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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by amandasue

  1. I feel like I am hungry and weak. Would love to eat just a teaspoon of Peanut Butter. Good idea or no? I am 2 weeks post op. I was going to just kind of suck on it. I can't eat yogurt anymore...I'm am sensitive to lactose and it's killing me. The last pre made Protein shake I had I burst out in an allergic rash all over......I need something to "hold me" and "sustain me". Running after a toddler and infant and going back to work tomorrow. Good idea or no?
  2. amandasue

    Peanut Butter

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm on clear broth, protein shakes, puréed fruit or plain yogurt only. One week 2 of 3. I did put some pb2 in my yogurt and it helped. Of course the yogurt gives me the runs (lol sorry tmi!). 1 more week I can do this!!
  3. Happy New Year 12/21 sleevers! Remember this is our year! Be a little selfish and put your health and happiness first! The hard part is over....time to reclaim our lives! *cheers*
  4. Regressing? I've been feeling great and doing a lot of things around the house and going for long walks and last night I ended up with some pain in my left side (no where near an incision) and was seeing spots thought I was going to pass out I was so weak!! I'm getting in my 60g of protein and 100oz water a day. Felt better most of the day but still not as good as I did and I've got a low grade fever of 100.2. Think I just over extended myself the last 2 days???
  5. I'm on full liquids. Is sugar free hot chocolate a good idea or bad idea?
  6. How's everyone's 1 week stats? Down 22lbs total from preop diet. 9 of those lbs since surgery on 12/21. Feeling awesome! Incisions a little itchy but really feeling good overall! Hope everyone else is feeling good too!
  7. Sleeves 12/21! 1st night home was rough (22nd)! I had a complication during surgery bc my spleen was attached to my stomach so they had to remedy that 1st then continue on with the sleeve. Lost quite a bit of blood and was weak and really sore. EVERY SINGLE DAY IS BETTER!! Since 2nd day home I'm walking over a mile strolling the kids in the stroller 1-2xs a day. But when my energy runs out its immediate and I need to rest ASAP! I'm back to washing bottles and loading the dishwasher (top rack only--still a bit uncomfortable to bend), folding clothes! So glad I feel normal for the most part! Now on to food! The last 2 days I've felt hungry but I think it's in my head! I want ANYTHING other than fruit or a Protein shake which along with Clear liquids are my only options. Some scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, tuna anything that's not sweet!
  8. amandasue

    Short Sleevers?

    Sleeved 12/21/15 HW 275 SW 261 CW 257 5'2" any other shorties around a year out? How's it going??
  9. I tried so hard to wait a week to get on the scale but I stepped on anyway today (3 days post op) and I've GAINED 2 pounds!!!! Help! Should I cut out the protein shakes I just started yesterday? And go back to just all clear liquids!!?
  10. 1. Doc said I'll be back to work in 3 days post-op. Is that true? 2. Will I be able to swallow my thyroid meds post-op? 3. Anyone try it-works wraps for loose skin? 4. Any recommendations for firming lotions,etc to help with skin elasticity while rapidly losing? 5. How soon until I'm back in the gym? (Rowing machine, lunges, squats, light weights, etc)?
  11. Sleeved 12/21 and mine is def swollen and puffy
  12. amandasue

    December 21st!

    Feeling very lucky to tolerate liquids just fine. Still a little short of my protein goal but def getting in all of my liquids! I'm either reclined in the bed or what my husband calls "wandering" around the house. Went for a nice long stroll today with my 2 kiddos! Felt great but once I got home it was like any energy I had was just gone! I rehydrated and needed a nap. No real pain. Just some soreness which gets better by the hour! Still in a bit of shock that it's over with and that I did it! Hope you have a great Christmas...it's a new beginning for sure!
  13. Day 3-21 my post op diet says liquids and puréed fruit only. Why not puréed veggies, too like sweet potatoes or mashed potatoes? Why only fruit? Seems like a lot of sugar intake with yogurt milk and fruit. Think cottage cheese (more Protein and less sugar) would be a safe alternative to yogurt? Being sleeved Monday 12/21...getting nervous!
  14. Had a complication where my spleen was attached to my stomach so I lost a little more blood than expected but was discharged today. I noticed a good amount of blood in my urine. Normal?
  15. Thanks! I JUST got home from the hospital too! ????
  16. amandasue

    December 21st!

    How did you make out Imready2015? My surgery took a little longer than expected and I lost some blood bc my spline was attached to my stomach and they had to detach it first. A little sore today especially where they removed the drain line near the spline. I'm tolerating Clear liquids really well, gas pain not bad at all. Feeling much better than I expected!!
  17. amandasue

    December 21st!

    I've got a killer headache and since my family is pigging out on thin crust pizza (my fav!) I'm going to go take a bubble bath! Ha!
  18. amandasue

    December 21st!

    How's everyone feeling? Nervous? Anxious? Excited?
  19. amandasue

    December 21st!

    I'm the 21st too! Getting excited! Just a little nervous about recovery...I work and have a 2yr old and 6 month old!
  20. Starting to have 2nd thoughts--surgery is one week away! From October at my heaviest I've lost only 13lbs. One week of preop diet and I'm only down 8lbs. I've seen others have massive losses during preop time. I think this is why I decided to do this bc I can't typically lose on just diet and exercise alone but what if I go through all of this and still don't lose the 100+lbs my surgeon says I will.....??
  21. amandasue

    Any one around 26 years old? ?

    29. Being sleeved 12/21. Sooooo ready! 5'3" 267.
  22. Start preop diet on 12/11 and liquids 2 days prior! Getting excited and nervous. I've never been under anesthesia so I'm most nervous about that and I'm scared to death I'm going to vomit after and rip a staple! I've got 2 babies (a 2yr old and a 5 month old) so I'm also worried about the "down time" but I know in the long run this is the right decision!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
