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    tpatterson got a reaction from doggiedaddy in Alcoholic drinks after surgery   
    I have found that my tolerance hasn't changed much. The hangover however is so much worse!!! And thanks for being honestly in your post, some people claim to be perfect on this site.
    I drink vodka and Water with a splash of crystal lite liquid in it. Just FYI. I would say 2 of those will do the trick
    What flavor Crystal lite goes well in the vodka/water?
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    tpatterson reacted to winklie in Post op bowel movement   
    My ass has produced things I did not even know it was capable of producing. First rule, and I and stealing this "NEVER trust a fart".
    If I went into the bathroom and passed a kitten out of my ass it would not shock me, this whole experience has been shocking.
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    tpatterson reacted to maggie409 in Alcohol   
    My brother is an alcoholic and he like you can't resist "just one" drink at the risk of his own health. Everything I have read has said that there should be no alcohol consumed for the first year. Just as your doctor has advised. I think rather than asking "please when can I?" (When you already know). The question you should be asking yourself is "why do I want it even at the risk of my own health?"
    I don't say these things from a judgmental perspective. I say these things from a third-party perspective having watched my brother destroy himself. Your need/want for alcohol has nothing to do with VSG. But then you already know that.
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    tpatterson reacted to aelovelady in Alcohol   
    I drink and have pretty much since right after surgery. Beer bothers me now, which sucks cause I love beer, but I drink low cal drinks whenever possible, I was never advised against it.
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    tpatterson got a reaction from melps in Exhaustion   
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    tpatterson got a reaction from melps in Exhaustion   
    I think it was the 8th week for me before I felt like myself again. I remember this because we went to Las Vegas for 10 days and I felt like a whole new person.
    My family literally could not keep up with me for a change. I walked over 8 miles a day and came back losing 10lbs on that trip. The weird thing was I was on soft foods at that stage just about to be released to regular foods.
    @@Djmohr how did you manage soft foods while eating out x 10 days?
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    tpatterson got a reaction from Daisee68 in Surgeon   
    :)Dr Weaver at Saint Francis Hospital in Memphis. She has the best team. My patient advocate & dietician are so helpful. Everything went great.
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    tpatterson reacted to winklie in Food Waste   
    Here is a link too what I made. It is different than the one I found here. I also used Pasta sauce instead of marinara, as I just prefer it. I used Rao's 4 cheese Sauce.
    Hope you like it 1/2 as much as I did.
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    tpatterson reacted to winklie in Food Waste   
    You may have hit the nail on the head. I am used to shopping once to twice a month, apparently I am going to have to go more often and buy smaller amounts of food. Funny, I got the big Riccotta cheese, it never dawned on me to get the little one!
    The things we have to relearn, it is not that it's a chore or difficult, it's just amazing how much of your life has to change as a result of WLS.
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    tpatterson got a reaction from Cervidae in Gotta celebrate, first pureed meal   
    Your instructions are different. I was told that my 4 ounce allowance is volume not weight. Weighing 4 oz is not the same as portioning 4 oz in the liquid measuring cup. Also I was told to stay away from rice as it swells in the pouch. Its strange how everyone gets different instructions.
  11. Like
    tpatterson reacted to manji2013 in Having a tough day   
    You are doing great with 40 g Protein. I'm a month out, you will feel so much better soon. Push thru this painful first week, I barely remember it now I gained 10 pounds in hospital after surgery due to Water weight, swelling. You got this! No regrets!
  12. Like
    tpatterson reacted to gpmed in Having a tough day   
    Hang in there! I had my surgery the week before you. I'd never had surgery before and was surprised both by how terrible I felt afterwards and how fast I began feeling better. Every day is better than before and I've had several turning points so far.
    And don't worry, I think a lot of us regret it during the first week. I had some kind of reaction in the hospital that made my skin itch and burn all over my body and I couldn't stand it. I remember saying, "I wish I'd just stayed fat!"
    Things have been looking way up from there and I know they will for you too. We've got this!
  13. Like
    tpatterson reacted to Djmohr in Having a tough day   
    It will get better. Are you getting your water/fluids in? Honestly that is why will make you feel better as it helps get all the toxins from surgery out of your system.
    It sounds like you are walking which should help with that bloated feeling. I also used gas X and a heating pad.
    I hope you feel better soon!
  14. Like
    tpatterson reacted to Djmohr in Exhaustion   
    I lived on cottage cheese, Protein shakes, yogurt, string cheese and string cheese. At dinner I would order salmon, eat 2 or 3 bites and my son would eat the rest. I was not at the stage where I could eat salad or vegetables unless they were cooked mushy which is rare to actually get that when you order it.
    My loved it because he would order a big juicy steak and have my leftover fish and call it surf and turf.
    I also had a fridge in our hotel room where I kept my premier Protein Shakes and string cheese.
    I will say it was near impossible to keep up on Water for me. I had not yet carried my own personal water bottle every where I went. I would definately carry mine with me now and I do.
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    tpatterson reacted to bellabloom in Smoking weed pre op   
    Sorry if I seem judgemental. I have no problem with recreational occasional use. I have smoked weed before and well- it have the munchies!!!! Plenty of times. Like I said, I'm from humbolt.
    Ives seen a lot of people spend there lives surrounded by a haze and while I'm all for legalization and fun, and I do agree there are some therapeutic effects it is my personal opinion that weed is not a good thing to use daily. I'm entitled to the way I see it aren't i?
    I've seen a lot of people live unproductive lives because of mj. Just my thoughts.
    I'm sorry that you have arthritis. I hope it gets better for you!!! I know what it's like to live with chronic pain.
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    tpatterson reacted to anaxila in Throat burps?   
    I'm 9 months out and still get them occasionally, though not as much as I used to. They are so weird, because I can't really feel them coming. They're just suddenly gurgling up. The sound reminds me of creaking ropes on an old sailing ship, so I just make occasional pirate noises ("Arrr! Arrrr mateys!") and let it go. Totally normal, right?
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    tpatterson reacted to beachgal2935 in Adding protein to mashed potatoes?   
    @sarahbethemails Go to www.drinkprotein2o.com and under store locator you can put in your zip code to see who sells it in your area. You can also order it on Amazon - it comes in packs of 12 for $23.99. You can even order a variety pack. They sell locally for $1.99, so it's on point. Luckily my Gate gas station currently has them 2 for $3 so I stocked up today. Check out the pic of the refrigerator door in my garage - LOL!

  18. Like
    tpatterson reacted to SkinnyDown in I miss food...struggling   
    I am a food addict too. I spent almost a year in therapy before my surgery working on my addiction issues. I had to get down the real reasons I was eating, trying to fill up this empty space inside me. Why I used food to comfort me, and all the answers were right there. It wasn't hard to figure out. It was a lifetime...48 years or so to finally admit I had a problem. To finally say, this has to stop. This is no different than a heroin addiction or a gambling addiction. No difference at all. I knew it when there was a time before surgery I would start to get panicked, and freaked out if I was getting low, or didn't have junk foods and sweets in my house....I'd start getting really anxious, and because I am disabled and don't drive, I would have to find someone to get me something, like a fix! It was all I could focus on....when can I get more? Donuts, chocolates, potato chips, cheetos ...anything, to satisfy those urges. I was hiding food when I went grocery shopping underneath "good" food so no one would see how much crap I was eating. Boxes of Cookies, and donuts, creme horns, cakes, twinkies, bags of chips, ice cream, ...you name it.
    My point being....it's a real addiction and needs to be treated as such.
    I don't have head hunger thank goodness, I don't even have real hunger. I don't even like the taste of food at this point, for the most part, because my taste has changed so much. Things I loved before, even "good" stuff, I can't even stomach now.
    I can't even drink cold Water now. LOL
    It's nearing 3.5 months since surgery, and I've lost 81 lbs. Believe me, It's worth it. I'm almost halfway to goal.
    You have to, imo, stop focusing on food. Start doing other things. I have a list of things I can go to, things to do in my house, even deep cleaning and sorting out things and organizing areas/closets, art projects, crafts, watch movies/series, post more here... if I ever do get to craving anything. Hopefully things will be better for you once you start soft foods.
    The focus has to stop being on the food, and being on how healthy you are getting, how much better you will feel, how much more active you can be, and how much better you'll feel about yourself.
    My biggest advice would be, if you aren't already, get into therapy, and deal with those addiction issues, or they will come back and haunt you. Believe me, I know that anytime, any day ...I could slip up, and I could be in serious trouble. I still have therapy twice a month. I do not want to gain this weight back, I need to move forward. I think you feel the same way!
    I encourage you to join all of us, who are doing the same.
    Keep writing here, there is a lot of support, and help if and when you need it. Stay strong.

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