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LAP-BAND Patients
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About nikki_lesueur

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    Advanced Member

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    skincare and jewelry
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  1. nikki_lesueur

    No Band!!! Food Still Getting Stuck????? :(

    I'm 100% healed, I can eat. How bout u?
  2. nikki_lesueur

    ive been healed

    i wanted to update you all! with the good news! my surgeon was able to cut the scar tissue. I can now eat and drink again, after of struggling for over a year. PLEASE message me if you have difficulty eating with youre band. I am happy to be of support
  3. ive been healed, doctor was able to cut the scar tissue, its a true miricle, i can now eat and drink water again. after struggling for well over a year

  4. nikki_lesueur

    Can't eat!

    @@UnderDaSea oh i see. the dialation is where they send the balloon down to open up that area, that the scar tissue is in. my dr ordered a third one, he said they will be more agressive this time. and pray that it helps open the stomach back up (even a little bit) so I can eat. I am also on liquids (18 months) the opening to my stomach is only open 3 mm! i cant even believe it! i can barely drink liquids too. my dr said im the ONLY case hes ever seen. he said the last resort is, that they remove that part of the stomach (the upper part) where the scar tissue is, and re attach the stomach to the esophaegus. i am sorry we both are struggling. so, do you throw up if u try to eat anything at all? we need to stick together. please email me nikkidewitt1223@gmail.com and ill send you my number
  5. nikki_lesueur

    Can't eat!

    when he said its like it made 2 lapbands im thinking because of all the scar tissue?
  6. nikki_lesueur

    Can't eat!

    ps all ican eat is snickers too
  7. nikki_lesueur

    Can't eat!

    i can totally relate to you. are you able to get liquids and food down? I have been on liquids and mushies for 18 months and loosing my mind. ive done the scope balloon dialation twice with no success. dr called today and said it is scar tissue that is left around the stomach making it almost like I still have the lapband. its just crazy. they cant just go in and remove the scar tissue, they risk damaging the stomach. so i just deal. i know your pain and fears about having children, i fear this as well. i really want one more. ugh. and ive been lap band free for 4 months. I pray we both get answers. keep in touch
  8. nikki_lesueur

    its not achalasia

    the dr called and said its not achalasia. he thinks its the scar tissue thats left, around my stomach, that is not allowing me to eat or drink. the opening is only 3 mm. im losing my mind
  9. its not achalasia, dr called and said its just scar tissue thats formed around the stomach, where the band used to be. thats causing me to not be able to eat or drink

    1. songsmith


      Good news! Will he be able to help?

    2. nikki_lesueur


      were going to do a third balloon dialation next month.. until then .. i still cant eat or drink (18 months of liquids) im loosing my mind. the last 2 dialations have not remotely helped, unfortunately. if this does not work he said he will have to remove that top portion of the stomach and re attach it to the esophagaus. heaven help me. @songsmith

    3. nikki_lesueur


      and thank you for your support


  10. its not achalasia, dr called and said its just scar tissue thats formed around the stomach, where the band used to be. thats causing me to not be able to eat or drink

  11. nikki_lesueur

    diagnosed with achalasia

    finally a diagnosis. i have achalasia. does anybody have any advice? i still cant eat or drink liquids. 18 months now
  12. going in for esophageal motility study. please help

  13. nikki_lesueur

    Lap band removal question

    yes you can have it removed at anytime. I had mine removed 3 months ago, because I could not eat or drink liquids, AND I STILL CANT. It has done major damage to my body. I would schedule a removal. OR if you dont want to, Id get the port removed (my father did this) and now just has the band. and he benifits still. email with any questions, happy to help. nikkidewitt1223@gmail.com
  14. does any body have esophageal motility problems?

  15. nikki_lesueur

    question why mushies but not liquids?

    shelli, Im just curious as to what has happened. I am experiencing the same thing. the doctors dont know what to to. I am having another scope next week.

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