I am brand new as well. I started this process months ago but only in August did I really pursue it. My surgeon has just sent all the paperwork to my insurance company for approval. I have done the psychological evaluation, nutritional consultation, and they had me do a sleep study (even though I've never had any issues with sleep apnea).
My biggest fear, honestly, is what my life will be like going forward. My weight has been something of a protective barrier to me, and I'm finally ready to get past it.
Are any of you all on the East Coast? My surgeon wasn't listed on this site, but the hospital is. I'm nervous that people will find out - right now only my husband, sister, mother-in-law, and mother know (I haven't even told my dad).
What kind of reactions did you get from people after losing weight? Did you lose any friendships or relationships because of the changes you made? Did some relationships get better? These are where my nerves get to me. I can handle the changes in diet, I just don't know what else to expect that is unrelated to food.