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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About valentinegirl

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  1. valentinegirl

    I am done surgery over

    Rest!!!!! Good job, congratulations
  2. valentinegirl

    48 hours afterwards. Was it a mistake?

    It gets SO much better. Little by little you will be able to drink those fluids and get those pills down. take it very slowly and DO not challange the pouch. just sip, see if you do better with hot versus cold drinks. My dr. told me this in the hospital and I found out for myself that my stomach does better with hot tea than cold tea. sometimes i crave ice tea and i have it but notice i have to drink much smaller sips of the cold versus the hot. follow your dr's intake guide. smooth food, no lumps or bumps it will really help. I remember puree cottage cheese was my friend as was greek yogurt as it has more Protein versus the regular protein. I also remember that i could only eat about 1/2 of a small single serving yogurt and felt sooooo full. but it gets better. just get those fluids in. congratulations on your very brave decision.
  3. valentinegirl


    I started really experiencing this at about 6mo out from my sleeve. I started boosting my Protein to 80gm per day and try to go to 100 if possible. It is getting easier to get that much protein in each day so the hair is definently getting much better.
  4. I am now almost 6 months post op and have lost 90 pounds. While the first few days were rough and uncomfortable, I can truly say that I am so thankful to have had the courage to take this step. I am so happy with the results and do not miss the binging behaviour as I feared I might. Instead, I am so grateful for the chance to live a normal life. I get all of the nutrition I need and I get bites of various things that look good. But what I find is that those old foods like bread, potatoes, fast food, pizza, really have no attraction for me. I just got the go ahead to have a small salad and boy was that good. sometimes if I want to eat a small salad and I need to make sure i get my 75-80gm of Protein in for that day, I will use the bariatric hot chocolate drink and just supplement. Thank you Dr. Matthew Johnson, Barb and all of the surgical team at St. Vincent's in Green Bay. You have saved my life.
  5. valentinegirl

    Cpap advice

    I use the full face mask and I too have had a very dry mouth for several nights. I would wonder if your nose is a bit stuffy from the surgery? I had an NG tube for 24 hours which was not pleasant and left me with very stuffy nose. Using ocean nasal spray and that helped but then I caught a cold almost immediately so that's my story. None the less,, I would look into the nasal stuffiness. And, have you tried side lying in bed with head up on 1-2 pillows? It took me a while to get there but now pretty comfortable. I had surgery 10-27. great job on the weight loss!
  6. valentinegirl

    burning incision pain

    No burning in any of my incisions. I am 6 days out. I would look for redness, swelling, tenderness over the incision site itself and any drainage. If no fever and none of those present, I would just call the office in the morning and report it. could be nerve injury from the surgery which can occur anytime incisions made.
  7. I had my sleeve on oct 27th and home in 2 days. I am doing well getting 64oz Water daily and 3 servings of juice daily. i notice if i am not super slow with my sips i seem to have a pas pain in stomach and burps. not using straws at all and trying to drink very slowly. any suggestions.

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