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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by losing4good

  1. I would go on just liquids for a week. Warm liquids and warm Water should help a lot. If you cannot hold down warm liquids, then you may be too tight or you stomach is so swollen that You'd need an unfill so you don't dehydrate. Hope things clear up for you.
    I have recently had a fill but then - within 4 days - got the flu. :sick It was BRUTAL and I couldn't even hold down much Water or maybe some flat sprite. Now my fever has broken and I am starting to feel better, but the fill seems to tight? Has anyone ever had this issue? Is it just swelling or should I just spend the money and get some unfilled? Please let me know if you have been here too.....I am still so worn out that I am having a hard time getting better. :faint:

    I am new to all this, but can you call your doctor? I was under the impression that multiple episodes of vomiting could lead to band slippage, so if you seem worse after the vomiting maybe you should let your doctor know? I work with sick kids and my doctor told me that if I got a bad bug and was doing lots of vomiting she would temporarily take out my fill to reduce the risk of slippage.


  2. I just had my first fill today, 1.25 cc (don't know band size). My doctor said it was okay to have a light meal in the morning but not to come with a full stomach. I have to do 2 days of clears then 2 days of full liquids before I get to eat, so I don't know if I'll feel any restriction, but I hope I do! I was losing well before and had lost 15 lb since surgery (11/29) but now I regained 4! I guess the 4 days on liquids should help with that anyway!


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