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Jorge A

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Jorge A

  1. I saw the surgeon last Wednesday. He said he would do either the gastric bypass or sleeve on me but said that in both operations after three years the stomach stretches and weight gain is almost certain. Know two people who had the bypass who weighed over 350 lbs have both regained all their weight,even after one had loose skin removed.

    I'm not paying £10K for this and have decided to pursue other weight loss options.

    I'm pleased to hear that others with the sleeve are doing well and can only say-long may it last and best wishes.

    It's not magic. You'll still have to follow a sensible diet and an exercise plan. If you do that, you will not gain a lot of weight again. The ones that gain all the weight again are the ones that do not follow the doctors instructions. That's how I gained all of the 35 lbs so far. I'm getting back to running and yoga, and it feels so great.

    Good luck in your journey.

  2. My weight goal was originally to be at 160 lbs. I lost that and more. I was weighing at 140 lbs after about 1 year out. Now at 3 years out i have gained about 25 lbs. so that puts me at 5 lbs over my intended goal. Not bad i think. I think if you follow an exercise program you will lose as much weight as you care to lose. Ive started to run, and I do yoga to help in my running. Happy weight loss. Oh and remember, this is Your life. You make it happen.

  3. For everyone out there that cares to listen; please stop flirting with what brought you to this drastic decision to get surgery as a means to lose weight.

    Right now you are not able to overindulge, and are probably still losing weight. That's very good but be informed, it will NOT be this way for very long. After a while, you will be able to eat more, and more often. And you WILL start to gain the weight back.

    Remember, this surgery is not magic! You STILL have to follow a reasonable diet and exercise plan to keep it off. My recommendation is get used to the healthy foods and Snacks right now so when you're able to eat more it'll be healthier and less able to make you gain the weight back.

    Good luck and may your journey be a pleasant and victorious one.

    This is YOUR life, live it well.

  4. I've heard that some just cannot process the bread in the pizza, Burger and such. Me on the other hand, was able to eat pretty much anything at about 6 months out. I do mean anything, including donuts and Mexican sweet bread and chips and fig newtons and all that unhealthy stuff.

    Then I realized and questioned why I was so determined to go back to the foods that made me obese in the first place. So now, even though I know I can eat that stuff I "usually" don't. " USUALLY". :)

    The best of luck and good wishes to you.

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