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Pre Op
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Posts posted by Missy407

  1. Oh gosh, I feel your pain. My surgery was canceled/put on hold three days before my pre-op diet was scheduled to start because of an administration mistake. I went bananas. Literally reaching for xanax upset. You will eventually get your surgery and it will probably be when you originally thought it was but the uncertainty is awful. I did eventually get the surgery but that pre-op snafu still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Once you do get approval and move forward try really hard to put this emotional roller coaster behind you and start fresh. Good luck, Im rooting for you!

  2. Im 6 weeks post op. I reached down this morning and felt a disturbing lump. Im thinking cancer, cyst, Im scared to death. Upon further investigation I have an identical lump on the other side too. Feeling stupid but thrilled when I realize that I actually have hip bones! Its been so long since I felt them I forgot they were even there. Gastric sleeve is the BEST.

  3. I had a horrible diet coke addiction and drank several cans a day right up to surgery. Since then I've taken a sip of soda once out of curiosity and was in such pain that I'm in no hurry to repeat it any time soon. Stabbing stomach pains from carbonation will cure you of your addiction quickly. Good luck.

  4. I understand where you are coming from. I was a sz 18. I went to Jazzercise 4 times a week religiously. I ate so low carb that I was in ketosis for weeks at a time and confirmed this by using a blood meter every other morning. I tried so hard to lose weight that it was ridiculous. In one year I took off 27 pounds. While hard core dieting and cheating rarely. Then I had the sleeve 1 month ago today. As of this morning I am down 25 pounds. Whoa! 25 pounds! What took me a year to do before. Go get the sleeve, you won't regret it.

  5. Which Protein Shakes at GNC is everyone liking? My surgery was on the 9th. My staples are out and Im feeling much better in general. I started the Vitamins yesterday for the first time (calcium chews and Bariatric Advantage chewable). So far I've only had cream Soups, Protein shakes and mashed sweet potato. I did stop by Wendys today as I was with my family on the way to a movie and they were hungry. I ate a small condiment packet of sour cream. It was delicious and the perfect size. And free! So yay, theres that. How much weight has everyone lost so far? I'm down 17 pounds since surgery 10 days ago. I thought I would be smaller in the waist as well but I just took measurements and Im actually larger than I was before surgery. Must be the swelling?

  6. I did call the office. I started with the program director who sent out the email yesterday. She admitted it was a mistake and she simply forgot to Bcc and instead just Cc'd everyone in the program. She apologized but the damage has been done. After that I spoke with the office manager who apologized as well. I do know one person on the list (the mother of a friend of mine) and Im hoping she ignored the email and didn't take the time to read the hundreds of names on the list. Im still pretty upset. If an office can't be trusted with following simple HIPPAA policies how good are they at taking care of me? I've gone through all the hurdles and my surgery is just three weeks away. I don't want to start over yet Im having trouble mentally wrapping my brain around hundreds of people knowing I've had the surgery and having my contact info. I need to get past this and get back in the right frame of mind but Im still pissed and hurt.

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