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LAP-BAND Patients
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About laurel

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/12/1954

About Me

  • Biography
    married, mother of a 9 year old
  • Interests
    reading, travel
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  1. Happy Birthday laurel!

  2. Happy 58th Birthday laurel!

  3. laurel

    new kid in town

    Sorry, should have introduced myself!!! I'm 53, married with 1 son who is 9. I had my surgery 10/29/07 through Kaiser in Richmond, CA. My surgeon was Dr Im and I think he is the BEST. I dawdled and it took me almost a year to lose the 32# needed before Kaiser would do my surgery. (yes, started at 326#). Was 285 on the day of surgery and although I did lose 18 the first three weeks, I have regained 5# since. I somewhat overdid it during the holidays and allowed myself to eat what I wanted, when I wanted it. Thankfully I was still eating so much less than I would have normally that I did only regain a small amount. Well back on the bandwagon now. I have the APS (?) band and have had only 1 fill, so I have 2CC in my band and feel no restriction. Biggest problem (I had a great surery and recovery) is still my portion control. 1/2 cup of food just doesn't do it for me. I am working on reducing my portions to get back to the qty Kaiser thinks we should be eating during a meal. Laurel
  4. Hi all, I'm new to this board having originally been on the OH board presurgery. Now am looking to make new friends with others like me that are already banded and who can help me by sharing their own experiences with their bands, the good and the bad. Looking forward to meeting you! Laurel

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