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About AmyBug

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/12/1988

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    Pharmacy Support
  • City
    South Shore
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  1. AmyBug

    Was this your first surgery?

    It was my first surgery also. I was not really scared, because I didn't really think it was going to happen, so I was a little shocked when I woke up in pain in the recovery room. Apparently I did not react so nice to the anesthesia so they kept me in the hospital an extra day, as a precaution. No biggie, I was so out of it I didn't care. You will do fine. Also, remember to walk, it does help alot to get your energy back. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
  2. Glad you're doing well, Deezjeanz ! I had to postpone my surgery due to possible pneumonia, but hopefully will be rescheduled for the 23rd or 24the.
  3. It ended up being postponed, for later this month.
  4. I'm having surgery in the morning, and I've also had the same thoughts. My mom works in an operating room, and tells me stories all the time that scare the crap out of me and makes me want to back out myself (please note most of these are trauma patient who were in rough shape to start, none were bariatric patients) But, three weeks ago a close friend lost his father to a heart attack, completely unexpected and young. Sure, death is a risk of surgery, but death is also a risk of living. You could die crossing the street, does that mean your not going to do it? Nope, but you can do what you can to prevent it, and look boths ways. The same with surgery, listen to what your doctor tells you to do, eat your Protein and take your Vitamins, drink your Water, and move around so you don't get clots, loose what they tell you too, so it is easier for your surgeon to see. Choose a Bariatric COE, so you know your taken care of. I'm still scared, but we can do this.
  5. @@Mayastone did you end up going through with it? My whole house is now sick, and I've started with a tickle in my throat and an awful cough. I meet with anesthesia today for pre-op testing and plan on discussing it with them, but would love to know how you made out. My surgery is December 9, and I've been saving my FSA funds for this all year. I'm basically out of $1000 if I reschedule for next year, plus January 1st, I get new insurance, and might have to start all over again.
  6. Cocoa8utter I totally get that "one last"! Well, I just had my one last slice of cake. It was the teensiest peice of cake I could cut. My coworkers were having a farewell party for one of the interns. But I swear that really is my last peice of cake. I actually feel really guilty about it now and wish I had not eaten it.
  7. AmyBug

    How Long Should I wait?

    Thank you all!
  8. AmyBug

    Embrace the Stall

    @@Inner Surfer Girl, I'm sorry, I did not think bumping the post was rude at all, but quite needed. I was trying to quote kindle, who quoted you. As I newbie, I seemed to have messed that up. I do believe your posts have been helpful. Thank you.
  9. AmyBug

    Embrace the Stall

    And not only do they not use the search function to see that their questions and fears have already been addressed a zillion times, they don't even bother to put their post in the stall forum where it belongs. [sigh] ....it's hopeless. Newbies just won't ever change. As a Newbie, I think your comment is quite harsh. I have not even had surgery yet, but looking at the forum so I know what to expect. Please consider that Newbies are just that, NEW. Not everyone has the hang of this site yet, and searching is very very difficult on mobile. I've been watching this forum for a year, and have not even seen a section for stall. Being rude, is not helpful to anyone.
  10. I am still pre-op, but have been experiencing a slightly more than usual amount of hair in the bathtub lately. This doesn't really have anything to do with styling, but, I also hate trying to get all of the hair off my body, when I'm done washing it. I figured out that if you can flip your head and wash your hair away from your body, so you don't have to try to get them all off yourself. This might help somebody!
  11. @@Buttercup bubbles I am December 9th too! I love the power puff girls too! LOL! You can totally do this, it will be so worth it!
  12. AmyBug


    I'm from the South shore, I'm booked for December 9 with Dr McCluney at St E's
  13. AmyBug

    MA - Massachusetts

    I'm from the South shore, and am having RNY at St. E's in 3 weeks.
  14. AmyBug

    Official: FitBit Thread

    I have a fitbit and I love it. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. 1) it does not sync with every phone. You can check the fitbit website and it tells you what phones it has trouble with. 2) it is not always accurate. When on a road trip from MA to OH, where I was hardly did much walking, my fitbit recorded that I walked 10 miles, and did 25 flights of stairs. This made it obvious that while in the car it's calculating steps you are not taking. Other than that I really like the motivation I get to take the extra steps, or the stairs instead of the elevator. Plus it has challenges so you can challenge your friends to take more steps too.
  15. Hi All! I am currently Pre-Op and will be having RNY surgery on December 9th. My question is how long after surgery should I wait before trying more high impact exercise? Like Skiing, Running and Jumping? I know we are supposed to start walking the day of surgery, and low impact should be fine, but being winter I want to learn how to ski this year. Also, an indoor trampoline park just opened near me that I really want to try with my friend. Has anyone had experience with this?

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