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LAP-BAND Patients
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  • Birthday 03/22/1969
  1. Happy 44th Birthday MIMIMIMI!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday MIMIMIMI!


    Calling all February Bandsters!

    HI! I have always had a problem with my weight. When I was little up to age 5 no problems but then the wieght found its way to me over the years and I have battled with it most of my life. I did loose 115 in my own about 10 yrs ago but slowly it found its way back to me again!! My doctor has wanted me to have bariatic surg for quite some time but I have had my feet dug in the ground saying absolutley not. My husband and I are trying to get preg. We have an 18 yr old and a 5 yr old. I am having fertility issues due to my weight so the fertlity specialist said go have a lapband. I have given it great thought and decided maybe I was getting a hint from above that regardless if I conceive or not I need to be around for my children I do have. I am 5'6" and I weigh 363. I know I desperatley need to get this weight off to feel better and add som pep back into my life. So this is where I am at this point. I have my psych eval on Mon and then see my cardiologist feb 4th so middle feb is what I am going for, for the surgery date. I look forward to talking with you all about our upcoming surgeries.
  4. Hi! My name is Maria and I am going for my first visit with the Dr, tomorrow to begin the process of getting ready for the lap band. I am scared to death!! I am afraid of dying. I guess we all are. I want a permanent change in my life regarding my weight. I am so glad to have found this site where we are all in the same big boat. Maria

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