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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    prEttYphEnomenAL reacted to Djmohr in Pre-Op Weight Loss   
    My heaviest weight was 320. The day I had surgery I was 303. I did not consider losing that weight as a lot of weight given I had 145lbs to lose.
    The biggest advantage was getting the right behaviors in place before surgery so the change would not be so hard on me.
    Secondly my liver was in much better condition making the surgery easier on my surgeon and a better recovery for me. If your liver is too big in some cases they cannot perform the surgery with opening you up with a big incision. I definately did not want that.
    I will say I was in the hospital two days and when I got back home I weighed 316! I had gained 13lbs back with all the swelling and fluids they pump into you. I did not expect that and was shocked but that comes off quickly and before you know it much more follows.
    I am now down 142lbs and 3lbs from my ideal weight. I am currently in a normal BMI of 24.1
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    prEttYphEnomenAL reacted to redemmy in Pregnant and overwhelmed need HELP!   
    This is what i would do (and have done under similar circumstances during my first pregnancy): walk into the Dr. office with or without an appt Monday morning and demand to see that doctor to discuss the test results. Tell them you won't take no for an answer because it's having a significant impact on your overall health and wellbeing, thereby impacting the health and wellness of your unborn child. A month will simply not do.
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    prEttYphEnomenAL reacted to LF1971 in Naysayers.... How to deal   
    I have had folks question my sanity in doing this so they start with all the negatives and drawbacks. If that doesn't work then they start with how this didn't work for other folks they know....yada yada and so on! My strategy is just to let them talk...obviously they have some feelings they need to get out so I let them and continue on with my plans. I choose not to let that bother me. People mean well generally but I just don't waste my energy fighting opinions that really have no bearing on my decision or my path. My advice...listen and ignore. This decision is YOUR choice alone and at the end of the day you are the one that has to live with it so while we treasure our friends and family's good counsel we don't have to take it or be bothered by it. Best of luck to you on your journey.
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    prEttYphEnomenAL reacted to BlueBongo in Packing list for the hospital...BRING HEADPHONES (and mp3 player/radio!)!   
    So I had my surgery two days ago and I had a major epiphany that I wanted to share with anyone that is thinking about, is going through, and is about to undergo weight loss surgery! When packing for the hospital please take a pair of headphones and a small mp3 player, cell phone, whatever to walk and listen to music, pod casts, etc.... it will be your true saving grace.
    I randomly packed my large noise cancelling headphones and let me tell you.... right after surgery, when they finally decided the anesthesia had worn off and I wouldn't hurt myself getting out of bed... I put those bad boys on, put spotify on my cell phone, and jammed out to my music walking through the corridors almost dancing!!! It really was the best feeling in the world and it truly lightened my spirits.
    I know this may seem odd and everyone's experiences will be different, but I would advise taking at least these with a light robe/pj pants, and small pillow. Might seem excessive.... but you'll be ever so grateful for them post-op!
    Hope this helps anyone going through the process and good luck in your journeys!
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    prEttYphEnomenAL reacted to sassyfrass23 in Did I hear her right?   
    I apologize in advance for what is about to become a novel.
    So, some of you may have seen on other posts where I am/was having issues with my insurance company and the uncertainty of when I could actually have my surgery due to odd verbiage in my policy. I called UHC tonight to get names and dates of when I called back in October for my HR rep who has been working with our UHC rep to find out the specifics. That was the ONLY purpose in my call tonight. While on the phone with Patricia, my new best friend, she told me that she wanted to call Clinical Services just to check on the status of my file that I thought SHOULD have been submitted this week. I waited for a few minutes for her to return to the line.
    When she came back, she made a statement and told me to write a Case # down, so I did as I was instructed. And paused. After a few seconds of silence, she asked if I was still there. Once my mind wrapped around what she said, I asked "Did you just tell me that I was approved for surgery? I am approved to have the Gastric Bypass? That case # you just read to me is my proof of approval?" To which she responded with "Yes!" Of course, this then prompted the flood gates to swing wide open and allow the tears to fall.
    A little back story to help you better understand where I am coming from- I would have to say that my life (27 years young) has been challenging. I don't want pity, because as tough as the trials have been, they truly have made me stronger. They have made me ME! And I'm grateful. My sister was killed in a car accident when I was 8. There was an 18 year gap between us as she was from my father's first marriage. But my mom was basically her mom and played a huge role in her growing up. I never viewed her as a half sibling. She was a single mom of a 3 year old at the time. So, we adopted her son the day she left this Earth and I went from being the baby and 1 of 2 girls out of 3 children, to the middle child and only girl. It was a huge adjustment that I struggled with. My grandfather passed that same year a long with my father having his first heart attack months after. Fast forward a few years, I became involved with a guy who was emotionally, mentally AND sexually (yes- it's possible even if you're in a relationship with the person) abusive. I was 14 and truly believed that the behavior I received from him was due to my own mistakes. I was brainwashed and blind to the severity of the situation. Throw in two more heart attacks for my daddy and open heart surgery for 5 bypasses during this time as well. Children are very impressionable at that age, and it has taken me 13 years to forgive myself for sticking with him for 2 1/2 years. From that relationship, I dove into another one with a guy who was great at first. And then the physical abuse presented. I loved him. I NEEDED him..or so I thought. After all, he was the one who helped me move past my previous relationship. Finally, after a year and a half of hell with him, things ended. These two relationships, all before I was 19 did a huge number on my self confidence and damaged me emotionally.
    And then I met my husband. My saving grace. We have been married for 8 years. Things have been tough. We have experienced every hardship imaginable with the exception of infidelity. The biggest challenge being our inability to conceive due to my PCOS. I have wanted to be a mommy for so long and this surgery is my last hope at becoming one.
    But the straw that broke the camel's back and contributed to my weight gain began back in 2011 when my daddy was diagnosed with Bladder Cancer. We quickly learned that his diagnosis and prognosis were not promising as the cancer had already metastasized to his bones and his spine/ribcage/shoulder blades were covered in cancer. I literally watched him wither away for an entire year before he passed. I helped Mama as we became his caretakers when he became too weak to care for himself. He passed away 10 days shy of his 1 year anniversary from being diagnosed. On January 18th 2012, I lost my safe haven. And a part of myself. I have ALWAYS been a daddy's girl and did not handle his death very well.
    So I tell you that all, to tell you this- I truly did not expect to receive approval. Not on the first attempt or without having to put up a fight first. I have had the cards stacked against me what seems like majority of my life, and believed this would be a similar situation. To hear Patricia confirm my approval....I am in utter shock. I have read a multitude of post on here where people are posting their approvals and surgery dates and while I have been so happy for them, a part of me felt envy. Because I didn't think I was ever going to be THAT person. THIS person. I am so stinkin excited that I don't even know what to do with myself!!
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    prEttYphEnomenAL reacted to Thecloude1 in Waiting for approval from BCBSND   
    Had my last appointment with my Surgeon on Tuesday 1/12/16.....I have completed all my required steps per my insurance ????. Waiting is so stressful! My surgeon was very pleased with my progress and ready to move forward...that made me happy! I was told it will probably be around the end of February beginning of March...I was hoping for mid February but that's ok....I just want to get this new chapter in my life started!
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    prEttYphEnomenAL reacted to Mom26 in Dare I Ask?   
    This is me to a T.

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