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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ScrapKarla

  • Rank
    Struggling with The Band
  • Birthday 07/10/1966

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  1. Happy 47th Birthday ScrapKarla!

  2. Happy 46th Birthday ScrapKarla!

  3. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary ScrapKarla!

  4. ScrapKarla

    5 years later

    Thanks Debra!! Without my band the last 5 yrs would have found me weighing OVER 400lbs... with it I have stayed UNDER 300 and only gained 40lbs over my lowest weight since surgery..
  5. ScrapKarla

    5 years later

    Yeah I was thinking TJ would be an option... then I remember that you need a passport to cross the border now and I don't have one... YET... And yes I feel things are on the upswing FINALLY in my life again... so Cali here I come :tt2:
  6. ScrapKarla

    Fills done by patient at home

    Now see I don't see why this is so far fetched of an idea... people HAVE to preform medical things on themselves all the time... diabetics inject insuln fertility patients inject all kinds of drug (been there done that) people with bladder problems cath themselves (we have to start doing this with my 5 YEAR OLD daughter and this seems much harder than inject saline into my band port which is very easy to find) people give themselves b-12 shots my one son had a Nasal feeding tube that I had to insert and make sure it made it into his stomach AND NOT HIS LUNG..... clearly not as stupid as some of you are saying... have I done it... No... would I ... yes.. don't know why I didn't think of it before....
  7. ScrapKarla

    5 years later

    I'm still hanging in here... no insurance and no money for self pay fills adds up to no changes... Moved to Oklahoma in Nov 2009... Moving to California in Oct 2010... this is THE LAST MOVE... I'm not leaving Cali EVER.. Trying again to get back on track life still in chaos... I'm still here though :smile2:
  8. ScrapKarla

    4 year Bandiversary

    Well... My life has been CRAZY ever since we moved to Utah. I thought moving "home" would be a good thing... boy was I wrong. Our finances took a nose dive along with my health. And my family isn't NEAR as supportive as I thought they would be... With all that I want to say that my weight loss is at a stand still but I'm ready to get my butt back into gear and do this right. I am by no ones standards a good bandster. As a matter of fact I am a VERY BAD BANDSTER. I let life get in the way of making good choices (or even ok choices) and my health takes a back seat to EVERYTHING else. When we moved to Utah our house in KC never sold... so now we have a foreclosure on our credit. We also had some very hard financial things going on and so our credit is SHOT. During this we TRIED to get approval to foster/adopt some more children so our daughter could have siblings that she so desired... This process was a GRUELING year of stress and heartbreak. So much so that I gave up and decided that we'd stay a home with one child. Fast forward to one year later: we decide to try again... and YAY!! we were approved to do foster care and within 2 weeks of that approval they placed 6 month old boy twins in our home. The boys are now 14 months old and the adoption will be final on June 30th. One of our boys has some pretty severe delays and so we have TONS of Dr's appts. This has also proven to be a VERY stressful time... Imagine that. With the finalization on the horizon things can only get better and we are DONE with foster care since our home is full. Also... Our daughter (who turned 4 in November) had surgery on her feet at the beginning of 2009 (right leg in January, left leg in February) and has been in casts since them. She FINALLY got both casts off a few weeks ago. Life has improved SO MUCH since she can walk and move again. So am I shocked that I haven't lost any weight?? NO... Am I shocked that I gained 30lbs?? NO... Am I amazed that it was ONLY 30lbs??? YES... and I thank my Band for that EVERY day. I will set this page as my home page so starting tomorrow I am FORCED to get back on track. It is my 4 year anniversary and I WILL WIN THIS BATTLE...
  9. ScrapKarla

    4 year Bandiversary

    Well... My life has been CRAZY ever since we moved to Utah. I thought moving "home" would be a good thing... boy was I wrong. Our finances took a nose dive along with my health. And my family isn't NEAR as supportive as I thought they would be... With all that I want to say that my weight loss is at a stand still but I'm ready to get my butt back into gear and do this right. I am by no ones standards a good bandster. As a matter of fact I am a VERY BAD BANDSTER. I let life get in the way of making good choices (or even ok choices) and my health takes a back seat to EVERYTHING else. When we moved to Utah our house in KC never sold... so now we have a foreclosure on our credit. We also had some very hard financial things going on and so our credit is SHOT. During this we TRIED to get approval to foster/adopt some more children so our daughter could have siblings that she so desired... This process was a GRUELING year of stress and heartbreak. So much so that I gave up and decided that we'd stay a home with one child. Fast forward to one year later: we decide to try again... and YAY!! we were approved to do foster care and within 2 weeks of that approval they placed 6 month old boy twins in our home. The boys are now 14 months old and the adoption will be final on June 30th. One of our boys has some pretty severe delays and so we have TONS of Dr's appts. This has also proven to be a VERY stressful time... Imagine that. With the finalization on the horizon things can only get better and we are DONE with foster care since our home is full. Also... Our daughter (who turned 4 in November) had surgery on her feet at the beginning of 2009 (right leg in January, left leg in February) and has been in casts since them. She FINALLY got both casts off a few weeks ago. Life has improved SO MUCH since she can walk and move again. So am I shocked that I haven't lost any weight?? NO... Am I shocked that I gained 30lbs?? NO... Am I amazed that it was ONLY 30lbs??? YES... and I thank my Band for that EVERY day. I will set this page as my home page so starting tomorrow I am FORCED to get back on track. It is my 4 year anniversary and I WILL WIN THIS BATTLE... :devil:
  10. ScrapKarla

    I have failed my band - SUPPORT GROUP

    I too have failed my band... Pre-Surgery Weight = 321 Surgery Day Weight = 310 Date 05/26/05 Lowest weight = 221 Today's Weight = 255 And it's my own fault that I haven't lost more. In June I planned to pay for a year of fills AGAIN (if they still offer the special deal) and hope that it works this time... 4 years out and 66lbs down.. not enough
  11. ScrapKarla

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    I've not been a very active member since I joined.. We are moving into our own house this weekend so I should be able to join in more once we get settled.. Hopefully I'll be able to start losing again when I'm no longer living in someone elses basement... Still no change in weight.. major plateau
  12. ScrapKarla

    How aware are you of your port?

    I notice mine alot too.. Have since the beginning.. weird
  13. ScrapKarla

    Drinking with meals...

    The only problem I've ran into with drinking with or shortly after eating is that it makes me too full and I PB...
  14. ScrapKarla

    Gone for Good Club - May 2006

    My life is just in too much turmoil right now.. So I'll have to pass on the challenges.. it's enough of a challenge to weigh in every week (which I havn't been doing...)
  15. ScrapKarla

    Good Morning Utah - 4/26

    I'm on the Yahoo group.. it's dead too just like this forum.. very sad

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