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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MamaJava

  1. I have to disagree (rather heavily) as to what the OP has stated also. It is absolutely NOT true that "once an overeater, always an overeater." Many, many folks in this world can tackle an addiction through various means and it doesn't effect them the same way it would effect somebody else (or should those be 'affect'? I always forget).

    To say we will all still be over-eaters is a completely rude blanket statement to make. Also, you must realize some people overcome addictions and never become addicted to anything else ever again. Some do become addict-shifters and move on to something else. In those cases, they will need help to conquer those addictions somewhere along the line as well.

    So you are having trouble in that aspect means you could have posted as "hey ya'll, here's my issue...who else has this going on?". Instead you chose to state something as though your problem is everybody's problem. I think that can touch nerves if you're not careful to word things much, much differently in the future.

  2. I can't stand the Any-Whey, so-called "virtually tasteless" Protein Powder anymore. I'm also struggling with eating enough items each day to even put the powder in it! So, I really want a Protein Shake that will pack a big punch and get most (if not all) of my Protein in in 1 shake. Does anybody know how many grams of protein are in GNC Protein Shakes, and are they good ? I will go buy a couple tonight, but some quick suggestions will help me out a lot.

  3. I'm surprised to read how simple most of your seminars were! Ours went like this:

    1 hour seminar in a room of about 15-20 people, and each one was allowed to bring 1 guest if they wanted. The performing surgeon spoke directly to our group for the full hour, covering everything you'd ever wanna know about the surgery. He drew on a dry erase board, answered questions and gave complete info on what was required of all patients pre-sugery, post-surgery and for the rest of their lives. He also explained all dietary info, explained what insurance companies are usually looking for, cost of surgery if you wanted to pay out of pocket...you'd be surprised at how much information you NEED. It's not just time fillers. This information is important.

    THEN, we each got to meet with the Doc one-on-one. We were weighed, measured, gave brief medical history, handed in all medical documentation we felt may help our case and to help Doc get to know our bodies better. In that meeting, he took his time (about 20 minutes per patient), and then let each of us know (in private of course) what we still needed to do for approval. OR, if he felt our insurance would approve us already, then he simply signed off on our charts and submitted to insurance that day. Some people were approved within 48 hours. I still needed a Psychological Evaluation, I still needed an EKG, and I still needed a sleep Study...so Doc gave me the info and referrals for all that stuff. I got it all done within 2 weeks and came back for a private follow up visit. I was approved 10 weeks later (after a couple documentation hiccups and my insurance is a big booger anyway).

    So...some seminars are very, very detailed and accomplish way more than you can imagine. Others are simply the information and you don't meet with a Doc I guess, but at my facility they try to get almost everything done ASAP since you're already there anyway. My facility and Doc were amazing. :clap2:

  4. I had my original consultation with Dr. Kam (while he was in Ypsi). However, since I chose the lap-band, I ended up changing over to Dr. Schram. Dr. Schram has more experience and specializes in the band. Dr. Kam's biggest success and specialty is the bypass. I like them both. Both are wonderful physicians and both are very knowledgeable in their craft. However, since I had the band, Dr. Kam wasn't gonna be my choice. ONe of my close friends is a nurse who works side by side with both and Dr. Schram simply has a higher (nearly flawless) success rate with the band since he teaches it around the world.

  5. I actually had this on days 2 & 3 post-op, believe it or not. It was because I had a really bad head cold (caught that in the hospital during my banding). So, when I came home, I had a ton of mucus that was just not knowing where to go. I believe it was getting trapped in my upper stomach and was too thick and stringy to get through the opening and empty into the lower stomach. So, about 4 or 5 different occasions, I would begin to sweat, I would begin to "slime" and salivate to the point where I knew I was gonna vomit. I would, but it was more of very loud burping and just a little bit of substance actually came up. I called my doc...he said I was having serious PB's due to the mucus. BLECH. I didn't like it, but it wasn't the worst thing on earth either...although it did hurt my port site from the contractions - I vomit and gag very violently. I always have.

  6. OR...am I stuck feeling this pain every time I burp and hiccup for the rest of my life? I realize I'm only 4 days out from when I was banded. However, I'm worried that this pain is permanent. Yikes...

    Each time I feel a belch coming on (lots of those post-op as many of you know), the pressure in my chest builds up really fast, the pressure is excruciating for about 3 seconds until I release the air, and then it's normal again. Same thing with hiccups. Lots of chest pressure (ends up being painful) until I feel like I'm gonna burst, then it's gone when the hiccups subside.

    So is this simply related to the soreness I have from the surgery in general, or is it permanent pain that will come every time I belch or hiccup for the rest of eternity? I have a 5-month old baby & 10 y.o daughter so I haven't taken pain meds since day #2 post-op...that way I can drive when needed without being all doped up with kids in tow.

  7. I am only 4 days out from when I got banded, but my facility warned me of issues like these before I got my band. Therefore, I'll be joining Weight Watchers (again for the 100th time in my life I swear) to ensure my success. I love WW, and this time I will have success...I can feel it. I don't think I could do this without knowing beforehand that it was gonna be hard - this way I feel more prepared.

  8. The gas pains were the absolute worst part for me. I had them terribly immediately post-op. They kept me overnight cuz my insurance made them...and I'm so glad about that. The chest pain was crushing. They send me for x-ray thinking maybe something was wrong with my band, but they found a gas bubble in my lower stomach the size of a football! Well...no wonder I was miserable. sleep and lots of meds the nurse gave me to move my bowels is the only thing that helped. Today I am 3 days post-op and I'm feeling really good. I get the bad chest pains right before I'm about to burp or hiccup, but it goes away immediately upon doing one or the other. Eating, walking and going to the bathroom a lot seem to help. I'm thoroughly addicted to my Gas-X chewables. They are my best friends right now.

  9. My doc requires 2 weeks of full liquids (cream Soups, Jello, pudding, etc.), then 2 weeks of puree'd foods (baby food consistency), then 1-2 weeks of soft foods (basically anything you can eat if you didn't have any teeth). However, the nutritionist said very clearly that if 2 weeks of puree's is too difficult, then you can shorten that to just 1 week of purees followed by 1-2 weeks of soft. She said not to determine anything until it comes right down to the time, though.

  10. I started the New Year off right by getting banded (with a new Realize band) on January 4th. I had the procedure done at Forest Health in Ypsilanti, MI. My doc was Dr. Jon Schram. Top-rated dude in the nation. He was absolutely wonderful.

    I gotta say, the gas pains in my chest were the worst issue I had. It was very, very painful immediately post-op, and again the following day. They took x-ray to see what was up and my stomach was filled with a gas bubble the size of a football! LOL Eventually that went away. Now I only get occasional pain when I burp or hiccup - feels like my chest is gonna burst only briefly, and then it's relieved the moment the gas is passed. Oh what fun!

    Otherwise, I'm thrilled to be banded and on my way to glory. I need to make a signature with a weight loss ticker and such...trying to figure out how to do that in this website. Any help you might wanna offer me?


  11. Hi all! This is my very first post ever! I was banded on January 4th and I can't wait to go through this with all of you. I'm home and healing and excited about what is to come in the future. :) So...I added myself to the most recent list.


    Dec 31- Chrisann (honorary member of the Jan 08 bandsters)

    Jan 1- HAPPY NEW YEARS! Starting the year off right!

    Jan 2- phowell, Megmarie21, Gingerbug(Victoria), jengland, racetrackweary, rainbowme2(Bunny), RT, jojokitty

    Jan 3-WOWOX7, Woodsy,momto3, Mommamare, nancy52,AnneElliot, ovahkummer

    Jan 4- KUgirl, steviegene, SuzanneG, Songinmysoul, sleclerc (shirley), WendyRae, MamaJava

    Jan 5- texasbandster

    Jan 6

    Jan 7- CallmeJim, comepickmeup, NukeChik, mamato3, kintime, Shell, destined2befree, babedoe4

    Jan 8- Fat&thrifty(and husband Joe), itz me, faa31, crackedpepper, flipbarnett, Joanna240, rustymarie, gingydilly

    Jan 9– Redtulips3, FLMan, TachaBaby505, Lillyanne_M

    Jan 10- luvsrocks, Hilary, Jen25bl, jtag10_4, Char1007, Pizzaman citygirl4616

    Jan 11- brez1015, Tmusicmaker123, Poopsie, Ready2JustDoIt, B-Man, ganigirl6

    Jan 12- jen6740

    Jan 13

    Jan 14- CoreynVA, acalpn, srbanker(Suzanne), grayl, cnukaya, Jessthat, Deedle, thinner-or-bust, gilliebean, greeniiii, mitch, WestCoastFatGuy, SMR100

    Jan 15- Travelology, Dianegoe, poodlecamper, LKM, greeneyez

    Jan 16- Kathy, Saleel, back2reality, Cherry_Blue, Dazzle, nadean, with his help, Laurinda; Pikedafoe

    Jan 17- SJK, Alfie, L.A., lwood, tweenwaters, Laurieloo, kcintx,mia31771

    Jan 18- RuthE?, shanarene

    Jan 19

    Jan 20

    Jan 21- mo7293 (Maureen), graham, lee41

    Jan 22- purplegoddess, DPJDMOM, bcgates

    Jan 23- min, Ang1982 (Angela) Tigger_Shorty (Rose), WhirlWinds

    Jan 24- holleyhobby,jst4kel,kimmycrs, Somogyi1, rakes4321, RomeGA3

    Jan 25- Noni(Mary), htay73il (Hope), Thor, rakes4321(Amy)

    Jan 26- Louise (London)

    Jan 27

    Jan 28- kawanabear(Kalonda), crystalcml, blg200200, justtjohn, PeachesPJ

    Jan 29- diane-south fla

    Jan 30- PortuguesePrincess(Stephanie),Amberwaves(Amber), Tamika(taismommy)

    Jan 31- SarahT1982, lkgrubb, sexymama

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
