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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by MamaJava

  1. Ang1982: Since you began the thread, I think you are the only one who can change the thread title. Wanna change it to 600 Minute March? You don't have to...but it's cute. :rolleyes2: Or, I'll go ahead and begin a new thread if you'd like me to. That's no problem. Just let me know!

  2. I'm joining 'Curves' tomorrow! I can't wait! Just wanted to shout it out. I'm really excited. I've been stuck at -13 lbs. since 2 weeks post-op, and even with the little tiny bit of restriction I got after my first fill, I'm still not losing any weight. I know I need to step it up in the exercise department...so here's to hoping that the pounds will begin to come off! I get my 2nd fill March 19th and maybe that will help also. I gotta reset my siggy to reflect my new goals. I'm in a size 22 jeans right now and I need to get into a size 18 jeans before the last weekend in April when my husband and I will be going on another coaster trip with his friends. I do NOT wanna be on the sidelines again for fear of not fitting onto the roller coasters. If I get into those 18's, then I know I won't have any issues. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..." :rolleyes2:

  3. Whoa... that's not fair. I didn't like the "moron" statements and such either but do you have anything to defend your claim that Isuzu was trying to be deceptive about identity? NOWHERE does s/he do that. That poster never attempted to pretend they were someone they were not. People change IDs here all the darn time and there are MANY good reasons for doing that.

    You believe Isuzu has misconceptions about the band, they believe you have misconceptions about the band. I have seen the band, I have seen the band surgically placed. As for the triangular shape the more full the band is, the more it bends to a triangle. I don't see how this is much different from the bubbles in the Inamed band. So what? Who cares if the darn thing bends? If you want to talk physics then you need to remember that the outside of the bubble part of the band does not shrink as it grows tighter around a rounded surface so it SHOULD bend a bit.

    If you don't like the info presented, don't read it. Simple. But it's really not fair to make claims about changing IDs when the writing style has not changed one bit, there has been NO effort to be deceptive about who they are, the opinions are exactly the same... there is simply nothing to support your theory on an ID change.

    The bottom line is that it appeared deceptive. After redstarr's "final" post of saying "My work here is done. Goodbye...", there was a post shortly after responding to another question, this time by someone named Isuzu, and at the time, it definitely appeared deceptive. I wasn't the only person to comment about the ironic name change and it's timing. If you don't see it that way, then please take your own advice and don't read the info I present. Also, you commented to me about there being nothing to support my comments about Isuzu being paid by another company to run around band-bashing the Realize product. Well, Isuzu said that Proctors get paid by companies and they are swayed and paid off to support one product over another. In another of his/her previous posts, Isuzu claimed to BE a proctor for another band company. By his/her own admission and definition of a Proctor, he/she outed his/her self as being paid to run around band-bashing the Realize band.

    *sigh* I don't know why I had to correct you, but I did. I really didn't wanna rehash, but when you singled me out and reprimanded me, I had to defend myself. It's my own personal nature. Also, just as Isuzu has his/her rights to be passionate about ripping a product apart that is in my body, well then I also have the right to defend that product and I may be a bit passionate about it. I'm not going to make any apologies for that.

    Now that the Isuzu character seems to have run off, this thread is much more pleasant and I wanna keep it that way. So...enough of all the "he said, she said" junk. Sorry to interject it one last time. I just couldn't help myself. Of course, ya'll can just ignore me if ya want, right? :rolleyes2:

  4. I haven't given up soda. I still enjoy a Coke 1 or 2 times a week. It doesn't affect me negatively in any way whatsoever. My doc recommends giving up soda because it may help with the weight loss...but he doesn't demand that his patients give it up for band reasons at all. It doesn't even give me gas pains like some people complain about. I do notice that I retain more Water when I do drink soda, which is why I limit myself to having them only as a real treat once in awhile.

    I also did NOT have to do any type of liquid diet in the pre-op days. I only had 2 week full liquids post-op, 1 week purees and then 1 week soft foods. It wasn't that difficult, really.

  5. I get sad when I see stuff like this... DONT LET YOUR HUSBAND CONTROL YOU!! Why do women let their husbands control them, manipulate them and make them feel bad about stuff like this?? He sounds wishy washy to me. LIke he was going to be supportive and then he changed his mind and is trying to make you feel guilty because he can't deal with his own emotions about this.

    He needs to be a supportive husband, period, and if not, oh well! it's your body, not his. And, his statement about being "all cut up".. PLEASE.. I've seen several lap band scars a year out and I could barely even tell.. the only scar visible was the port scar and I have a cut on my thumb from a glass cutting me that looks worse than all the ones I've seen!

    You need to just say: listen, it's done.. it's over with.. if you can't deal with the minute scars then oh well.. when I start losing weight and feeling better about myself you'll see it's worth it.

    I don't know if he's scared you'll leave him, or, if he's scared that once you'll lose weight, you'll gain confidence and then he can't manipulate you any longer... you see, some men like having a fat wife so they can boss them around and treat them like shit and keep them where they want them.

    Anyway, I'm getting too emotional here. I've just seen this too many times and I'm so happy my husband Jerry was a wonderful and supporting husband and when he was worried I would lose a lot of weight.. guess what, he joined a gym and did my diet with me and has gone from 255 to 231 this morning! He wants us to be healthy together... and when somebody loves you, they could care less if you have a few scars on your belly!

    So please, don't regret the band... and maybe you need to just be a big B with your husband and tell him off or something.

    Of course, this is me.. I wouldn't take that shit from any man..

    VERY well put! I could not have said it better myself. When I read the original post, all these same thoughts were shooting through my head. Thanks for saving me all that time typing. :w00t:

  6. Count me in as well! So...600 minutes for March Challenge?

    Oh, should we come up with an official name so we can easily find the thread? Here are some ideas with a play on words-type idea:

    600 Minute March! (get it?)

    Marchin' the Minutes

    The MinuteBand March

    ...I'm just brainstorming.

  7. Whoelse thinks this guy had help?

    (I mean BESIDES Subway)---I'm tired of seeing his comercials cuz I don't think they are telling the whole truth.

    Nope. I don't think he had help with surgery at all. Jared was a real dude who had a goal and he reached it. THEN he contacted Subway and told them what he had done. I think it's a pretty great story. Some people can actually lose weight without needing this contraption that we've received. I wish I was one of them, but I'm not. I needed the little extra tool...but that's okay, too. I applaud Jared for what he did, and for keeping the weight off. Sometimes, even the rich & famous can't keep the weight off no matter how many trainers, cooks, nutritionists and diet plans they pay for. Look at Oprah, for example.

    Even better...look at Carnie Wilson, who is now back up to over 200 pounds. She had gastric bypass and still gained the weight back. She has a trainer and still gained the weight back. She's not as big as she was pre-surgery, but she's slowly getting up there again.

  8. The problem with hitting the ignore button is that I would no longer be humored by certain posters...

    ...and I can speak for myself when I say that none of this is angering me in the least...it's pure entertainment. It doesn't take much for me to have fun. :)

  9. Me: There is a conversation on my forums about the Realize band. Is it really triangle shaped?

    Him: I just went to a bariactric conference last week and yes, it is a triangle when filled. We were all calling it a balloon on a strip and it looked like the old swede bands.

    Me: is this why you don't use them?

    Him: well, my biggest concern is the folds folding on the stomach, but according to that conference the results were on par with the AP bands, I just choose not to use the realize band.

    So, there you go guys. I'm not here defending Isuzu, I don't know him in the slightest, nor do I care who has a better band. In the end, they seem to do the same thing, it's just some doctors are a little more cautious about them. And isuzu wasn't lying about the triangle thing.

    We are not arguing that the Realize band is not triangle shaped. But that's how the band is when it is filled with only air in the center...not when it is filled when wrapped around the stomach. When it is wrapped around the stomach, the Fluid spreads out and becomes rounded around the stomach muscles. This has been verified by my surgeon as well. Also, it's just simple physics.

    I don't see the rest of us as attacking Isuzu/redstarr (switched names halfway through the thread so as to appear as a secondary voice to his/her arguments)...I see us as trying to correct some major misconceptions this individual has. Plus the whole "I'm right and you're wrong, period."-type of statements he's putting out are just reiterating our points that this troll is nothing but a pawn for some other company to come around here and band-bash another brand name. *shrug* It's quite obvious, really.

  10. O....M.....G. NO, Isuzu, we do not need to see your pic of a Realize band inflated, because as most of us have told you, we've already seen that from our Surgeons.

    By the way, as a MED STUDENT you should know that when something is inflated when nothing is inside of it, it can be triangular shaped. Yes, it looks that way. However, stomach muscle is stronger than that saline balloon. What happens when you put it around a ROUND stomach, is that the balloon rounds out also and evenly distributes the saline (or whatever Fluid is in your band) throughout the tube and around your stomach. Honestly, it does not take a genius to gain this type of knowledge. It's simple, really.

    So please just keep your pics of inflated Realize bands to yourself and enjoy gawking at them on your own time. We all understand and most of us with the band already know what it's all about. I would think you should be studying and not wasting your time running around here and stomping your feet like a big baby.

  11. Yeah, I saw a bunch of this Isuzu's/redstarr's "research" and notable quotables were pulled from Wikipedia and I literally laughed out loud. Told my husband, and he laughed out loud as well. Anybody who tries to use THAT as a reliable source or to support their own arguments has got to be a flunky...definitely NOT a med student. Puh-leez.

  12. I think you're fine. From what my surgeon explained to me, they aren't worried about the drinking too soon after meals until you have a fill and until you have a pouch. If you've not had a fill yet, then you don't have a pouch yet. Plus, the "pushing through" they are worried about it to cause you to be hungry too soon. What problems, exactly, are you worried about? Plus, if it was almost 30 minutes after you ate like you said it was, then don't fret...even if you do have a fill and a pouch already.

  13. I'm right where you are! I had my first fill a couple days ago, and I can't believe how easy it was. I laid flat, he had me tighten my abs, one tiny little stick (barely felt it), then I heard a small "pop" noise (I may have been feeling it and not hearing it, you know what I mean?), and before I knew it the needle was out and he was helping me sit up and placing a bandage on it. I was like, "are you kidding me? That's it?"

    Great stuff. Good for you, too! :biggrin2:

  14. I just can't believe I'm feeling restriction after my first fill! At first I thought it was a fluke, but it's not. Every food I eat, I can feel it. I just had oatmeal for lunch and I ate 3/4 of a cup before I stopped and I thought "Oh my god, I'm full". I know 3/4 of a cup sounds like a lot, but that's so much less than what I was eating pre-band. Also, I realize now that I definitely ate too much. I feel a bit too packed in there. I'll surely stop earlier at my next meal. It's all a learning process, right?

    I'm just dancing over here! I'm so excited for this to finally be happening for me.


  15. I'm happy to report that it was not just a fluke...I have real restriction! Every meal yesterday made me feel my band. food kept me full for very long periods of time. Today, I tried to eat a Weight Watcher brand bagel with light cream cheese, and I made sure to extra-toast it (very crispy) and I was full after 5 bites. I had a large coffee a little while after that and I haven't even thought about food until just now and it's nearly lunch time. I'm having some oatmeal and I'm taking it slow. 3 bites in and I can already feel it sitting in there like a little lump.

    I'm so excited! Thanks for all your comments. I can't wait to lose weight, have my stomach shrink and to need another fill. Hopefully this will stick with me for awhile.

    I'm thrilled, to say the least. :)

  16. I got my first fill yesterday. I got 3cc in a 9cc band. I think I actually have restriction for the first time ever! By that, I mean that I healed so fast after my surgery that I was wanting to eat the back off of an elk less than 12 days after surgery. I'm glad I healed so fast, but those 6 weeks dragged by so slowly. I'm glad I got a fill, I'm glad I feel something. I had 1 packet of Weight Control oatmeal for Breakfast at 7:45am. It's 12:31 now and I finally feel like having lunch. Time will tell if it's real restriction or just a fluke. At any rate, I'm thrilled! *insert happy dance here cuz the smilies aren't workin' while the website is being updated*

  17. I've seen it inflated as well...in fact, it's MORE rounded than all the other bands that I saw inflated next to my Realize band. The other bands are creased also! Are you freakin' blind? Also, the Realize goes ALL the way around the inside of the band. Some other bands do not. Did you miss that day in class?

    There's my post where I stated that I have seen it inflated, and that I saw it inflated next to other types of bands. I don't know. It seemed like a great little device to me and IMHO, it appeared to be better technology. That is strictly my opinion, though.

  18. Not me! I still love it all just the same. I have a couple cups a day, just as I did pre-band. I also still drink it with caffeine. Now that I've stopped drinking soda, I figure I'm doing pretty well. It tastes better than ever for me, in fact. I've always just had mine with cream...I hate sweet coffee. Maybe that's the difference? I dunno. Nothing has changed in the coffee department for me. :thumbup:

  19. I don't have to - my surgeon showed me - Im right and your wrong. period.

    Oh yes. That's a very mature attitude. You know most Med. students don't have time to pick fights and throw tantrums on website boards. They also usually don't use childish comments like that. The more you kick and scream, the more foolish you appear. Keep it going...you're winning! You are a star! You are throwing out flawless arguments and research! We are all changing our minds and having our Realize bands ripped out because of YOU! Woo hoo!!! Gold star for you, darling. I'm sure you'll be teacher's pet one day soon.

  20. I've seen it inflated as well...in fact, it's MORE rounded than all the other bands that I saw inflated next to my Realize band. The other bands are creased also! Are you freakin' blind? Also, the Realize goes ALL the way around the inside of the band. Some other bands do not. Did you miss that day in class?

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