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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by vkodaniel

  1. Hi All, I am so glad to have found this site! I am scheduled for surgery on 1/16 and I am more than a little nervous about it. I have never had any kind of surgery at all and I really do not know what to expect. One thing I really want to know is why do so many people try to scare the life out of you once you tell them about this? It seems I have heard more horror stories about "routine surgeries" gone wrong in the last few weeks than ever before. Not to mention those who constantly tell you of others who are failing in their weight loss Quest. So, if you have some positive advice and/or encouragement I could really use that about now. Thanks -vko
  2. vkodaniel

    Getting Banded Next Week

    I have heard of people going to Mexico to have surgery but have never met any one who has done so. I hope all goes well for you and that you meet and exceed all of your goals.
  3. vkodaniel

    Getting Banded Next Week

    By the way, I don't know how to PM but I think we share a last name. Small world. I don't even know what pm means! LOL.
  4. vkodaniel

    Getting Banded Next Week

    Hi Greeneyez, Yes, lets keep in touch and "band" together. It think it will be easier to have someone there that knows what the heck I am talking about.
  5. Hi, Reading your post makes me feel great. My surgery is scheduled for next Wed. and I am a nervous wreck. Of course the two week liquid diet I have been on since Jan. 2 has not helped my mental state at all. But, all is well I am working on breaking the devilish hold food has over me and when I do finally get to eat again, I am going to force myself to make better choices than I have in the past. Keep smiling and just take it one meal at a time:)

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