend. i didn't have the caffeine withdrawl because when it would have hit, i was on the pain meds after surgery. i was good... i didn't drink any carbonated drink for 3 months post-surgery like instructed but i have started drinking it again since then. i now drink about 20 ounces of diet pepsi a day and eventually i would like to kick the habit for good. i had to give up bread (including pizza) and ground meat (no more burgers for me) so i'm letting myself have this one vice... for now!
  6. Kalipso2

    Looking better by the day...

    congratulations on all your hard work! you look SO much younger!!
  7. Kalipso2

    port incision after surgery 04/21/08

    that is basically a picture of the port incision. i have a total of 5 incisions from having the surgery. (3) are tiny (1) is maybe an inch and the port incision is about 2 inches. yes... it hurt but well worth it!
  8. Kalipso2


    while i had NO interest in the gastric bypass either, i'm one of the people that have lost only 50% of the weight i need to lose. yes, i've only been banded for 6 months but i haven't lost any weight for the past 2 months. i was over-filled and was PB'ing more than i was keeping food down so that is how i lost a lot of weight so quickly. now that it's been a month after a slight unfill, i've gained at least 3 pounds back. i've picked up my exercise level. i am eating a little more than i was before and not PB'ing but i just can't seem to lose any more weight. i'm satisfied with the 50% weight loss but i'm determined to lose the other 50% of the weight hopefully by my bandiversary.... it might not happen though and that is something i have to accept since i knew there was the possibility of not losing 100% of the weight i needed.
  9. Kalipso2

    Question about recovery time

    i always thought i had a high toleration for pain but then again, this was my first surgery. i had my surgery done on a monday and i spent the night in the hospital. tuesday i recovered at my parents house. wednesday i drove myself home and just basically slept until sunday. i was still in a little pain and had to get a refill on my pain meds. i woke up monday prepared to go into work but i just didn't think i could sit up for that long. i did to back to work that tuesday but i honestly think i could have used 2 more days off. you're not going to be walking normal after a week. there will be twinges of pain occasionally. it may still hurt to stand up and sit down. if you're not planning on anyone at work knowing, you may want to use a couple of sick days...
  10. Kalipso2

    What are some of your NSV

    being able to start training for a 5k race. actually being able to RUN even though i can't run for long. having to hold up my sweat pants while i run!
  11. Kalipso2

    Need Advice, Please help

    3 weeks seems like a lot of time. why do you need to be there for 7-10 days pre-op and why do you need to stay 2 weeks after? are you going to Mexico? even then, i never heard of anyone needing to be away for that long. my surgeon is 4 hours away and i was able to get my pre-op stuff done in 1 appointment and i spent one night in the hospital before my parents drove me the 4 hours home. i didn't even need to go in for my 1 week post-op visit. my surgeon just asked that i take digital pictures of my incisions and email them to him to look at. maybe see if that is an option so that you don't need to stay 2 weeks after?
  12. Kalipso2

    Husband not supportive

    to me, people who aren't supportive think they can change your mind. my parents were NOT supportive at all and unfortunately i needed their help getting to the hospital and back (a 4 hour drive each way). i basically told them that while i understand their concerns and reservations, i'm doing this for me! i've tried diets. i've tried exercising. i need more help. and i was going to go thru with it WITH or WITHOUT their help. they eventually came around and i was so happy to have them there for me while i recovered.
  13. wow... you're amazing! i've just started training for my first 5k. i haven't ran since i was a kid and i can barely run 1/4 of a mile but i'm determined to finish that 5k in november no matter what! you look great!! congratulations and Happy Bandiversary!!
  14. yes, you're normal. right now you're in what some consider "Bandster Hell" because you're banded but have absolutely no restriction. Even after your first fill you may not feel restriction. Some people have been known to gain weight the first month or two after being banded. just watch your portions and eat healthy so that doesn't happen!
  15. Kalipso2

    Anyone up for training for their 1st 5k?

    i'm wondering if anyone has taken their resting heart rate and what the number was. i was told that the lower the number the healthier the heart. well, my resting heart rate is around 100 beats per minute which is NOT good. my 60+ year old dad has a rhr of 65!
  16. Kalipso2

    I hear the term "PB" alot--what is that?

    for me when i hear the words "productive burp".... burping is not what happens for me even though i know i'm PB'ing. i can feel the food lodged right under the breast bone. it's a lump that won't go away... and it hurts. i stand and lean from the waist over the toilet, cough twice and the piece of stuck food comes right out. usually if i'm burping that tells me the food is going down okay.
  17. Kalipso2

    New and Scared...

    being afraid is understandable... especially when children are involved but the lap-band is much safter with less complications than gastric bypass or the sleeve. don't let the surgeon to try to pursuade you to have a surgery you don't want. sure, some people don't lose weight. the band can only help so much. take me for instance.... i need to lose 85 pounds. i've lost 42 pounds in 4 months just by changing my diet and not eating as much BUT it's now been almost 6 months and i'm still at the 42 pound mark. why? because i haven't exercised one bit. so my new goal has been to start running. i found a running class with a trainer and i've begun my exercising. i have signed up to run a 5k (3.1 miles) on 11/22/08... that's 7 weeks away and i can only run 1/4 of a mile. is it doable? yes... with some hard work from me! my point is... the band is what you make of it. if you don't want to put some effort behind it you probably will lose some weight but not all you want or need. you also have to be prepared to not eat some foods you may love now. some people can't eat red meat or bread or even chicken anymore. i can not eat ground meat or bread which means no hamburgers and no pizza... probably ever again. but i'm okay with that because now i'm having the best time finding hundreds of different ways to cook chicken or learning that i like tilapia, etc. it's all in what you make of the process. i'm determined to become healthy.
  18. Kalipso2

    Band Rules

    the rules i've set for myself are to stop eating AS SOON as i feel the least bit full. i've learned that if i take that "one more bite" i will end up PB'ing. do NOT drink right after eating. the Fluid has no where to go since the food is "cloggin up the hole". sometimes i forget and i take a gulp of something and i'll end up PB'ing mostly just the liquid. do NOT wait too long to go back to the doctor if you think you're too filled and can't keep any food down. i waited 2 months and WAY too many PB'ing episodes that i have stretched my stoma. (hopefully with my slight unfill for 2 months the stoma will go back to normal). you learn what foods your body just will NOT tolerate anymore. for me it's bread. i don't care if it's fresh, toasted, crunchy, soft, covered in butter, eaten in tiny pieces.... i PB every time. so that means no sandwiches, no pizza, no garlic bread *sigh* i've had to accept that bread is no longer part of my life!
  19. Kalipso2

    5K anyone?

    lanakila... don't worry about it. go at your own pace. it's awesome that you're out there TRYING at least which is more than a lot of people!! i have a 5k scheduled for 11/22/08 and i can only run 1/4 of a mile right now! i'm okay with that because i know in time i'll be able to run further and faster!
  20. Kalipso2

    How can you tell?

    i just found out during my last appointment that my stoma has stretched... i was banded in april, 1st fill in may and 2nd fill in june. after my 2nd fill i knew i was too tight but i had hoped it would loosen up. i either had to eat a VERY tiny amount of food or i'd PB. i let this go on for 2 months. i PB'd more than i actually kept food down. i told the nurse during my september appointment and so we looked at things under flouro. sure enough i was WAY TOO tight. the food was sitting in the stoma for so long and only trickling thru the band that i stretched my pouch. i got a slight unfill and have to wait 2 months before i can get another fill and to see that hopefully the stoma went back to normal. here is a picture i got after i got the slight unfill... click on the picture to enlarge it... you can see my stretched stoma.
  21. Kalipso2

    Weight loss/Naive

    i can totally understand your dilema. for me, i'm too scared to go out and buy new clothes because i know i won't be happy in the size that i fit in now... i want the clothes size to be smaller so i'm waited to go shopping. now my clothes are baggy and don't fit and i look worse than i did when the clothes DID fit.
  22. Kalipso2

    Scared Because of Forum!

    i can definitely understand how reading about other people's struggles would be scary and that's because this process is NOT easy. what i did to cheer myself up was to go to the before and after pictures and see ALL the people who have struggled (because we all have) and see them looking so much better!
  23. Kalipso2

    oh brother...i need help

    a bowl of soup and only eating the broth would be a good alternative but it's true... one meal won't make that big of a deal. a lot of people cheat on their preop diet... including me!
  24. Kalipso2

    Just banded and really unsure

    you're feeling the normal pain that comes with the surgery. i thought that i had a high tolerance for pain and that the surgery wouldn't affect me much even though i've never had surgery. boy was i wrong... i chose to spend the night in the hospital since this was my first ever surgery. i brought cute pajamas, books, my ipod, curling Iron, a cute outfit to wear home... needless to say i stayed in my hospital gown, never opened a book, never turned the ipod on, didn't wash my hair and wore the same clothes i wore going in to the hospital! i was in a lot of pain too. i asked for my pain meds every 3 or 4 hours and for the first few times i had to ask for help getting out of bed but it gets easier each time you do it. i tried to be brave and strong before i left the hospital and wait longer than the 3 hours for my pain meds because i had a long drive home and wanted to take them right before i left and i waited too long and ended up crying and freaking my parents out. also, i had pain meds that lasted me 3 days after the surgery and i had to call for a refill. if you're in pain... use the medication! it will help you heal faster!! congratulations on the beginning of this wonderful journey!!

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