This site is so informative, I was really getting worried that I had made a mistake with this surgery since all my info was also about gastric bypass as well, my DR. just started to do lap-band a few months before my surgery and I read all the books, like Before and After, which are all about gastric bypass, so I was very surprised when I could eat normal things like Soups and chicken, even steak, and not have them pureed. No one had told me that was possible but I knew I was HUNGRY and the cream of wheat was just not cutting it. I do get fuller sooner but can still eat more than the half a cup I was told I could hold. I still have to stop and think when I eat to slow down and chew, a real problem for me since I feel perfectly normal, like nothing had even happened to me. I did have one bad episode in a restaurant when my husband took me out to eat and a piece of meat was stuck and I had to throw-up alittle but felt better after that. I will say that my sugars have really dropped and have gone off one type of insulin already and am taking half the doseage of my Lantas than I was taking before banding, which was the main reason for banding in the first place, to get healthy. You will know when you have had enough to eat, that's about all I can say about that:wink2:.