Sorry, should have introduced myself!!!
I'm 53, married with 1 son who is 9. I had my surgery 10/29/07 through Kaiser in Richmond, CA. My surgeon was Dr Im and I think he is the BEST. I dawdled and it took me almost a year to lose the 32# needed before Kaiser would do my surgery. (yes, started at 326#). Was 285 on the day of surgery and although I did lose 18 the first three weeks, I have regained 5# since. I somewhat overdid it during the holidays and allowed myself to eat what I wanted, when I wanted it. Thankfully I was still eating so much less than I would have normally that I did only regain a small amount. Well back on the bandwagon now. I have the APS (?) band and have had only 1 fill, so I have 2CC in my band and feel no restriction. Biggest problem (I had a great surery and recovery) is still my portion control. 1/2 cup of food just doesn't do it for me. I am working on reducing my portions to get back to the qty Kaiser thinks we should be eating during a meal.