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About 2goldengirl

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    Bariatric Hero

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    SF East Bay
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  1. 2goldengirl

    How long was it until you....

    This is where program recommendations can differ widely. Some focus on Protein alone, others (mine, for example) really encourages the inclusion of veg, fruit, and a few whole grains early on. I keep my protein count up by having a Premier Protein each morning, first thing. I was able to begin some veg about week six. Note that I weigh my portions - there are some Proteins that even now (four months), I coiuldn't manage a full 1./4 cup of them. I can handle about 2-2.5 oz of protein at a time. I get my veg in for Fiber, texture, and Vitamins. Less fruit than veg. My macros re where my surgeon wants them, I'm losing, so I'm happy. Some programs (and the people in them) are vehemently against adding veg/fruit/complex carbs until maintenance. C'est la vie.
  2. That isn't true for everyone. I was not commanded to be walking 30" a day from Day 1. My calorie target during my weight oss phase is based on my measured RMR. I'm not to go below 1290/day. My surgeon's general recommendation is for 700-900 calories at weeks 6-8, and 900-1200 by week 12. I actually had my RMR tested and it had slowed, so the exercise physiologist and my surgeon don't want me going below my RMR so I don't slow it down even further. I'm losing 6-8 lbs/month, inches as well as lbs., maintaining my lean mass, and feeling great. I'll take it!
  3. Soft-boiled eggs and refried Beans were mainstays for me. I was soooooo sick of sweet things. I also appreciated the Fiber in the beans.
  4. 2goldengirl

    WLS for Healthcare Professionals

    Closed/private group?
  5. Three month surgeon visit. down 30# postop. Labwork all stellar. She's happy, I'm happy!

    1. Valentina


      Congrats! It sounds like your journey is indeed a joyful one!

    2. Christinamo7


      that is a great update! it sounds like you are right on track!

    3. WLSResources/ClothingExch
  6. This is SO sad. You are ruining HIS life? He thought you wouldn't go through with it? I'm sorry, this makes him sound pretty selfish. On the day you were married, didn't he make you some promises? For instance, to not act like a total jerk?
  7. 2goldengirl

    A drink

    At only three weeks out, you haven't healed enough to deal with alcohol. Unless you're at something like a wedding and need to take a mere sip at the toast (and there are always plenty of nondrinkers at weddings), it simply isn't worth it. Your sleeve needs a solid 6-8 weeks healing time before you try anything off-plan.
  8. 2goldengirl

    Water and Medications

    I'd really encourage you to talk with your surgeon about this and have your surgeon check in with your transplant team, as well.
  9. And telling him was your first mistake. It's none of his business what surgery you need. Even HR doesn't need to know.
  10. 2goldengirl

    Documenting your progress

    I keep a spreadsheet. Once a month, a friend takes my measurements, and I have formulas plugged in that tell me how many inches I've lost since the last measurement, as well as from the start. I don't think these details would be of the slightest interest to anyone but me so I've no need to blog or youtube about it all.
  11. 2goldengirl

    Weight gain

    Unfortunately, increased appetite is a known effect of Prednisone. I'm sorry!
  12. No, your reason for healing perfectly has nothing to do with your preop shower. There is nothing magic in any soap. If there were, there would be no postop infections, and everyone would need to use whatever the magic soap was. It's a longstanding truth in the business that postop wound infections start in the OR.
  13. "Just have faith that your surgeon has a reason to ask you to do something: to give you the best chance of a healthy, complication free recovery." You mistake my meaning. I've been a licensed health care professional for more than thirty years. I DID trust my surgeon, and was given NO requirement to do any of this - no infections or anything dire occurred. There is a lot to be said about overuse of antibacterials, similar to overuse of antibiotics.
  14. It just doesn't make any sense. OK, you bathe with Hibiclens. Then you get dressed to go to the hospital. Then you get dressed in a hospital gown once you get there. All the bacteria you may have washed off is now redeposited on your body. You gargle with Listerine. And report to the hospital two hours or more before your procedure. During that time you breathe, talk, produce saliva - and replenish the bacteria that normally live in your mouth.
  15. Stop doing this to yourself, In the initial four to six weeks, your body has one overriding objective: to heal from major abdominal surgery. You and your head may think weight loss is the be-all-end-all, but your body needs to heal FIRST. Get in your fluids. Get in your Protein, however you can do it. do the best you can. And stay off the scale. It isn't going to be your friend right now. The weight loss will come, but it isn't a race. Treat your body with respect and kindness, it's been through a lot lately.

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