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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ashabama

  • Rank
    Southern Belle :)
  • Birthday 01/31/1988

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About Me

  • Biography
    I was banded on Dec 21, 2007. I am 20 years old. I am a full time college student. I am bubbly and outgoing and always laughing!! I am a party girl by nature but a sweetheart none the less!! I get along with almost everyone and I am very out spoken!!
  • Interests
    I love singing and dancing, shopping, swimming, riding horses, reading, playing on the computer, talk on my cell phone, and just being a typical girl!! never a dull moment!
  • Occupation
    Full Time Student
  • City
    Fort Payne
  • State

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  1. Hey!! I had my 2nd fill and I can really tell that I have this band now! I Have 5cc in the band. Whats something quick that I can get to take to work to have for supper at night? I dont want to take too much..

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