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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jigglepuff

  1. jigglepuff

    when did you feel restriction?

    I realized that most American doctors only add a few cc's at a time which means it could take months to get a restricted band. I had an entire month right after surgery where I didn't lose any weight because I was still eating pretty normally. I ended up going to a doctor in Mexico who explained what happens sometimes with American doctors. He quickly and easily filled the band to proper restriction with just one fill! He explained that there was no reason for me to not be properly restricted after only one fill. I have had no problems adjusting to the restriction, and it has helped me get on with my weight loss!!
  2. jigglepuff

    Confused About When Full

    I have a very similar feeling! Everything feels tight, but within 2 or 3 min I feel like I can eat again. I've only felt "full" a few times since surgery. I was only banded 6 weeks ago, so I havn't had a fill yet. I hope the fill will intensify the fullness feeling!
  3. So I start the day so good! I eat soooo well all day, and then at night I go into vacuum cleaner mode! Ahhh! I'm not really hungry, but I just feel like I need to snack. I don't get very full because its not very much food at a time...just a little every few minutes. I need help stopping this horrible habbit. I've tried drinking large amounts of water but it doesn't really work. Any other suggestions?:speechles

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