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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MamaJava

  1. Realize is the best band out there? really 14 year old technology, one size only and it IS NOT the widest band out there, the LapBand APL is -

    Oh yeah please keep in mind the port applicator increases re-operation rates by 15% because it doesn't work well and your scar will be twice as large because their port is much wider

    Again, redstarr you have no CLUE what you are talking about. My port site incision is small. It's only about 1/2 inch longer than my other incisions, which are all only about 1/4 inch in length. You need to just pocket the money you're getting from another lap band company to run around bashing the Realize band and go on some vacation to a far off land where you can soak up some sun and CHILL OUT. You're really running around all these Realize band threads like some crazy nut case. Why do you care so much about the band differences? All the bands are fine. That's why most doctors still use at least 1 or 2 different kinds of bands. Holy crap you're a loony toon.

  2. Obviously redstarr completely ignored the post by the doctor responding to and disputing all of this freak's claims. What has peed in your Cheerios that has made you such an angry person? I also have seen an inflated Realize band and it doesn't look anything like what you are describing. I've held one. I've inspected one. I've seen it inflated, I've seen it not inflated. We obviously live on different planets. Go on about your own business and stop this absurd and obnoxious vendetta you have against Johnson & Johnson. You are really acting like some crazy person.

  3. I had my first fill today! I'm so excited. He gave me a rather aggressive fill and put 3cc's in my 9cc Realize band. I'm thrilled! He usually doesn't give more than 2cc's on a first fill for his patients, but since I'm struggling and I've gained 5 pounds, he was a bit more aggressive with me.

    I really hope I feel some restriction. I have no idea what restriction feels like. I've not had a bit of any restriction yet since I had my surgery. It's very disappointing.

    My beef is that if I could have done this on my own without the band, then I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place. So far, I've convinced myself that the band is merely a placebo, and all band patients are just dieting like the pre-band days. Not sure what the big deal is about this band stuff anymore. I'm really nervous that I've fallen victim to some sort of scam by getting this band. I know that's not true, but that's how I feel. I just don't get how this thing is supposed to work.

    So, I'm hoping I'll get a taste of this band stuff SOON now that I've been filled a pretty good amount for the first time. I'm excited and a bit scared that I'll be one of those who needs like 4 fills before restriction...and then I'll be angry because what in the heck was the point in getting this thing then? Aaarrgh!!! I'm frustrated, but I'm not angry. I'm not band-bashing, so don't get upset with me. I'm just confused and I'm just typing out my thoughts as they enter my head.

    Give me some reassurance. Will this really work?

    I finished out my day on purees, and I'll stick to soft foods tomorrow. Wednesday I hope to try regular foods and I'll post back to let you all know how things are going. :(

  4. your doctor is wrong- there is absolutely NO data stating the results are better and there are less difficulties - it sounds like he is being paid by Johnson and Johnson - Otherwise it really makes no sense to put in 14 year old technology band in a patient when Inamed is selling a Third Generation product. The new studies show LapBand has a 62% excess weight loss at 3 years - the Realize has 43% so Im curious as to where he is getting his info from. Just because he is a surgeon don't think he can't be paid off. The Doctor on Realize's website Dr. Ponce did the study for Inamed which proves their band has higher weight loss yet he switched to the Realize band because they paid him off. The only surgeon using the Realize Band are hacks or guys on the take.

    Oh...I see. So the ONLY surgeons using the Realize band are hacks or guys on the take? So you know every surgeon in the Nation? In the world? The Realize has a fantastic success rate. It's been used for years upon years overseas. It's just renamed over here. The Realize band is a complete circular band. So it has creases and that makes it more prone to erosion? You really need to redo your research. My doc is a proctor. He's NOT getting paid by J & J...the other 3 docs in the practice still offer their patients a choice. My doc refuses to offer a choice. The wider band covers a larger surface area of the stomach (PROVEN, by the way) and this has shown to cause less slips, and to REDUCE the instances of band erosion. Weren't they called Swedish bands or something overseas for all those years? They are standing the test of time...they aren't being tossed aside and replaced like the lap bands and Allergen bands are. That is peace of mind for me.

    So you can degrade the Realize bands around here as much as you want. Your stats and info are bogus and your reasoning is bunk. You can believe what you want and you can run around flailing your arms and screaming about conspiracy theories and buyouts and payoffs all you want...it just makes you look bloody pathetic. If anything, I think you are the one being paid to bash the Realize bands. It really doesn't matter what you say. My surgeon is one of the highest ranked and successful band surgeons in the United States. He's a proctor. I'll trust his knowledge, education, success and expertise over your silly little rant and unsupported "facts" any old day of the week.

  5. Curves is fantastic. I am re-joining again March 3rd when our local one begins their food drive for free registration. This time, I won't quit after several months.

    The workout you get is individual, and it totally depends on YOU and how much YOU work the machines. It is effective as long as you operate the machines effectively and as long as you work it, girl! You have to really get on each machine and work as hard as you can. Your success depends on how hard you work...the machines and the facility are not at fault if it doesn't work for somebody.

    It's great. I highly recommend it. :wub:

  6. Sorry to ask such a silly question, but I honestly can't find any instructions anywhere regarding my first fill in my paperwork. So should I stop eating a certain amount of hours before the fill? I did have a couple very small things to eat this morning (2 slices of wheat toast for Breakfast, some pureed bananas for lunch around 11:00 when I was feeding my baby and a couple chocolate-covered strawberries left over from Valentine's Day). It's 11:40am now and my fill is at 4:00pm so I'm not going to eat anymore. How about fluids? Can I drink anything and should I stop drinking beforehand? How long before the fill should I stop drinking? I'm really thirsty right now.

    Thanks so much...:wub:

  7. Sorry to ask such a silly question, but I honestly can't find any instructions anywhere regarding my first fill in my paperwork. So should I stop eating a certain amount of hours before the fill? I did have a couple very small things to eat this morning (2 slices of wheat toast for Breakfast, some pureed bananas for lunch when I was feeding my baby and a couple chocolate-covered strawberries left over from Valentine's Day). It's 11:40am now and my fill is at 4:00pm so I'm not going to eat anymore. How about fluids? Can I drink anything and should I stop drinking beforehand? How long before the fill should I stop drinking? I'm really thirsty right now.

    Thanks in advance.

  8. Sounds like you all have WAY more restriction than me. I'm almost back to eating my normal sized meals again...although I'm making really healthy choices, which I never did before. You all get full around 1/4, 1/2 or even 1 cup of food?!?? I wish I had that sense of fullness. I eat slooooooowww, too. I always have. I think something is really, really wrong with me.

    I easily ate almost 2 cups worth of food for dinner yesterday. I felt crappy afterwards, but it just doesn't hit me until about an hour after I walk away from my food. Until that kicks in, I'm pacing around wondering what's wrong with me, I'm trying to find some Jell-o or pudding to finally feel full, or I'm getting a 2nd helping of what I finished 30 minutes ago because my stomach is still growling.

    So...none of you are eating too much, but I certainly am. I can't figure it out, and I'm beyond jealous of all your responses. I'm also not losing anything. I'm stuck at the original 13 I lost the first 2 weeks after surgery. I've gained 4 of that back, and I've gained 3 inches overall.

    I get my first fill Feb. 18th. It can NOT come soon enough. I'm pissed. I hope I get restriction because I don't feel like my life has changed at all.

  9. I handled it a bit differently. I had intended on not telling anybody at all beforehand except my hubby and a couple of my closest friends, because one of them was trying to schedule her surgery on the same day as mine. She got in sooner than me, and we were banded 6 weeks apart.

    Then everything changed. I realized I needed help with my baby during my healing time. I needed my mom for that because my husband had to keep working. My daughter and stepson also had to know why I would be in rough shape for a few days, and they needed to know why they had to help me with extra stuff around the house. I'm so close with my family, that I needed for them to know about this life-changing procedure because I needed their support for many reasons. I also saw myself becoming a great advocate for the band, and decided I was then going to tell everybody. I only tell people when I feel the time is right, and I be sure that when the conversation is over, they have a newer understanding of the procedure and the fact that this is still a VERY difficult road for me. Everybody I know has been educated properly...and I've been happy to do that.

    Nobody has judged me because I won't let them. I've always been a very strong, straightforward kind of gal, and people know that about me. I have no problems with explaining myself, I don't feel this is a private thing for me anymore because I don't want it to be. That's just me, though. I'd rather be a poster child for this procedure...it makes me feel like I'm giving back to the band, which is going to be giving so much to me.

    That's just me, though! :mad: Do what makes you comfortable. I'm not embarrassed, I'm not ashamed, and I'm definitely not afraid to tell people how it is. For others, that's not easy stuff to do. I like being the person to set people straight, and I enjoy educating others. This lap band gives me an excellent platform to be able to do such things.

  10. I just visited your site and I'm confused about something...folks over there are talking about how excited they are to be on a drama-free board and whatnot. What drama? I've lurked here forever before I finally signed up after my surgery back in January. I've never seen anything horrible enough to cause the creation of an entire new site. Plus...a little drama is everywhere if the posters on your site are referring to receiving a disagreement now and then with a statement they've made. That's not horrible...that's human nature. It will happen on your board eventually as it grows also. You aren't free from "drama" anywhere in life. That's just my 2 cents as well. Good luck to ya, though! You website looks good.:)

  11. I'm confused...I have the Realize, and my doc said it was a 9 cc band. I read the website and all official information from J & J Realize direct, and they all say the band is 9 cc. The nurses on the Realize telephone support have also confirmed they are a maximum of 9 cc. They are all the same. I'm really confused as to why several of you are saying it is 10 cc. It's not.

  12. I really think some more details are necessary here.

    Why did you gain back 60? Seems to me you're failing yourself. How can your actions be blamed on the band and on your surgeons? What is the point of wanting to rip out your own band? I guess I can't see how that would make things better. You're having issues with food now and gaining some weight back, so how would removing the tool that can help you fix that going to help you at all?

    Also, you said you're back on the wagon, so perhaps you're modifying some of the things that made you sway from the program...and if so, then that's great!

    You should have known everything before your surgery. If your facility was only supporting you for a limited amount of time, then you should have shopped for another facility.

    I hope everything works out for you. I know how tough it is when it feels like the whole world is against you and that nothing is working out...but in the end...we all have the power within ourselves to change things.

  13. I'm going to definitely re-join Weight Watchers again in a couple weeks when I have the money, and after my first fill.

    Their CORE plan is fantastic for band patients! No measuring (so you can limit your meals to 4-6 oz. for your band), no calorie counting, no points to keep track of like their other program (which you'd have to readjust anyway because of your band)...and all the CORE foods are very band-friendly (lean meats, veggies, fruits, oatmeal, etc.). I did fantastic on CORE a couple years ago and gained it all back when I quit (I was single mom and poor at the time and couldn't afford the $12 per week). I cannot WAIT to get back to it!

    I'm also joining CURVES on March 3rd.

    I love WW...it is an amazing program...and my leader is totally accepting of the fact that I had the band. She's educated in it and she knows this journey will be just as challenging for me as it is for people without the band. She's excited to see my progress! :regular_smile:

  14. I was given one. It states a bunch of stuff about how I've had a surgery that significantly reduces the size of my stomach, and then at the end it says "We request that you kindly allow this patron to order a smaller portion or to make a selection from your children's OR senior's menu. Thank you for your cooperation. ~Barix Clinics"

    I may use it for senior menus, but probably not for children's menus. I'd prefer to not order from the regular menu once I get restriction. I HATE HATE HATE leftovers, so the card is more of a benefit for me than for other people. I read about people saying they'd rather order regular items off the menu...but that's just too much food since I won't eat the remainders later. I'm hoping when I do begin using it (not quite on regular foods just yet), it will be honored. I would hate to be forced to pay for food that I cannot eat in the first place. :regular_smile:

  15. I seem to be having a bit of trouble with soft foods. I suffered from IBS with diarrhea before surgery. It was really, really bad. I was under the impression that lap band surgery would help alleviate the IBS symptoms and possibly make it disappear forever. This was one of the main reasons (besides my other health issues) I made the decision to have lap band surgery in the first place.

    The problem: soft foods are going through me immediately. I understand that I don't have a pouch yet, so foods are being processed and running through me the same as before surgery. But why are things worse than before surgery? I won't have my first fill until Feb. 18th, at which time I will venture back to soft foods to see if things change at all. Foods are acting like little rockets and they are flying through the tunnel faster than you can say boo. I hope the visual isn't too frightening.

    I eat a small chicken caesar salad, and the moment I stand up to go rinse my bowl...HERE IT COMES! I'm hauling tushy to the bathroom and having explosive episodes. (Sorry! I know this is all TMI) It has also happened with *almost* all of the other soft foods I've eaten this entire week. omelet, a buckwheat pancake, chicken noodle Soup, saltine crackers, chicken nuggets, a baked potato, taco salad, a hamburger patty w/ mustard but no bun, a grilled chicken breast...almost everything I've tried. This has been going on for well over a week now. At first I thought my body was just readjusting to normal foods again, but one would think it wouldn't happen after a couple days at the most. Agreed?

    So...I'm done being miserable and I'm done with running to the bathroom before things get messy and I'm especially done with the sore booty area.

    I guess I'm posting this incredibly long thread to see if anybody else has had issues like this, and if you can tell me why foods are flying through me like a bale of hay in a Kansas tornado? :regular_smile:

  16. First, I gotta tell you...you will NEVER feel your band through your abdomen. The band is around your stomach. Can you feel your stomach through your abdomen? Umm...no. I don't think anybody can, and therefore nobody will ever feel a band through their abdomen. The port, however, MAY be felt by some people. I haven't even lost very much weight but after my swelling went down, I noticed I could feel it when I pushed on my port incision site with my hands. It's not gross, it's not icky, it's not a big deal at all.

    I was also sent home with liquid Lortab but I only used it 2 times...and those 2 times were just because I was afraid I would be in pain if it wore off...I didn't take it because I actually felt pain. The stuff tasted so horrible that it wasn't worth it to me so I stopped taking it and threw it away. I never really needed it in the first place.

    My stomach was uncomfortable, but not painful. I was sleeping on my side right away and hopping in and out of bed with ease. It was around day 3 that I realized getting out of bed was a little bit more of a chore, but still not painful by any means. Just sore.

  17. 1. Did you have a nutritionist? Yes, and I will have her for the rest of my life if needed. This was required by my insurance AND by my surgical facility before they would perform lap band on anybody.

    Did you receive a written diet or program? Yes. Very detailed.

    2. What was your pre-op diet? No diet pre-op since I was very healthy and doc does not see significant results with the "shrinking of the liver" diets. 24 hours before surgery I was on clear liquids & I had to take 2 Dulcolax pills. Then nothing to drink after midnight. That was it.

    3. What days were you on Clear Liquids?

    I was required to stay overnight per my insurance. I was only on clear liquids while in the hospital. All lap band patients are sent home and placed immediately on full liquids at my facility.

    4. How long were you on Full Liquids?

    One week

    Did you incorporate any whole foods in this stage, for example, by blending? No because I don't think that's the point of the full liquid stage. I stuck only to actual full liquids per my instructions.

    5. When were you on the Puree Diet?

    We did 2 weeks on purees

    6. When were you on the Soft food Diet?

    2 weeks of soft foods

    7. In the soft food diet, were you told which foods to avoid or be careful of? Yes

    8. Did you deviate from your diet? What was your experience, if so?

    Only slightly, and only with my surgeon's approval. He bumped me up to soft foods a few days early. He says they are working to change the healing diet to a shorter period of time for lap band patients. He said he and many other surgeons in the world simply put lap band patients on the same healing diet as Gastric Bypass patients because it's just easier to educate everybody the same way. He said a healing diet for 6 weeks is not really necessary unless there are complications. I had no problems whatsoever from moving a bit early to soft foods. I have absolutely no complications at all, and no problems with any food items yet. Of course, I've not had a fill yet! LOL

  18. Remember, too, that there are a lot of other variables to losing weight and you have to take those into consideration...How big you were to start with-the larger person is going to lose more at first than the smaller person. What was your pre-surgery diet like? Some people who are banded go from drinking two liters of soda a day to none, cold turkey. That is hundreds of calories they cut out all at once and is going to have a big impact on their weight. Others are drinking a lot on weekends or eating a lot of fast food before surgery. When people suddenly stop that they drop weight fast because of it. I think I am losing slowly partly because I didn't drink soda, didn't eat fast food, didn't drink much alcohol, only had a BMI of 39...that might be some of what you are experiencing, too.

    Well, I eat 80 g of Protein per day usually (I'm only required 59 g.), I mostly get that in food and I've cut back on shakes because they were just loading me up with calories. I hate salt, so I avoid sodium like the plague, my BMI was very high pre-op...it was 47.5...so the theory that people have that higher BMI's lose more weight post-op is blown out the window. LOL I haven't drank any soda since surgery cuz my surgeon told me not to. I walk 50 minutes per day, 6 days per week. I went from chowing on fast food 2 meals per day pre-op to NO fast food post-op except for 3 meals, and those were spread apart over the course of 2 weeks. I used to drink a ton of soda and quit cold turkey.

    LOL - sorry, I'm not trying to rebuttal or be argumentative...but maybe you all can see my frustration?

    It's okay. I called my Nutritionist and I expressed my concern. She acted like I was flipping out over nothing and I said "Well, I wouldn't be flipping out over nothing if YOU weren't the one who told me you didn't want to see me gain ANY weight before my first fill." She apologized, but she didn't mean for that to be taken so literally. Huh?? Whatever. She was not joking when she said it, so how much more literal can a comment be?

    So...I've calmed down. She said even if I gained back all 13 (heaven forbid), then I'd still be okay. I'm still upset that my body is acting like an a$$ and not dropping any weight based on my healthy new lifestyle, but I guess I'll just believe everybody when they say it will just begin to happen eventually.

    Thanks, guys. :confused:

  19. We don't have a "mushy" stage, but I had no problems whatsoever transitioning to purees and then to soft foods. It takes a LOT to damage sutures, and it doesn't sound like you've done anything that would cause that to happen. In fact, I know my band is not sutured to my stomach at all. I have the Realize band, though.

    Perhaps you are having pain from Constipation and gas, which can both cause severe abdominal pain and chest pain.

    Speak with your doc. They will probably want to do an X-ray.

  20. I'm so glad I saw this thread. I usually drink plenty of Water, but can't seem to get it down right now. I think it's more of a fear thing than anything else? Did anyone experience a fear of drinking? I don't want to throw up, so now I just scared to drink more than a sip at a time.

    I still haven't had my first fill yet, but I am easily able to guzzle liquids like before my surgery. I'm not sure if that will change or not.

  21. I hate plain Water...especially in the winter. Summer, I don't have as many problems drinking plain Water. Right now, though, there was NO way I'd get all my Fluid in if I had to drink only plain water. Bleh!

    I also don't know how people choke down that nasty Crystal Light stuff. It has the worst aftertaste I've ever tasted. I hate every flavor I've ever tried.

    Somebody else mentioned the grape flavor singles that Wal-mart makes. Holy moly, I LOVE those things, too! I bought them 1 week pre-op but didn't have the guts to try one (was afraid they would taste like Crystal Light)...then I had one my first day home from surgery and I've been addicted ever since!

    Other ones I actually like (and I am PICKY) are the Special K Protein water single packets. I like the strawberry-kiwi flavor and the tropical blend. I also like all the sugar-free Koolaid single packets as well. They don't taste sugar-free to me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
