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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Cookinmom

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/15/1959

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm 48 yrs old, I am a happy person who loves people.
  • Interests
    My hobbies include, playing on the internet, working on my koi pond, swimming, flower gardening, camping, my pets, crafts, photography etc
  • Occupation
    I am a paraeducator in high school special ed. I love working with kids from troubled homes and I think they like me too.....at least they respond positively to me I hope I can make a difference in somebody's life
  • State
  1. Happy Birthday Cookinmom!

  2. Happy 53rd Birthday Cookinmom!

  3. Cookinmom

    pre-op diet woes please read

    Thanks so much everyone for all of your replies. I have pretty much gotten back on track but not as good as I was the first week. Tonight for example we had company over for dinner and I made shish ka bobs. Beef and chicken. well, I had 2 (possibly 3, over 5 hours) glasses of wine. I also ate a cooked onion slice and a BBQ'd slice of green and red bell pepper.....how much can that possibly hurt? I ate no meat, no potato and no desert...I ate my optifast chicken soup instead of all that good stuff.......thank god I like the optifast soups!!! I willl be soooooo glad when this is all over. In order to eat all this stuff I skipped 2 optifast meals. Keep the encouragement coming! Thanks Heidi in Wasington
  4. Wow Your post was soooo encouraging!! Thank you!! I've still been having a glass or 2 of wine but when I have I cut out one or two of my protein drinks or protein bar...... My surgery is schedued for June 11. You have described exactly why i opted for the band instead of the bypass. If I want a glass of wine or a long island iced tea then I can have it with out throwing up. I can eat what ever I want just in small (super small) quantities. Where are you from? I am from eastern washington.....close to spokane hoping you want to keep in touch Heidi
  5. Today is day 10 of my pre-op high protein mostly liquid diet. I've done pretty darn good up until 3 hours ago. I've lost 11 pounds and have truly stuck to this except for two bites of hot dog 2 nights ago. Tonight we went to some friends house and I forgot to bring my water, my soup and an optifast drink. I wAS craving normal food so bad that I just ate. I didn't over eat but I ate. I ate 2 chicken drumettes with terriyaki sauce, some homemade mac and cheese, 2 chips with salsa, and 1 bite of a bratt dipped in mustard plus a couple glasses of red wine..... Is this the end of the world????? I hope not......How does a person just give up food completely....I m a cook who loves to cook this is the whole reason I am going for the lap band instead of the gastric bypass...if I want a glass of wine I should be able to have one....I don't want to live on warm cottage cheese the rest of my life.... I want variety...just in small portions. Day 10 of my liquid diet has been a complete failure..... but.... is it really? Has anybody else ever slipped off their pre-op liquid diet? I need some support here:ohmy::cursing: Thanks in advance Heidi in Eastern Washingtn
  6. Today is day 10 of my pre-op,:cursing: high protein mostly liquid diet. I've done pretty darn good up until 3 hours ago. I've lost 11 pounds and have truly stuck to this except for two bites of hot dog 2 nights ago. Tonight we went to some friends house and I forgot to bring my water, my soup and an optifast drink. I wAS craving normal food so bad that I just ate. I didn't over eat but I ate. I ate 2 chicken drumettes with terriyaki sauce, some homemade mac and cheese, 2 chips with salsa, and 1 bite of a bratt dipped in mustard plus a couple glasses of red wine..... Is this the end of the world????? I hope not......How does a person just give up food completely....I m a cook who loves to cook this is the whole reason I am going for the lap band instead of the gastric bypass...if I want a glass of wine I should be able to have one....I don't want to live on warm cottage cheese the rest of my life.... I want variety...just in small portions. Day 10 of my liquid diet has been a complete failure..... but.... is it really? Has anybody else ever slipped off their pre-op liquid diet? I need some support here :thumbup: Thanks in advance Heidi in Eastern Washingtn
  7. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    Today is day 10 of my pre-op high protein mostly liquid diet. I've done pretty darn good up until 3 hours ago. I've lost 11 pounds and have truly stuck to this except for two bites of hot dog 2 nights ago. Tonight we went to some friends house and I forgot to bring my water, my soup and an optifast drink. I wAS craving normal food so bad that I just ate. I didn't over eat but I ate. I ate 2 chicken drumettes with terriyaki sauce, some homemade mac and cheese, 2 chips with salsa, and 1 bite of a bratt dipped in mustard plus a couple glasses of red wine..... Is this the end of the world????? I hope not......How does a person just give up food completely....I m a cook who loves to cook this is the whole reason I am going for the lap band instead of the gastric bypass...if I want a glass of wine I should be able to have one....I don't want to live on warm cottage cheese the rest of my life.... I want variety...just in small portions. Day 10 of my liquid diet has been a complete failure..... but.... is it really? Has anybody else ever slipped off their pre-op liquid diet? I need some support here Thanks in advance Heidi in Eastern Washingtn
  8. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    Day 2 of my liquids..... I'm Hungry!!! I'm doing it...I've stuck to it but I can't imagine 6 weeks of this.......does it get easy??? Heidi
  9. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    Hi everyone!!!! I'm so excited! Everything is moving along quite nicely. I started my Opti fast liquid diet today. My surgery date is scheduled for June 23. I'm hoping it can get moved up a week or two. I went to my first pre-op support group....it was very encouraging!!! So far....well for today..I haven't minded any of the liquid diet. I was really worried because one of the people in the support group had nothing positive to say about the products but I thought they were fine. The shakes taste like slim fast, which I don't mind. The soup had way more substance to it than I expected and I thought actually tasted good, I had tomato. Now lets see if I can make it through the rest of the week, month, months!:party::smile: How are all of you doing? Heidi
  10. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    Hi everyone! I havent been on in awhile and thought I'd let you know whats going on with me. I missed my first orientation due to my daughter having surgery so I go Tuesday for my Orientation. Group Health is working nicely with me and has approved my drs visit. I did receive a letter from Group Health telling me I would need to have gastric bypass because my insurance didn't cover lap banding. I about died! So I called my case worker and she told me that just this week Group Health decided they would cover lap banding effective immediately!!! I just about jumped out of my chair. So its just a matter of time. I'm hoping to have my surgery when school gets out. Around the first part of June. How is everyone doing? Are you still glad you did this? How is the weight loss coming? Heidi
  11. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    Hi Dawnie.... i just saw your message. Tell me all about it. Everything! what was your insurance how long did it all take from your first orientation until surgery? How are you doing now? Heidi aka cookinmom
  12. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    Ok, Here is my latest update. Yesterday was the day I was to go for the orientation at Holy Family.....But... the afternoon before, the referral person at my doctor's office called my insurance company to investigate why I was denied. Turns out I wont be able to have my surgery done by Dr. Trotter. He is not a preferred provider with Group Health. I will need to see a Doctor Penningson (I think that is how you spell his name). The referral girl will be calling his office tomorrow to get that all started. Does anybody know anything about this doctor? I think he is out of Post Falls. I just wish all this would start happening quicker....I would really nlike to have this done during my spring break (First week in April) My weight just keeps climbing!! How fast or slow is everybody's weight coming off? Any set backs? Heidi:unsure:
  13. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    ahhhhh thats what it is The orientation meeting ok yes that is on a Wednesday. Now it makes sense. Do I need to take anything to that meeting like lab work, copies of chart, insurance info? Heidi
  14. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    When the referral gal at my Drs. office called Dr.Trotters office to see what was needed for me to get scheduled she was told that I needed to go to the support meeting prior to my first visit. Is this true?
  15. Cookinmom

    eastern washington banders

    Ok my next step is to attend the next support group meeting but I think our referral nurse got the date wrong. She told me that the next meeting will be Wednesday, March 6th. This of course is not correct so, is the meeting on Tuesday the 4th, Wednesday the 5th or Thursday the 6th? My husband will be coming with me. So what happens at these meetings? How do you actually get in to your first appintment wit Dr.Trotter? What time does the meeting begin? end? I was also wondering how the weight loss has been going now that its been awhile since you guys have been banded. How often do you have fills? How do you know when it is time to get a fill? How do you feel after a fill? I have soooo many questions :thumbdown: Write back soon! Heidi

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